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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. It has just been confirmed that Kopernicus 1.3.0-7 breaks Sigma Dimensions. Everyone with upscaled GPP games will simply be unable to load their game. Careers are safe, though.
  2. @symmeclept Your log says there was an exception with a particular body (in this case, Agrippina. But this has happened before, with reference to Thalia). It may be file corruption in the GPP download.
  3. (Poodmund and I did it. He's guilty too.) Stratocalciferous is a mashup word (of stratosphere, calcium) meaning "Tall calcium." The biome is exclusively the highest points, all colored bright white.
  4. You don't. Sea level = planet radius. Change the terrain offset to get the desired effect. Add a HazardousOcean node within the Ocean node. The first value of each key is altitude from sea level, the second value is degrees Kelvin per second. Be gentle with the temperature values. This here (0.14 per second) is plenty already. The altitude on this may be overly high for an airless world. HazardousOcean { key = 0 0.14 0 -3E-05 key = 2200 0.1 -1.2E-05 -1.2E-05 key = 15000 0 0 0 }
  5. @Nertea Here's my findings concerning the reactor start problem. Attempting to start one with no (or not enough) active radiators triggers it. I assume the reactor overheats in a flash. Quickload (with enough active radiators) fixes it.
  6. Rolling in the sandbox and getting more acquainted with Far Future Tech..... I may end up posting a How To Far Future. So I went there for my testing.
  7. How appropriate that your first post contains a flag planting. Great pics, and welcome to the forum.
  8. Oh, alright. I'll discard my changes. At the time I tried using them discretely for ascent stage fuel then the ship would emerge nearly circularized but still "fully fueled." I stayed on air-breathing a long time, though, leading to my decision to raise their heat tolerances.
  9. I just raised the capacities on these old things (and their heat tolerances a bit). The small droptank has at least as much volume as the stock Mk1 LF fuselage so why not?
  10. Stayed up super late and tried to make an Eve cruiser and dropship. It wasn't meant to try to return from Eve....It wasn't meant to have incredibly lame TWR at > 1km from sea level either... Then I realized a small desire to roll my own stock missiles and attack something. I turned gravity way down rather than do this in space. Regardless, the missiles underperformed and weird things happened with the victim plane. #physics
  11. @The White Guardian I'm glad Arkas is getting some love and a tune-up. Although I haven't; installed this, I admire the creativity and raw work invested in it (whether yours or the original modder).
  12. There are several parts with transparent pieces now. Get in touch with some modders of pieces with transparent sections, including this one. There may also be an answer for you in the dev tools and tutorials threads or subsection of the Addon boards.
  13. The domes themselves are not crewed parts that can be boarded and the kerbals disappear into. They are basic structural parts like the stock girders. The only IVA is in the airlock parts.
  14. As far as we as a species know, some things can only be produced in a particle accelerator. The warp cores may count as particle accelerators. And ExoticMatter may be something you can't hold or transfer except with magnetic containment fields. Gold Standard's Unobtanium is not rare. It occurs on too many planets imo.
  15. Disregard my post. I just checked the latest version. I'm bothered now that I even had that problem.
  16. Radiators work very basically in KSP. They suck the heat out of other parts on the craft. They dissipate that heat. They only work in vacuum.
  17. @SuicidalInsanity I've just discovered a crippling problem. The current version of Interstellar Fuel Switch breaks IntakeAtm (at least for me) and starves off any air-breathing engine used in atmosphere other than Kerbin.
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