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Everything posted by Stratickus

  1. EDIT: I got it to work as intended. ---- I'm trying to make a personal MM patch that enables seeing encounters (craft with Mun for example) possible with Level 1 Mission Control and Tracking Station. I'm starting to suspect it it not possible with just CBK (no other mods). I've tried adjusting the settings, but just cant seem to get it to work. Just as an example I've tried to the following: I've messed around with just about all the settings I can think of. I realize that CBK doesn't really modify this particular in game mechanic, but since it allows modification of similar settings (patched conics unlock level etc) maybe I could get it to work. Cheers,
  2. Where is this setting located? I looked and couldn't find it. Cheers,
  3. My bad, I just read the FAQ.. I'm assuming some other kind soul is updating the CKAN meta data. Cheers,
  4. @The Minmus Derp is OPX-SSM and OPX-IW meant to have CKAN support? I tried following the thread; it looks like at some point they were not publicly released, but the way I read the first post now is that they are public/released. The reason I ask, is that the rest of OPX appears to have CKAN support. Cheers,
  5. Edit: Nevermind.. I missed the part where it says "requires Restock Waterfall".. I had SWE installed. Is this still working for everyone? I just can't get seem to get it to work. Cheers,
  6. Edit: I missed the RWE requirement for the patch. Does anyone have a fix for the updated ReStock Cheetah plume? The four smaller nozzles have oversized plumes. I tried messing with the Waterfall in-game editor, but couldn't find the correct setting to adjust. Edit: I found this patch, but it does not appear to fix the problem. I'll do a bit more investigating, but I am doing this on a clean install with nothing but Waterfall and necessary dependencies installed. Cheers,
  7. Maybe you don't get it. CTT is a stand alone mod it does not come bundled with mods, nor does it even specify that mods be used to fill any or all added Tech nodes. It is almost more for other modders to fill in the Tech nodes if they see fit to do so. Think of it like a choose your own adventure for adding mods to fill out the tech tree. Either way, no such list currently exists that I'm aware of. You may be interested in the Hide Empty Tech nodes mod. Cheers,
  8. @Well I converted the flag files to .png and it fixed the problem. I attached the new flag files in GitHub. Cheers,
  9. I know this is quite old, but I love the idea of being able to manipulate the Categories via Module Manager, especially in conjunction with VAB Organizer. Anyway, I'm having a bit of trouble. I was able to create one new (Probes) custom category, but only one.. I cannot figure out why the other category (Exotic Fuel Tanks) won't display in the VAB. Any help is appreciated. EDIT: I figured it out: a part needs to be assigned/unlocked in the new category for it to be displayed in the VAB. Additionally, resizing icons (an icon from CTT for instance) to 32x32 is necessary per the original post. Cheers,
  10. I'm struggling to develop a personal config that works. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but cant seem to figure out what it is. I have tried multiple variations for actionName, using animationName from various Cargo Bays, but none seem to work. Any help is appreciated. Cheers,
  11. @Well The Glowing Kraken Industries agency flag is blank for GKI offered contracts in Mission Control. I'm not totally sure, but I believe it is because the flags bundled with the mod are a .dds file, not a .png Cheers,
  12. Bad thing? No. But it is odd and definitely not normal. I'm curious if whatever is causing this to happen is causing other things as well that are bad..
  13. I've got a weird 'bug' that I'm sure is mod related, but I'm not sure where to start looking. I've picked up a few Rescue Contracts and all the Kerblas are EVA (without a part/craft of any kind). Anyone seen anything like this before? I've got the Rescue Contract Fix mod installed, but my problem isn't one of the things RCF 'fixes.' I did a quick search, but didn't find anything. Cheers,
  14. @dok_377, @BSS_Snag Thanks for info. Good to know it wasn't on my end. Cheers,
  15. @linuxgurugamer Not sure if it has been reported yet, but I am getting an odd 'bug.' When going into time warp, craft freezes like in stock, but when coming out of time warp, rotation resumes (persistent). Seems to be a conflict with another mod; Persistent Rotation worked fine on a clean install. Log Cheers,
  16. @linuxgurugamer Same problem. Once a Kerbal is EVA'd the light works automatically as expected, but when launched from the VAB, Crew Light does not seem to recognize the Kerbal inside. Seems to work fine on a clean install, but is conflicting with some other mod. Log Cheers,
  17. Makes sense. With the KA extras folder, the default engine mode is LH; which uses your config. When I switch to LF mode it reverts back to the stock (non WF) engine plume that comes with Restock+.
  18. I meant just the straight LF mode. I was also specifically referring to the Restock+ NTR, which I now realize isn't necessarily what this patch was for. You would also have to have the Kerbal Atomics extras folder installed giving the Restock+ NTR the multi engine mode to use just LF or LH. As far as I know, you need two separate Water Fall configs, one for each fuel type. Essentially the same thing for the Squad NTR. I'm not sure which WF mod I have that gives me two distinct WF cofigs for the respective LF and LH modes for the LV-N. Cheers,
  19. Anyone else having issues with Engine Cooling? I have 0.6.0 installed and the engine cooling % in the VAB Part info is blank as well has not displaying in the PAW in flight. As far as I can tell the engine(s) aren't producing any cooling effect when at throttle either. Which as I understand was introduced somewhere around 0.4.0. I did a brief test and installed System Heat 0.6.0 & 0.4.0 on a fresh install with no other mods and the Engine Cooling info was displayed in both the VAB and PAW with 0.4.0 installed (but not 0.6.0). I didn't do much beyond that because now I'm worried its some other mod conflict or something on my end. Just wanted to double check before I started down a rabbit hole. Cheers,
  20. Any progress? I am eager to see the results. Now that I've started using your configs, I don't like using the LF mode on the Restock+ NTR anymore..
  21. I fixed it. I kind of glossed over it when I first looked into this, but it had to do with Kopernicus. In the config file for this Contract Pack the line for the Kopernicus solar panels is blocked with the double slashes (//). Unblocking the line(s) in the config file fixes it. I vaguely remember Kopernicus renamed their Module Part name for the solar panels and I'm guessing it was blocked out in this config file while it was getting sorted out. Cheers,
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