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Everything posted by Stratickus

  1. Are there plans to add emmissives to this pack, or are the engines already too cool? Cheers,
  2. Does anyone else think the exhaust plume for the Bollard is too high? I have tried to lower it, unsuccessfully. So far this is what I have tried: Any thoughts? Cheers,
  3. I should have clarified a bit better. I was able to find documentation that explained usageReqMaskInternal but was unable to properly implement it. I have more or less done the same thing you have, except I just straight up added the Mystery Goo experiment to the 1-3 pod as opposed to implementing it as an upgrade. In any event, I get the following error when trying to activate the experiment from the pod using usageReqMaskInternal = 8 If I use something like usageReqMaskInternal = 8, 4 or usageReqMaskInternal = 4, 8 the game seems to ignore the '8' because I can activate the experiment using a non Scientist, which is not what I want to happen, nor what I would expect from the above information. I'm gussing maybe that the game sees the pod as the goo canister or something and doesn't expect the experiment to be run from inside it self. Or something. I'd like to be able to 'specify where' in order to alleviate the above error. Cheers,
  4. Thanks. Ultimately it did not work. In the link you posted, it was noted that ModuleEngines and MultiModeEngine were not able to be upgraded, which was what I was trying to do. @sebi.zzr as an aside, were you ever able to figure out usageReqMaskExternal = 8? I would like to use it, but keep getting the error "... requires a Scientist, but does not specify where. This module doesn't seem to be working properly." I'm wondering if I am not using it correctly. I am more or less trying to do what it appears you were trying to accomplish by adding certain science experiments to command pods. Cheers,
  5. Does anyone have an example of a Part Upgrade MM patch? I'm trying to upgrade the RAPIER to use Liquid Hydrogen with Nertea's Kerbal Atomics for both open and closed cycles, but I'm afraid its a bit too ambitious for me. So far my attempts have not worked. This is what I have so far: For the time being, I am only trying to upgrade one part of the engine (Closed Cycle). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers,
  6. I am having on odd issue with Astrogator. I have the mod installed via CKAN. I get this error when when trying to update it to the latest version: I subsequently get this error when trying to manually delete Astrogator: It appears that my computer thinks the folder Astrogator is in use or something. It is not. KSP is not running and I have no idea why it would think that it is. This has happened 3 times now when I try to update the mod via CKAN. The first time it happened, I dismissed it as an anomaly, restarted my computer and had no issues. However, it continues to happen. I of course have no idea why, but it is curious, especially since people have reported lag/FPS issues. Let me know if you need anything else that can be of use. Cheers,
  7. I found the problem to my specific issue. It was a mod conflict. Apparently OPM does something that the contract generation system did not like. I have tested this twice on 2 separate saves, using the clear contract button in the debug menu after uninstalling OPM and get the Mun contract right away. Cheers,
  8. Yes, but it is not updated to 1.2.2 yet. You can install it via CKAN if you change the compatible versions in the CKAN settings. Cheers,
  9. I removed Sigma Binary and have no issues with the contracts. It would appear that it is not OPM that causes the issue, but rather OPM+Sigma Binary. I imagine it has something to do with the way it changes the orbits of Plock and Karen and the CP can't find Plock or Karen. Or something.. Cheers,
  10. This config works for the cockpit: But the cockpit is too small in diameter. As if it were a 1.20m part or something. Also the lights don't work. Cheers,
  11. Interesting. I currently have both Sigma Binary and Kopernicus installed and am no longer getting those errors. For me it is isolated to OPM.
  12. I don't use CactEye, so that's why I was only getting errors with Unmanned and GT. All of these Contract Packs use celestial bodies in their setup though. Apparently neither is quite setup correctly to accommodate new planets or at least OPM. I don't think this is an OPM issue. Cheers,
  13. What other contract packs are you getting errors for? I'll double check, but I was pretty sure CC was only throwing logs for Grand Tours and Unmanned Contracts. I'm also pretty sure a fix for Grand Tours was found and is waiting to be released. If it is indeed other contract packs than the scope of the problem is bigger and more likely with OPM and CC. Cheers,
  14. Found it. It's OPM. Uninstall that single mod and the Unmanned Contracts are there. With it installed they aren't. Not sure what you can do with that. Let me know if you need anything else.
  15. I had all 3 of your contract packs installed on my test install and it worked. I am currently uninstalling everything I can think of that has anything to do with contracts. The search continues.. Thanks for the help.
  16. No worries. As busy as you probably are and how quickly this thread moves, I wouldn't have been surprised if I had missed it. No doubt having to answer the same questions over and over slows down progress, so I just wanted to see if it had been covered previously as opposed to you having to re explain it. Again..
