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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Soon™ New stock-scale spaceplane. It includes the boarding ramp and features a deployment bay with 15 tons payload. This is a test-bed for full Hydrolox conversion-- the aerospike ran on Hydrolox and the plane parts themselves held that fuel mix. The wings were not allowed to hold fuel, and the plane had assistance from 8 short SRBs on liftoff to spare some dV on ascent so it can't count as an SSTO. It's better off only carrying crew and maybe a life support refill for a low orbiting station as it is. Some style points sacrificed for ensured yaw stability. There's no RCS thruster on this.
  2. @horngeek I've revised/updated the CLS config (OneDrive link). I've added more parts to it since I considered passable volume when I did the tank volume balance pass in Reconfig v1.5 and 1.6. Try it out and let me know.
  3. @Cloakedwand72 You're welcome. @gilflo Ah. Well insert the ModuleCryoTank module into GameData/OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_B9PS_Cryo.cfg before the line that says "// Cabins" so that it looks like this. Please do not accidentally duplicate the existing stuff around it. When you restart KSP, all OPT tanks will be applied to. // Apply subtypes @PART:HAS[#manufacturer[OPT*Division],@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,CryoEngines,!Pathfinder] { MODULE // The cooling/boiloff module { name = ModuleCryoTank // in Ec per 1000 units per second CoolingEnabled = True BOILOFFCONFIG { FuelName = LqdHydrogen // in % per hr BoiloffRate = 0.05 CoolingCost = 0.05 } BOILOFFCONFIG { FuelName = LqdMethane // in % per hr BoiloffRate = 0.005 CoolingCost = 0.02 } } // Cabins @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[OPTcabin]] { SUBTYPE { name = LH2 tankType = OPTLH2 title = OPT LH2 } SUBTYPE { name = Hydrolox tankType = OPTLH2O title = OPT Hydrolox } SUBTYPE:NEEDS[CryoTanksMethalox] { name = Methane title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_methane tankType = LM } SUBTYPE:NEEDS[CryoTanksMethalox] { name = Methalox title = #LOC_CryoTanks_switcher_fuel_methalox tankType = LMOx } } I would really like to know how Thor Tech is involved with Cryo Engines. I assume you've patched its LiquidFuel engines to burn LH2.
  4. @RaiderMan Yep. That answer is sufficient. And I'd call those RCS blocks "shirt buttons" lol! OPT has a small array of RCS thrusters to use, all of which are decently powerful and fit for use on heavy spaceplanes. But there's no compact 5-way thruster.
  5. @RaiderMan Heh. It's the best thing when something steals focus and makes you type into nothing. At least, I had anticipated you'd know a thing or two better and could have had advice to share. I'm sad now that I didn't get to see it. And that is a very interesting situation-- the shuttles and their MonoProp balance.
  6. On the front page of the forum there's a block on the right called Featured Streamers. When you see the name Rocketology appear in there, go to his Twitch channel and ask him. He makes it his business to teach proper aircraft design.
  7. Install Community Resource Pack. The SAGE and SURGE engines require IntakeAtm resource which is present in any planet's atmosphere, representing atmosphere usable as working fluid or reaction mass regardless of having Oxygen or not. Those engines can operate in any atmosphere, not just Kerbin and Laythe.
  8. You're welcome. I didn't add the Ore tanks to the wings. I put them in the rear deployment bay, towards the bottom, and offset them down enough so that KER measures near zero thrust torque. I also made sure that the wheels are offset down enough and the wings not offset too high, all for that zero thrust torque. These things can be quite delicate.
  9. @RaiderMan The design of the spaceplane may objectively be very bad. Answering someone's query for design help with an autopilot mod is not the way to go. It does not help the person to design their craft better, and if the design is poor enough then the autopilot will miserably fail. @Callistoan Your spaceplane design was objectively bad. I removed the forward service bay as it contributed the most to omni-directional body lift (see light blue aero effect lines in album) and replaced it with a down-facing extra deployment bay. I raised the main wings to raise the CoL to fortify the plane against flying upside down, and added some loaded Ore tanks to control the CoM (since these wings are heavy). I then added some down-facing stabilizers to increase very badly needed yaw control (see omni-directional lift problem), and I removed the elevons from the underside of the aerospike as they lower the CoL and make the plane want to fly upside down. Also, flaps around an aerospike sounds wrong to me-- especially when the aerospike rightfully has gimbal and lots of it. Finally, I added some stabilizers (as canards or forward flaps) to increase the plane's forward pitch authority which is also needed very badly. Note, I keep these wings dry. I don't like clipping things into loaded tanks, and the wet mass CoM offset is not worth the dV. Pitch authority lies equally in an aircraft's ability to force its tail up, and its ability to force its nose down to resist flipping out at high AoA. Either have canards or (preferred) have lots of rear control surface area near the CoM. I no longer needed to empty my RCS to guarantee a stable reentry. It's no longer the shuttle you may dream of...but it's a stable one and not that much bigger. You could skip the down-facing yaw stabilizers and pack more RCS fuel or more sideways RCS thrust to compensate. Imgur Album
  10. Not happening imo. There is no fixed referenced frame or point to build a dV map on when you go interstellar (There are so many variables for approach at the next system that a given map would only be relevant 1 in 1 million times). By the time you can send anything interstellar, dV should no longer be a problem. KSP2 will readily show you through its end-game engines and propellants.
