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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I doubt it would make sense to keep GPP in the install... But I don't have your PC and I don't have the tolerance for low fps that hardcore players and streamers would have. I would dump visuals if it comes to it, to recover some fps. It's really up to you alone to judge what your game's performance will be now, later when you have lots of ships and lots of part count, and how much you can put up with performance drop. I believe you've posted screenshots of some huge WIP interstellar ships. If you can comfortably babysit those and their shuttles in flight then you have me wrongfully discouraging you from getting your game on.
  2. If I said yes, would you believe me? The ship is a mod.
  3. Hey @ErevanGaming. I tend to use a gut feeling. I don't quite have a standard, or if I do, I haven't sealed it in writing. But I consider these things: The more volume a part has, more and better habitation stuff can reasonably be packed into it. (MKS standard practice) The better the habitation stuff is, the more massive it is. (MKS standard practice) That said, I do not add mass to OPT's parts because that's already been done as a gameplay balance and counterweight to the capabilities of the engines. Does the mod's theme encourage most of its crewed parts to cater to a lengthy and luxurious flight? In OPT's case, yes. Being directly based on sci-fi anime, OPT's spacious cabins are all easily able to contain fancy things to grant lots of hab time. Does a given cabin (...or cockpit) have lots of volume to use? Cabins get most preference for hab time. The J and Humpback cabins get both habitation and recyclers as they appear to have plenty volume to spare under the floor, disregarding their fuel tank space. There are two methods to raising hab time: kerbal months (a base amount) and hab multiplier. I write kerbal months for crewed parts primarily aimed at seating and can be assumed to provide private spaces for the crew. Everyone has their chair and can sleep in it without having to share. That counts as private. I write hab multipliers for crewed (and even un-crewed) parts that can serve as a public space or shared facility like cupolas or any crewed part that's not meant to be lived in for a long time at once. Example, I give the H cabins hab multiplier because it actually seems cramped in there to me. H class parts are meant only to be a complement to K and KH class parts. I try not to give any part a high amount of both. A given thing cannot be equally private and public. Parts that hold recyclers can vary in my book. I'll tend to put them in science labs, large cockpits, particularly large cabins, and nose cones. Speaking of nose cones, the H class nose cones hold recyclers and as much resources as if there were no recyclers. That shouldn't be...
  4. @Jumberlack Well I'd like to say memory management (by KSP itself and by experienced planet modders) has gotten better since KSP 1.2.2 so you should be safe from that old problem. That said, leaving KSP open for several hours at a time can still become a pain to yourself and your PC.
  5. @Jumberlack Did you just say... 32GB of RAM is not enough? Heaven help you, dude. Because you're buying that new computer, with an i9 CPU too and a beefy video card with 1GB or more of its own video memory too.
  6. @capi3101 Just make it into a Google Sheet and link it.
  7. @capi3101 It's interesting that you mention this. I just serviced the GPP wiki, adding pages for Nero's new moons and updating other existing images. I just fixed Niven. Thanks for noticing. Prograde? Anyway, I probably cannot help you with your tutorial... I'll definitely see about understanding and enjoying it. In the meantime (and because I like life support mods) I know enough that I can use Karborundum, or engineer my own OP sub-light propulsion system for dealing with orbital issues after a warp.
  8. Quite a lot happened today. For ! The karbonite-edition Blue Mun Cruiser performed its polar excursion, packing many small Tarsier Space Tech SSDs for science storage, and successfully farming science in roughly 8 fresh situations under the sky between the space center and the southern ice shelf. The team experienced a flat stall during high flight but recovered well enough, and made their final stop all in one piece. Two comsats were launched afterward, the first crafts featuring NTRs (namely the Shiba engine from Ven's Stock Revamp). One was sent to beyond geosynchronous orbit and the next was boldly sent to Iota, to hover near the edge of its SOI to provide maximum possible coverage by itself. Finally, some big plans were drawn up to lavishly expand the early MOLE class low orbit science station...and hopefully properly dispose of all the organic waste sitting about in its meager tanks...and possibly in clumps orbiting (with) the station. Maybe it was unwise to make the space tug as big as it is (the uppermost 1.875m section with solar panels) but the board will see if and when the design choice turns out to be a 'big' issue. The first of several launches was of the tug itself and a 6-port docking hub. The Poodle-powered insertion stage has just enough dV to circularize, park with the station, and deorbit itself. That moment when you undock and the lesser craft renames itself from a creative thing to "(parent vessel) probe" ....
