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James M

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Everything posted by James M

  1. Yeah I did, and I also deleted my existing flights and it still didn't work for me Ended up just deleting the save out of frustration.
  2. I play on Xbox One and started having this issue today too.
  3. Earlier (can't directly quote) one of the moderators mentioned that updating the game shouldn't reset anything.
  4. Remember that while Nuclear Engines have low Thrust to Weight ratios, they're super efficient (As I'm sure you're well aware) and it's best to bring a small amount of them with lots of fuel to maximize efficiency. When it comes to how many to bring, it really depends on how much time you have or want to spend on mission.
  5. I couldn't give you a definitive answer as both consoles have their fair share of bugs and crashes. My best advice to you however is to continue testing your theory with the fairings and if it proves correct most of the time, then report it to squad on their bug tracker. Hopefully they can fix it before the 1.2 release sometime this year.
  6. Been having the same issue but mine happens when I enter any kind of building other than VAB or Hangar. I have noticed however that right before it starts happening, I'll usually be focused on my spacecraft and then start having issues getting the game to accept my inputs. Basically I'll click something such as the quick save button or the return to ksc button upward of 10 to 20 times before it may or may not actually do it.
  7. 1. Can't use mods but I get what you're saying. 2. Regarding the hardpoint, I tried that and yet, when mounting it on the side of an FLT-200 tank, it still comes off a bit large.
  8. Hey, I'm still sorta newish here so I wasn't sure where to post this but earlier today I was attempting to make a really small two stage lander but found that the radial decouplers were twice the size of my fuel tank and stuck out almost past my spark engine. I know that most people just use the TR-2V Stack decouplers and such to decouple side tanks but why isn't there a smaller radial one? Thanks, James
  9. I hate how sometimes when I try to fine tune maneuver nodes using LB/RB, the camera focuses on another celestial body. Once that happens, I panic since I can't see my Ap or Pe and have to shut down all engines for a moment to reorient the camera back on my vessel in orbit. Very annoying.
  10. Even if I did, nothing would change. We've been waiting for update 1.2 for about a year now.
  11. Hello, I play on console and I am currently also having this issue. We play on 1.1 stock version. My instance has happened multiple times on the same game file (Luckily all have been just probes).
  12. If they could fix it on Xbox and PlayStation and then MAYBE I could understand this. But even then, legend of Zelda runs similar graphical settings and it eats your battery in an hour and a half.
  13. Well in my short time playing the game, I found that I hardly used probes because I always just played safe enough not to strand my crew. Furthermore, their science yield is barely that of sending a Kerbal anyway. I just felt like it would be more fun if playing campaign were done with more of a logical approach. (Yes I'm diving into the whole real life realm here but as far as console goes we only have the vanilla game so no realism mods here)
  14. "Mod rules" he says. Sorry I literally just said I played on console. I don't use mods. I can't. Have no idea what mods to recommend. And it was a challenge. Not a competition. Scoring not necessary.
  15. Don't really have a fix for this bug but can relate. I also have this problem but I believe they *may* have had this issue on pc in the past.
  16. I suppose that's part of the challenge then
  17. Well yeah, but I play on console. We don't have to worry about signal distance yet, just flying the rockets without screwing up XD And considering we don't have mods or anything like that, it is a bit more fun.
  18. The kerbal society has become too anxious to send kerbals to unknown locations without proper reconnaissance missions first. In this challenge mode, you must fly a probe to the desired location and achieve the same goals you would with a kerbal BEFORE you're allowed to send a kerbal. Now here's the tricky part, this also includes different Kerbin Biomes, High Kerbin atmosphere and Low Kerbin Orbit. Of course once you've achieved said goal with a probe then you can send a kerbal. Finally the last (optional) detail; do it all in stock ^-^
  19. Tested this yesterday and it is true. Hopefully they'll fix it in the "upcoming" patch. (No idea when that'll be)
  20. I just wanna know when I can play the game again. I could care less how long it'll "probably" take but "early this year" is a little broad for me especially when not true. I'd be satisfied if they'd just say "The update won't be this year!" and then surprise us by giving it to us early. XD
  21. Two things you need to decide. Are you going to use a rocket or a shuttle? And if you're going to use a rocket, are you going to save the rocket after expending its fuel or not? If you can afford to take everything up and not waste building materials then by all means do it. Just make sure that the fuel you use to get your payloads up there doesn't end up costing more than the payload will be worth.
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