  11. Kerbalism creates its own VAB category and moves things out of the other categories and into its own. CCK allows other mods to create and occupy their own category. Either you didn't look in the Kerbalism category or Kerbalism and CCK are somehow fighting (and they will most likely only fight over life support and habitation parts) and have somehow made these parts disappear completely.
  12. @gilflo If you're not already using OPT Reconfig I highly recommend you do. It makes OPT more compatible with popular mods, re-tunes the engines to have more believable behaviors and fixes many lift/drag issues. There is a cryo tanks patch in there but it requires you to install Nertea's Cryo Engines. By popular demand this patch does not add the boiloff management to OPT. If you're interested I started on a config to make OPT engines run on LH2 as well. It would be nice to have someone to test it and give feedback.
  13. (I take it you read the spoiler) Heheheh. My job is done.
  14. Yeahhhh... I noticed that there's a river. More like a Strait. My immediate thought was to build my own highway over it (Konstructs) and let loose with my car (with all ability to prevent unplanned ascent or other change of vector). I managed some flying cars too, some months back, but completely lost the skill for it now.
  15. Hmmmm. This gives me the idea to try Smart Parts on a car, and inspiration to mess with cars again in general.
  16. @infinite_monkey Chances are the stock tanks are defaulting to the Structural subtype. That's either my intention or one of those tiny harmless quirks or oddities that KSP has. If you can still choose from RR's options in the stock tanks then my only advice is to live with it, sorry. Personally, sometimes I like that the stock tanks default to Structural for the cases where I want to play with fuel other than LFO. I tend to ignore the stock dV system as much as possible since it has a few false assumptions from Squad built into it which makes it useless or unreliable in some situations. It's worth mentioning that Tundra Exploration and possibly Shangsheng Orbital now contain a config that changes some (if not all) of their engines to use Methalox if RR is detected. You may want to go into the respective rocket mod's Patches folder and delete their "MethaloxEngine" config file.
  17. @infinite_monkey I'm pretty sure I won't conflict with anyone's own custom bases. The KSC Harbor is directly east of KSC's runway (I can't see anyone actually building their own harbor. If you have one there you're gonna have to move it or delete mine. ) And I make no additions to KSC itself because many of those exist already.
  18. KSP does, but the three sites were all close enough that at least two will load nearly simultaneously when you approach them and it's easy to be near enough to the three at once. Well I do intend for some cases where two are close together, but never three.
  19. New dependencies, yes, but only to people who want more space centers, of course. They shouldn't cost you much in performance since my PC lacks in FPS and I haven't put trees or lots of roads in any of them, but I've never had to even think about limiting the size of a base to save FPS. I can't confirm the ROC (scanning feature) thing. I don't do anything with or about them. Get in line. It hurts to not have that button. I'm glad you like. Heh.
  20. Who here thought that the coming JNSQ update only has scatters and "sky candy" in it? Let's go for a launch. And let me give you a glimpse of how much more there is! ....
  21. @KIMCHI That particular highlight is the highlight for the revival of the OPT Avatar Freight Cockpit with built-in docking port. It only appeared in one release of OPT way back and then disappeared because of technical issues. This plane is built with mostly legacy fuselage parts and legacy main wings. It won't look like current K fuselage. For an OPT install you only need to have the OPT main folder or the OPT Legacy + OPT Reconfig folders, or you can have all. OPT Reconfig is optional for OPT (Main) and makes it more playable, but, it is required by OPT Legacy. If your install is weird, check whether you have OPT folders inside of other folders. @horngeek I'll be waiting.
  22. This is a very nice start and a very interesting and new take on mission pictures and log design. Keep the good stuff coming, yo.
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