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James M

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Everything posted by James M

  1. Fuel flow from outer tanks in then shed. Yeah it's the basis of asparagus staging but it can be used in a lot of different ways. Just keep that mindset and you'll go really far. (Also don't be afraid to use SRBs. They have ridiculous efficiency)
  2. Just got it and I have to say, for a pre alpha; I'm mind blown. Could use a bit more content, but let's be real, it's astonishing as it is
  3. "Space Race OMB industries to Mun!"... Sends spy satellite to sabotage their rocket.
  4. So this may be an old topic but whatever. I play the game way safe in the sense that I try to take no risks especially when it comes to keeping my kerbals alive. Ever since I bought this game however, I've felt that reentry was honestly way too easy and presented little to no challenge at all to someone with my kind of play style. Sure, I use heat shields but I never bring ablator with me. Don't need it. Ablator weighs a lot, decays too irradically (depending on angles of entry) and the heat resistance of the shield itself is outrageous. If you have the patience to make multiple dips into the atmosphere, it's all but unnecessary. All I'm recommending is some readjusting of the shields themselves. Hopefully this gets considered.
  5. A little detail please? I'd be welcome to do it if only I knew what for.
  6. I fell from reentry once on accident and landed feet first, and by some miracle, my kerbal got spaghettified on landing, softening down the original 40 m/s just enough to survive.
  7. Console players like myself can't mod the game when we don't particularly like something, so a topic based on stock KSP is a wonderful place for learning new ways to go about solving our problems.
  8. Surprised I haven't seen the stock escape system yet.. My issue with it is that since I play on Xbox; If something did happen, I wouldn't be able to get to the abort button fast enough.
  10. From my experience, two stage landers give you them best delta V return in lower gravity so you can make a bunch of hops from biome to biome. Honestly, I don't see why you wouldn't use a two stage lander when given the option.
  11. It needs to be an "Option". Like one of those toggle-able settings, you know? Let's be honest, without it, vanilla players don't use drones enough.
  12. Well, it's officially been a month now since I said "Yay some news" and now I bitterly regret doing so. No patch. No update. No anything. I'm thoroughly disappointed. I've literally never played a game that took this long to update. Ever. And that's seriously saying something. What a waste of time and money.
  13. Not faster than 3197.8? Lol. Yesterday I was coming back from Mun at nearly 3300. Unfortunately I cant really take pics because I play on Xbox, but I'm gonna actually try this next time xD If I get pictures (Maybe using my phone or something), I'll post them!
  14. Lol I play on console so I don't think I've ever actually seen said Monolith xD
  15. Have some guts! Go out and don't be afraid to make mistakes xD That's what makes the game interesting.
  16. So you're telling me that by hiding the things we're looking to find, we wouldn't be tempted to try and find them? I somehow don't believe you I mean, after all, that's really what exploration is right? Attempting to discover the unknown?
  17. So I do this ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Super. Annoying. I'm like "Yeah, I wanna look at that ship there! Oh wait, no, that's the sun. Lb to zoom... Nope the Sun again >:( , Zoom PLS? Nope. Grr."
  18. I think you're incorrect on most cases actually. First point; Start the game and have the "Fog" surround the planet Kerbin. You can see the biomes on Kerbin but outside of that all you see are blurry figures on the maps with a question mark over them. I also think having their orbits untracked would keep us from knowing whether or not they're planets/moons/asteroids. Second Point: Instead of a telescope, have it so each time you upgrade your tracking station, each planet gets dramatically less blurry and you gain a little more info on it's apparent gravitational pull, current orbit and other useful information like that. On the second, they could start tracking asteroids and specifically differentiate what's a planet/moon and what's not. Upon the final upgrade, you'd know exactly what the planet looked like (Which helps you to determine if it even has an atmosphere in the first place) and you'd have enough data to tell you how much delta V and Parachutes you'll probably need. Now if you wanted to just go to said blurry figure with your early game mun lander and attempt a landing with no info, fine, do so at your own risk. But when you don't have the delta v for a landing and a return, it won't be the ship's fault, it'll be yours.
  19. Lol nice job flexing there xD Unfortunately as I ran into the whole "Game crash and rollback" issue, I haven't gotten very far myself. I went to Minmus once and due to the rollbacks, the Mun about 10 times in an attempt to do multiple biomes. (Never managed ) Anyway, to be brutally honest, the only reason I ever use the poodle is because I want to take a three man crew to Duna for extra science and so I can reuse my parachutes for re-entry. Otherwise, I would have made it there using just a one man pod and a terrier.
  20. This topic is the save issues, not the Euro release. It may not be within his "jurisdiction" to tell you all their plans, so please try to be more patient. News will come eventually. (I don't know when, and I understand your frustration. Just don't blame him. He's doing his job.)
  21. I totally see your point with unlocking the entire tree through just Mun and Kerbin, but I'd be willing to bet no one on this forum has done that. (If they have.. Well.. More power to you!) My point is, when you're at let's say the poodle engine and you want to go to Duna, it's totally possible; No doubt. The issue is how difficult it is to actually do it. I never said it was impossible, just very impractical. The more power and fuel you haul on the top of your rocket, the more you have to haul on the bottom and the more you'll have to asparagus stage. xD It just gets very repetitive until you end up with this like 50 stage bottom rocket lifting this little 5 ton lander (Maybe an exaggeration, but you get the point). What I'm getting at is; early travel beyond Mun happens to be more difficult than it should be UNTIL you get the nuclear engine. Then it's easy. Am I making sense? Why this is an issue is because it becomes really the only path people take for interplanetary travel. All other directions don't help you as much for reaching that goal.
  22. I think there needs to be a competing engine to the nuclear engine for a start to this whole collaboration. What I definitely noticed when first starting out (And watching Scott of course) was that in order to go to other major planets you pretty much have to have the nuclear engine. Without it you're stuck in Kerbin's system and once you work your way there, boom; all of a sudden you're a Solar System Explorer Extraordinaire. If not this, at least something a notch lower but capable of taking you to places like Duna without having to haul a ridiculous amount of fuel due to a massive lack of Delta V. Furthermore, this would give newer players with less engineering knowledge a chance to go further, and experienced players multiple options to choose between when preparing for their next mission. Maybe also as an alternative, they could implement the nuclear engine a little later down the road than it already is?
  23. Definitely the same way I feel. People should first learn how flying works before you know, blasting out of the atmosphere and onto other planets/moons. While it is certainly fun to fly into orbit with tier two rocket parts, its just not realistic (Please don't misunderstand and think my whole point is realism. I'm just expressing myself here). Especially when most of KSP's population struggles to make efficient airplanes capable of traveling even halfway across Kerbin.
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