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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. on the subject of your flapjacks, i may have been abusing them a little.
  2. U dont have to tell me, ive been here over 3 years, still got stuff in boxes...
  3. i did some checking reinstallin and feckinabout, and confirmed some bugs for you, WHen you attach a tent to a node on the Hacienda tent its backwards, so the tent would deploy inside the other, you have to turn it round manually, this was also present in the alst version. Also in CRP when you select the brew works, it takes in equipment and says its changed, but it has the converters from the clock works., restart fixes this, but it happens on putting in a new hacienda every time i tried (clean install for testing as well). And the resource sharing makes some resources dissapear, e.g. the exact problem im having is, that i have a base making koncrete to make larger base parts, but only 5400 local storage, however i also have a trailer with a few wagons on from the boffalo mod, also setup for sharing koncrete with 21000 capacity, (6 wagons on the trailer) but every time the resource timer ticks, the base drops to a half and konrete is moved to the trailer (as you would expect) but after the trailer is half full the excess vanishes. so i only end up with 13000 ish and cant assemble a module. i even tried with hyperedit to max them from either end, and again the ticker just makes the excess vanish. And i thought id mention because i thought it was a feature origionally, but when you inflate the haciendas they automatically goto a template, and its costs you inflation, but if you want to change it, you cant before its inflate it, so e.g. you have to make it a brewworks, then pay again to get a strip miner. I remember it wasent like this origionally but it has been this way for a we while now. and i thought an idea might be to make the default that fantastic omni storage, and say just a 50eq fee, for inflation and storage type switching in omni, and the normal fees for heavy duty templates (clockworks etc) sorry man, but if your mods wherent as good i would find ways to break them :p wait to you see how i build a base in a few videos time!!!
  4. testing deployment of trailers for my next exploration....
  5. Ok i have a question, is it possible using this mod to put a launch pad on say the Mun and in the vab select that as a launch pad instead of the ksc?
  6. Well thats the funny thing, they have been and some files where copied and modified crafts. And one brand new craft built on the launch bad, then on releasing the engine wouldent work, it was on and full thrust, when i quick saved and quick loaded it just wasent there... im so confused :p
  7. Well heres some odd news, it works for all new built craft i made, with or without the part switching thing. Just not some of the example craft or the craft i made based in them.... so its a fixed issue... sort of
  8. @Angel-125 i have a weird bug for you / @taniwha building any if these ships with EPL in orbit, just hangs the game. i tried stock DSEV and others fine, but these crash it, i think the problem may be the new switchable storage, but its just a theory as this is the first time ive made something with it. what do you need, as its not crashing just freezing when i hit build. loggy logs crash.dmp error.log KSP.log output_log.txt
  9. oh yes! the problem is is im trying not to go over board! we shall see what i use... i speand 4 days making different craft, some might explain more what im lookin at :p I'm all good, it was the wife havin a kid :p oh for the adapters, i was meaning from a half saucer kinda like some one posted before. i mean like @shdwlrd's creation here, i love this design! buy anyways, keep up the good work, and srtup a paetron!
  10. Right i have ideas, and i know you are working on other mods, and you may not like how they fit but u never know. First off parts with flat bottoms or töps or both so you cou stack saucer parts, i.e. a 3 high saucer. And adapters that go from half a ship to2.5/3m sectuons. Then a long central core and parts that clip to that. A core section that is a drone core. Different cargo configurations, i.e. bottom opening that looks right, end opening etc. I know this is all along way off, but this has kept me interested in hospital. So thanks!
  11. Ah ok i get why! You could rename it KESA :p havin said that, ive not come across bugs in your mod in a long time. Its a good finished mod. I think its one that just needs recompiling every once in a while. And i do appreciate the loosing interest in something, its how i discovered KSP, i got bored with eve online. Good luck on the works, and it really is looking good!
  12. My question is more why reboot the mod, why remake functional parts? Its a good ESA theory mod, but what you seem to be saying you want to make is a french mod akin to the uk operation backfire, so why not make both. Atm i use your mod as a heavy cargo mod. And its great for that! Seems od to change it all. Add in to it defiantly ( i love the idea od that cat part on all my relay satellites :p ) Props thow, i love how you put your ideas out there first! Its really nice so see! Ive had a few games killed by un announced deprecations . Much love for the mod!
  13. It seems a bit od to me to put new parts into a mod people already use and remove parts that that they down load the mod for, its like ford saying , from now one we only make bikes, but we are creating a new company for our cars. a mod dosent have have to be constantly changing or improving to be a good one, B9 , LLL , tacls to name a few. I personally dont use mods where the modder will occasionally decide to scrap chunks of the mod and make it save game breaking *cough*MKS*cough* because i like to update the game and continue with the mods i love. As a fan of this mod id say just leave it as is and make a new mod called FrenchSpaceProgram or something, maybe go down the MKS/Pathfinder rout of a shared resource folder if you need the same things in both mods.
  14. Make sure your game version is 1.5.1 ( its not updated yet) then install kopernicus (link on the first post, goto their page, download and copy it to your game data folder) then download and copy this game to your game data folder too. Once all thats done, you need to go into the ASP folder inside game data and look for the gonfig file, open it in a text editor and a few lines in you will see the set homeworld line, change it to where u like, duna is great but eve is hardcore!
  15. I think you need the background processing mod, but im not sure, i dont have the problems your experiencing.
  16. anyone lookin for it, TAC seems to be working ok in 1.6 FTM
  17. ok, fanboydom just reached new levels, i just landed a buffelow rover, then 2 flatcakes right on top of each other with zero practice, this is now my new lander! its great, and im not using the special stuff, just the aerospike! https://imgur.com/a/SD8FUVI
  18. ok couple of questions i tried to find but my forumfoo is lacking. When you put down a base, whats the fastest way to make koncrete, i remember a bulldoser part or something, but i cant see it. Also whare do you put it, do i just need to setup 3 chuckwagons while building to aquire the koncrete, or is there a way im missing? Lastly, and i figure you wont answer this and thats cool, but the sancastle printer.... will it be like a sph but on the ground in the world where you can build and attach things in real time? or attach things that are built or in inventory? cause i have insane useses for a drone like that! :p
  19. havent tried crazy yet, i think im puttin my ideas in my videos, they seem to work. And as always my suggestions are just that, i know you have a mental ammount on your hands! and its all great! Explodes alot in my hands.... But Great!
  20. Damn you @Angel-125 ! This mod is great, its so good i liquided away all evening designing crafts for it instead of doing what i should have been doing! idea thow, a long central core and flat side bits for making oval freighters :p
  21. Loving these! the default craft seem a little unbalenced when empty, espically the 'b' if you have no lfo and drop below 50% mono it starts flippin on you, could do with a touch more cocp pit weight... i solved it with a Tac container :p never mind, found the lead
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