  17. Your new avatar threw me off. I was confused as to who was speaking with such authority on matters that really only you should. Until I realized you were you. Anyway, has there been any sort of road map mentioned with regard to USI/MKS and GC integration? Or is it still very much a WIP with no real firm plan? I've caught bits and pieces of it since its recent integration, such as GC being about 90% of what you intended to do anyway, possibly creating your own (USI) workshops and limiting specific modules etc. I checked the dev thread and didn't see anything like a road map. Just curious. Cheers,
  18. This is problematic and is causing quite a bit of head scratching because based off this alone, it seems that the error is on my end. Especially, since I seem to be the only one having this issue. Unfortunately, I have uninstalled and reinstalled now several times with CKAN and manually, always with the same results. Based almost exclusively out of stubbornness I have tried to find the error and have yet to find anything conclusive. Or at least anything that resolves the errors that CC is putting out. I noticed Grand Tours did not have a group.cfg file. I took a look at the Unmanned Contracts group.cfg and didn't notice anything unusual. Which is why I cannot figure out why I am getting this error: The error specifically references " No contract group with name 'STGUnmannedMissions' ". But when looking at the group.cfg it is clearly there. Upon further digging, I looked at other Unmanned Mission error logs and found additional errors: The additional parsing errors start with the First Unmanned Flyby Mission. Error parsing title > Error parsing subject etc. The First Unmanned Flyby Mission is the 3rd mission in the UnmannedContracts.cfg. The first 2 missions (First Orbit and First Return from Orbit) in the UnmannedContracts.cfg do not have these additional parsing errors. So I looked at the UnmannedContracts.cfg and found this for First Orbit and First Return from Oribit: Contrasted with this for the 3rd mission in the file on: It should be noted that with the Text Reader I use, green colored text indicates that the game will not read it. However, green text should only follow a double forward slash ' // '. You can clearly see that there are several lines in the .cfg file that are green and do not follow a ' // '. I am completely confused as to why this is. Unless I am missing something, the Text Reader I use should have no impact on how the game reads files. However, despite there clearly not being a ' // ' in front of title = ..... for the First Unmanned Flyby CONTRACT_TYPE in the .cfg file, it is green and does correspond directly with the error logs produced and so on. Something isn't adding up and it appears to be only on my end and I have no idea why.. Hopefully it goes without saying, but the .cfg files referenced above are completely unedited by me and downloaded directly from CKAN. I'd like to help if I can. Let me know if you there is anything else I can do to help. Cheers,
  19. It seems like you progress very similar to how I do it, though you combine a lot more missions than I do. Making sure the facilities were at their lowest level was not something I had really considered. Though usually, by the time I get the Minmus contract the only 2 buildings I have upgraded are Mission Control and the Astronaut complex. Unfortunately, I did test this and upgraded only the Astronaut complex to get the spacewalk mission and no other buildings and I cannot get Mun, no matter how many times I regenerate the contracts using the debug menu.. If anyone else has any ideas, I'm willing to try.
  20. I'm not necessarily looking for a spoiler or even a peek behind the curtain, but every time I start a new career, I always get the Minmus contract, never the Mun. This last career playthrough, I have been very careful in how I progress. I get the Minmus contract immediately after returning from my first orbit. There is essentially no way I have been to either Mun or Minmus SOI yet. Stubborn indeed. As I mentioned, I have used the in-game debug menu to constantly clear and regenerate contracts. For some reason I never get Mun, which makes me think I a missing some key detail. Can I ask how you typically progress? It may very well be that the way I do my initial progression inevitably drives me to Minmus and not Mun. I have played the early part of career so many times now, that I do it virtually identically every time. It's not that foolish. It was variable I had not really considered before as obvious as it is. But as of late I have been very careful not to go to Mun first. Or anywhere for that matter. With an additional bit of testing, after I had cycled through the 3 various Minmus contracts using the debug menu dozens of times, I upgraded the Astronaut complex and predictably got the first Spacewalk contract. Now when I regenerate contracts I will not get anything but the Spacewalk contract even though I have literally accomplished nothing else after initially getting the Minmus contracts. This leads me to believe that whatever algorithm is being used to generate these particular contracts needs necessary triggers or events and then generates the 'easiest' contract. Or at least something that is close to predictable progression. I had assumed that getting to Minmus or Mun were similar in difficulty if not progression. Though if I had to pick one, it would make more sense to me to at least fly by Mun before getting Minmus. I understand that there is a bit of randomness to the contract generation, but I assumed that regenerating the contracts using the debug menu as akin to re-rolling the dice. Which again takes me back to thinking that I consistently miss some sort of necessary trigger or event. Cheers,
  21. Installed via CKAN. I recently uninstalled all 3 contract packs, plus SpacetuxSA and subsequently reinstalled. Requested screenshots: Unmanned Contracts version: Copy of one of the logs: You can see from the screenshots that there are more logs. Let me know if you need more or a specific one. Cheers,
  22. Does anyone know definitively how to generate the World First Explore Mun Contract? Is there some sort of necessary prerequisite? I always get the Explore Minmus contract. I have used the in-game debug toolbar to both regenerate and clear current contracts. I will get the 3 variations of the Explore Minmus contract over and over, but never Mun. I must have clicked each of those buttons hundreds of times and I never get Mun. What am I missing? Cheers,
  23. I'm still getting these logs. Additionally, neither Unmanned Contracts nor Grand Tours are appearing in the CC All tab at Mission Control. I have uninstalled and reinstalled SpaceTux and all 3 contract packs. Only Rover Missions are generating for me. Let me know if you want the logs. Cheers,
  24. @Nertea Thanks for the quick fix. I for one appreciate the hard work that goes into your mods. For free. Cheers,
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