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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @captinjoehenry Alright. That's all good to know. Yes, my suggestion was to have the converter module not in the wing panels. The stock ones (at best) don't have the volume to contain anything other than piping. Yeah. Cockpits, cabins, tanks with lifting surface.
  2. Ahhhh. It's great to see this mod alive again. @captinjoehenry It looks like this build will actually work for me if I install it. I've learned a bit from having to roll my own because of, and in the absence of this mod. My ablation mod is only for personal use but I'll contribute any knowledge to this publicly open mod. My preferred version keeps generation and tankage out of the individual lift surfaces and only lets them all have the ablator module for concern of having loads of computations running on the wings alone, (let alone crewed parts with lifting surface) and potential conflicts with tank modules provided by tank switching mods. If you will, make the resource flow non-restrictive by default and add the converters only to parts that have lifting surface and (tankage or crew capacity).
  3. I've already confirmed the technique for using the craft's velocity to control conversion rate. The key is in the machCurve for the discreet intake for the intermediate resource (Liquid Oxygen) and to have the associated converter always-on. But, again, the intake will work in every atmosphere and that needs to fix.
  4. @Gordon Fecyk I don't think we're going far off-topic. GPP is still part of this conversation. We're talking about engines to add ease to ascent from the likes of Tellumo. LACE sounds like a great idea, and there should be plenty opportunity to exploit that in GPP. I've already developed a LACE alike intake which first harvests Liquid Oxygen from an atmosphere and converts it to Oxidizer at the cost of ElectricCharge and a minimum required surface velocity. It just has one issue in it: it gathers Liquid Oxygen in every atmosphere.
  5. Discussion of this has happened a few times before. A very welcome part of a career mode overhaul would be the ability to have missions and rewards bound to specified planets, such as: if you have mod engines that run on a fancy resource, the tech tree node for them can only be opened by bringing home some of that resource, or a sample from a specific biome on a specific planet as opposed to just throwing science points at it.
  6. @Helmetman The mods I had in mind at the time are: This one presents, in summary, ground-attached parts which simulate just the entry point into the underground, and whose IVA extend beneath the surface, providing some level of interactivity with the ground. If, say, its dev @steedcrugeon develops many of these parts with varying IVAs and varieties of modules typically found in crewed parts, that plus having ground attached (gigantic?) Hangars by @allista, you're nearly already covered for having lots of usable space "inside" the asteroid. This one equally inspired my idea as its main function is in hollowing out an asteroid and converting it to the Rock resource, then attaching "tank hatches" giving it embedded, reconfigurable tankage for whatever resources interest you. This mod also contains Mass Drivers which are akin to Torch Drives that are fueled by the asteroid itself (Rock resource). Apart from ART above, I believe this mod does or will contain several engines very well suited to serving as main propulsion for an interstellar asteroid colony. The existing fusion engines already look like Epstein Drives, and its maker has plans to make Venture Star alike engines. Now, as for your advanced ideas like better physics, mashing them together, and greater heat tolerance, I'm not aiming for any of that at all but I would be very grateful if Squad considered that. I'm ensuring that my request is simple enough to keep the likelihood higher that Squad will bother with it (consider how many of these request threads actually get answered and appear in a game update, and how long it takes if so). Then the modding community has something to go wild with rather than keeping on dreaming. Many of the little things you also mention, like the asteroid shrinking as it's mined out, also likely won't happen. KSP is a very complex game but yet it's also still a basic one, produced by a very small company and which caters to the very few things we a humans can currently do in aerospace. Space mining irl is still a far off dream to us, not to mention, dynamically resizing parts in-flight (the asteroid is a part, believe it, and by extension cannot carry its own gravity and SOI) can get very messy. KSP Asteroids as a concept is incomplete, yes. I've noticed. They are limited in size, have a weak heat tolerance, and aren't very flexible for modding. It would be icing on the cake if they were more mod-friendly, such as controlling their textures, size and resources, and even making our own models for them just as we can do for ship parts and planets.
  7. Not a problem. Just learn to ignore it. The real problem is, from my experience, engines whose primary propellant is IntakeAtm don't register on KER so it's hard to account for thrust torque between those and other engines or the craft's CoM. (However, RCS Build Aid handles it.) .......Maybe I'm coding my engines poorly.
