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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. i love how many people ask for CKAN but there's some many issues with a new mod and people b***hing about it i can see why people dont want to get involved. Never mind the gits that tell you to do it as if the developer is lazy and not person that wants to spend 10 minutes installing mods! Rock on @Nertea your mods are awsome!
  2. so i just launched a space dock for the first time in a while and i cant build anything (using epl) the option on the menu isint there, has this support be retracted of have i dun goofed?
  3. na i had a spy in the mm patch and its got a hab multiplyer but no base months, so ive added it to ModuleHabitation BaseKerbalMonths = 100 for the centrafuge and 20 for the Hab that fixed it,
  4. so there's an of thing with usils support, if you use a standard hitchhiker and cupola with the clydesdale you get 111 days of habitation, but with the centrifuge and habitat you only get 14 days
  5. I have never returned from duna or eve, and have never been beyond them. but im hoping to di it soon!
  6. The usils compatability isint working correctly i think, the line for KerbalMonths should be BaseKerbalMonths instead in the MM patch i changed mine from this MODULE { name = ModuleHabitation KerbalMonths = 70 } to this MODULE { name = ModuleHabitation BaseKerbalMonths = 60 }
  7. I love these tracks! horrifying post created by ipad <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/E5qFpIR8hJM" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
  8. Hi @RoverDude i was the one talking about kolonists origionally, the problems im having is that whe you start a new playthrough you mainly get all the new colonists instead of the pilots etc. And you cant affort to use the usi system to purchase them (also when you can use it you cant tell if they where dumb but thats a side issue) i was wondering if you could still hire them through the usi window, but stop them appearing in the complex?
  9. yeah i know that bit , but that dosent help early on when recruiting them in the complex cost 69k instead of 250. but all thats in there is farmers, and i havent unlocked any colony parts yet, not even the 3 man command pod.
  10. ok how do you disable all the new kerbal types? ive tried 2 new playthroughs and each time ive not had any additional scientists pilots or engineers i can recruit, for over a year of ingame time, so i can only fly 2 piloted ships and im not even a quarter way through the tech tree.
  11. Introducing Berthat the SSTO made from Hizenberg, opt and Procedural wings, with enough dv and supplies to get to duna (USI LS) On that subject, is there any chance getting a bottom opening cargo block for the gondola? I mean at some point, i know your mentally busy....
  12. @Angel-125 I was hoping for silver colouring on the tanks as welll as the normal (i shade my fuel tanks differently). As for the hisenberg... I love it... But i havent made any airships, i was using making colony space planes ( ill get a pic later) but they are great, thow i have modded the stats for use with usils's hab timer ( i gave the cockpit and hab modual the same as the cupola) i personally mix a LOT of mods and i use most of your mods alongside roverdudes and darkside for my centrafuge plus all the others. My loading time for kerbal is 10 minutes.... @DStaal cheers for your advice. I havent done coding in years, but i will look into this, id love to have many ways to use the kontainers with this mod. Heres my main workhorse the Clark And my Karborundum mining vessel the Ishimura
  13. love this mod, and to be fair all of your mods, i was wondering if you would be adding any other texture to the fuel containers. My other question is how would i make the fusion Pellets compatable with the tanks from rover dudes mods, i figured if i duplicated the resource and dropped in straight into the CRP it would break the game
  14. So i mass updated a lot of my mods and went back to playing, and no science buttons, at all. just isn't there. so far i removed all of the dmagic stuff and restarted and opened a new career but nothing, the only button on the mystery goo was aim camera. removed the module manager files and restarted same deal. althow i dont think its needed heres my comp spec Now the crazy part, my mod list (this was working before i updated them, but i cant even remember which ones i updated.
  15. could you tell me how to stop this converting the stock nerv to LqdH , as i have alot of stock designs that it messes with?
  16. Just a thought but is there enabled crossfeed between where your batteries are and the freezer? Thats tripped me up in the past on stations Actually i just saw you have kspi in stalled and the mj is at 3.6 wouldent that mean you have less than 1.8k of electricity avaliable (becuase the rest is converted) and you would need 3k to freeze one kerbal. This is based on my complete lack of understanding of how kspi makes megajoules
  17. Ok so on further research what was happening was a NaN bomb caused by updating mods. What was happening was the ships where just coming appart, but the messages said that the parts where changing from sun orbit to mun orbit, then their orbit would NaN and the part would be deleted. This happened so rapidly a 700 peice ship would come appart in a second, always during warp. So if anyone has an issue with this in the future, this might help!
  18. I love your mods, and most of my ships use it!
  19. So i have now started 8 different careers on 2 installs, and i always get a missing kerbal. its been everyone bar Val also after a few hours of play i get ships dismanteling, one just detached every link on loading and floateda about, one the parts just disseapeared, no error messages or anything, they just vanashed, and this happened every single time i reloaded the save no matter what, about 10 minutes after reload. in total ive had this happen on every single save. but i there is nothing in the event log and nothing in the F12 menu. every mod is 1.2 updated, and the mod list is huge...... 000_USITools AirplanePlus B9PartSwitch Benjee10_X-37B BetterBurnTime Bluedog_Design_Bureau BonVoyage Chatterer CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack Cormorant Aeronology CryoEngines CryoTanks CTN CxAerospace DeployableEngines DMagicScienceAnimate EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads Firespitter Firespitter.dll FuelTanksPlus GravityTurn HeatControl InterstellarFuelSwitch JSI KAS KerbalAtomics KerbalEngineer-master KerbalizedFlagpack KerbalReusabilityExpansion Kerbaltek KIS Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal KSPRescuePodFix KWRocketry LBSI LETech MagicSmokeIndustries MarkIVSystem MCM MechJeb2 Mk2Expansion Mk3Expansion ModRocketSys ModularFuelTanks ModuleManager.2.7.1.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree MrMeeb NearFutureConstruction NearFutureElectrical NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft OLDD OPT PartOverhauls Phoenix_Industries_Boosters PlanetaryBaseInc PlanetShine ProceduralDynamics RealScaleBoosters Regolith REPOSoftTech scatterer SmokeScreen SpaceDock SpaceY-Expanded SpaceY-Lifters Squad StageRecovery StationPartsExpansion StationScience StockVisualEnhancements SurfaceLights Trajectories TriggerTech UberDyneAstronautics UmbraSpaceIndustries UniversalStorage VanguardTechnologies Version_2.0 Industries WildBlueIndustries
  20. yeah i have the 2 of them installed and am getting the same results removing them as mentioned above.
  21. Game is hanging on load with 1.5 pbi, it freezes loading KKAOSS_Greenhouse_g
  22. The old saying theres an exception to every rule, but i have to say i love tinterweb arguments! no heard feelings to anyone just fun to rage for a while, and if your like me and read up to make sure your rite you always end up on an interesting but completly unrelated wikipedia page!
  23. So you move to a new area, and the girl next door is nice to you. You ask her to the movies, she says yes. You want more, she is being polite and nothing else and dosent want more. Here we have the devs the lovley nice one girl next door. And you made something up in your head. There you go a childs guide to expectations. And being this much of an pain to the devs will just mean in future they wont include the comunity, so please stop, because i love @RoverDude's mods and id hate for him to stop on account of fanboys that think they are smarter that the guys that created the game.
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