  9. I found the problem with the KSS_CTT file. It changes the parts' category but should be changing TechRequired. But it's beyond my ability to pinpoint the root of the apparent kopernicus problem.
  10. Made a black hole sunflare for funsies a few weeks ago. It's not going to appear in any planet mod so I might as well show it off, finally. The perceived distortions are not animated or interactive, of course, which is immersion-breaking even for me. But the flare itself is just very awesome.
  11. @The-Doctor granted you're using MKS I can't help but feel this craft is lacking in some way as a personnel transport. But the basis of the design is very nice. I've been entertaining ideas for something remotely like this.
  12. I will preach in any planet mod thread that no less than 12GB of RAM will float a player's boat. Too many players ask if they can have all the goods and AT BEST they have 8GB.
  13. In most cases a given planet pack will continue to function across many versions of KSP and Kopernicus. OPM as is, and OPM_Galileo will even work in KSP 1.3.1 because Kopernicus puts plenty emphasis on backwards compatibility, and OPM does not: add a star; use lots of code for terrain details; or have its own included visual pack to maintain too. @richfiles Find a planet modder who shares your dream......Or become that planet modder.
  14. @The-Doctor 8GB RAM for any big planet mod with full visuals is never enough.
  15. There are many. The following 7 planet/star mods are very popular, very stable, current, and mostly very large... Especially the very last one.
  16. The childhood! Right in the childhood!
  17. @Zero132132 I prepared those parts in KSP 1.3.0 and met no problem. My clean install was indeed in 1.3.1 so there must be another mod causing this very odd interference. Share your output_log and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache. (Don't directly paste their contents onto the forum, that's very bad.)
  18. @Saltshaker Are you using KSPI-E also? @Zero132132 i can't imagine why this can even be a thing. They're just parts and they should appear everywhere that they should (in the stock tech nodes if KSPI-E is installed KSPI-E expands the stock tech tree into a form of CTT but does not legitimately install it. I've placed KSS (just the parts) and KSPI-E in a clean install (no CTT) and I see no problem.
  19. Time to share your logs. No one can help you any further without something to analyze.
  20. CRP contains Karbonite which is functionally identical to Kethane, but Karbonite is fully featured and up-to-date with things. (Just make everything work with CRP?) They are both hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon-alike They are propellants and can convert into other propellants (and life support component resources...I did not know this was doable with Kethane) They can be burned just for ElectricCharge Kethane's only advantage right now is its deplete-able resource deposit system Any version of this works in any version of KSP but is useless by itself. CRP is only a library of standardized resource definitions and distributions. Any mod you have installed that uses non-stock resources likely needs this.
  21. Version 1.3.1 Added missing K parts support (6m only, no 3m)
  22. I don't mean to bite... I'm among a few players who are interested in just the space weather and planetary emission aspects, then we can simply combine this with a few great pre-existing mods (life support and so on) to achieve the overall system you've intended (and save you a lot of potential redundant dev work). A mod very recently came out that has random failures and high attention to realism and realistic progression perfectly covered. It's BARIS by @Angel-125
  23. You can create your own. There are many custom resources around, and many of them are propellants.
  24. Go to this thread and search (use Ctrl+F in the browser) "science related mods" and you'll see a catalog of mods that add science parts and gameplay.
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