  8. SSTO from Eve/Tellumo is indeed nearly impossible. You'd need a parts pack that players will generally cry "cheaty/OP" at --any mod that clearly discards fidelity to stock engine performance limits. I've developed a pair of jet engines to make this much easier, and gave them some appropriate nerfs to ensure that they don't make the job a cake walk. At the end of the day I still needed (in most cases) an inflating heatshield for the nose cone, and some epic vacuum engines as well, since any air-breathing engine flames out indefinitely at around 22km up on Tellumo, and the mass of the craft is still more important than anything else. Is it plausible to produce an Explodium air-augmented rocket or scramjet? I'm pretty sure that kind of technology would be realized with much more passion by beings native to a high-gee world than natives to the likes of Earth/Kerbin. If it breaks Mach 6, be sure I'd like to play with it. I think Thalia Space Program would be the super-badS one. Thalia is just as punishing as Tellumo in its own ways, whereas Catullus is just big and far from Ciro. (Catullus has just 0.9 geeASL. That's not scary to seasoned players.)
  9. A little sandbox adventure in the middle of a burst of heavy modding again. With just a pilot, an engineer, and a very capable fusion drive, this Venture Star-alike concept sailed to Grannus. What looked like a 4 year trip turned into 10 years due to having no experience with sub-light interstellar travel and no real flight plan.
  10. It does. Just install a version of Kopernicus that works with your version of KSP. I assume 1.3.0-x
  11. Visuals are unavailable right now due to texture license violation. Look out for the next big release in this thread. That's when they'll be available again.
  12. Are you suggesting I arrange all the USI references into one solid chunk in my guide post? The post that contains the install instructions? I don't mind if that's the case.
  13. Sounds legit to me. The most that we're currently able to launch is satellites. Granted that worlds with ~100 kPa (1 atm as we know it in KSP) become a foreign concept in this case are you implying that jet engines's performance curves would be very different there?
  14. @OhioBob Your engine tweaks were never worthless. Never. We've had a few players land on Tellumo (mainly with stock engines) already. If anything, your engine tweaks have only missed a few opportunities to shine. (In short, bundle them anyway)
  15. That would be @Gordon Fecyk. He shared a Tellumo setup and is one of the helpers on @GregroxMun's Alien Space Program (KSC on any planet). He'sshown himself to be quite an awesome fellow.
  16. It looks like this, if nothing else. The packets even include a juice box! (Made by @Angel-125 )
  17. No problem. I wonder, though, what Andrew would do. afaik, dV maps tend to have a homeworld at the root of the tree and don't account for multiple stars or interstellar travel.
  18. There's more to a dV map than just the numbers you can extract from KER.
  19. Your problem is due to an error between those parts and Community Tech Tree. if you can get to, and delete this file, they'll come back: KSS/Parts/KSS_CTT.cfg (Better yet, if you can open it and change @category to @TechRequired in the 3 places it appears, the parts will appear in the hangar and in their correct tech tree nodes.
  20. Here's a popular request, but with just a little twist. It would be nice if we could get higher classes of asteroids. I'm not concerned for the decreasing ability of players to move these things (players will find a way to overcome this. We know our mods and can develop the strategies with or without mods) but I do want to present the idea of colonizing these giant asteroids, building great bases upon (even into them) and of course, mining them. Just as NASA eventually may do, and advanced races in sci-fi games and motion pictures have done. I'm not asking for sizes reaching Dres (Ceres) but between Ida and half of Vesta. (Or whatever in-game scale that ends with near-Gilly size? or bigger than Gilly?) They don't even need any serious investment of dev effort for their shapes, or integration into the progression systems. All I ask is for more shapes and sizes and that they can randomly appear like the rest. Riding on the ability to change an asteroid's orbit at will (before anyone suggests I just find a planet modder and have them make a misshapen moon for me) I intend that these extra large asteroids can additionally be turned into mobile stations and generation ships. Manned vessels and deep space colonies (interplanetary... even interstellar) can then be built into these things and their finite but exponentially greater Ore volume and surface area would make for several new gameplay options.
  21. The artists don't need to own a copy of KSP. Once you can find any licensing info with the art, and that license allows free use, with or without merely crediting the artist, you're good to go. If the license is restrictive, see if the open is there to ask the artist or if you're allowed to buy it then use it as you wish, simply buy it. In short, try your best to find any license with the art you like. If you find it, obey it.
  22. Heh. All OPT's engines are gorgeous, but I must tell you they will not return to the main pack. The "other" Mk2 engines on the Duna plane are the new HAE-02 which directly replaces the J-61 (from which I made the S.A.G.E.) Alongside the HAE-02, K. Yeon proposed an alternate model which was also short but had twin nozzles like the J-60 and S.U.R.G.E. and which may have directly replaced the J-60.
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