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James M

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Everything posted by James M

  1. No offense but no. I don't have the option to go buy myself a better performing PC and then repurchase the game again only so I can mod it from it's original version. Next time you suggest something, at least try to have more consideration for those who don't live under the same financial situations as you.
  2. Yeah, I think people really forget that what we're looking for isn't just a quick fix but something more long term across the board for all players under all conditions.
  3. Sorry but some of us (Meaning me :/ ) Play the game on console. Not an option.
  4. Okay the only real reason to jettison a heat shield is to either shed weight or to reenter with a thruster attached to the bottom of the lander. You'd have the heat shield under that to protect it and then jettison right before you start your landing burn.
  5. That'd be pretty cool as it would also give the whole Kerbal Space Program thing a background as we know little to nothing about the Kerbals themselves other than they're Green and don't eat, drink, or sleep..
  6. Thank you so much for the update! Its great to know our issues are being acknowledged and resolved. Moderator edit, since this post became the OP for the discussion: This thread is for discussion of the console updates announcement, which you can read here: Discussion has been moved to a separate thread so that users can easily see the latest official updates in the above thread.
  7. Not really going to bother reading everyone else's posts cause I'm going to bed after this but I was thinking earlier, what if they made some tech only accessable through science experiments (Therefore giving them real purpose)? Would that help solve some of the bigger issues? Furthermore is it really okay for us to be able to get science from observing the "Biomes" that make up KSC? I feel it almost makes the entire point of exploring Kerbin obsolete and rushing to other planetary bodies too easily accessable.
  8. Okay so I've been really looking into Space X's recent development lately and while watching a video on YouTube, ran into an idea that may seem simple but for new and experienced players may lend a helping hand. I believe that having drones be able to plant "beacon sites" would allow for more accurate trajectories and landings especially if one intends to make Munar bases. Agree or Disagree?
  9. You may be right. I just hope that's all. This problem has me not playing the game right now, and for me that's really REALLY frustrating.
  10. Literally the first sentence... It says "on console". Are you sure you read it? If I'm wrong and there isn't an update Tuesday, fine. I'm just saying that I hope that that's the case.
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/4ur9hi/devnote_tuesday_fuel_flow/ I know for a fact I downloaded the game before last Tuesday and there hasn't been an update since then, therefore I imagine they're probably talking about this upcoming Tuesday.
  12. From what I'm aware, the update is Tuesday. Hopefully it will help.
  13. I had this problem happen to me 5 times in one night (In fact it was the same trip to the mun every time). In my storage I have only like 4 ships. Nothing close to even 10. Unfortunately I don't believe this to be a sufficient solution. They did mention on their reddit that they were planning to fix how the game would "recreate" the universe every time it loaded. Hopefully that is the answer we're all looking for.
  14. Had the same issue all last night myself. Tried going to Mun 4 times, and every time I attempted to come back to Kerbin, somewhere in the middle the game would crash. My last left me with 300 lost science, and I had just quicksaved and full saved not 5 minutes before I hit recover. I really have no idea what we're supposed to do about this, but I hope somehow they fix it. Realistically it's the biggest thing making people lose motivation to keep playing (In fact some are already refunding their money back). As a first time player, I fell in love with this game, but I think from here on it's either sandbox mode or nothing until the issue gets resolved.
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