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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @seanth USI's warp drive module has a requires min throttle parameter that you can use to make it only work at high(er) throttle, making it a little more impractical for use inside a star system. Below the required throttle it will still consume fuel but not actually warp. Have you considered the inability to use > 1 USI warp drive on the same ship? This restricting feature could save you the trouble of trying to devise a way to make an inverse solar power curve thing. Before anyone complains, there is a good reason why this exists and its current setting is very, very low, so that even if a player bumped the throttle they wouldn't accidentally zoom way out from their current position (or to prevent some issue that would occur with the warp drive just being on and at zero throttle).
  2. @DougS2K Sorry, bud, I cannot reduce the ARI-73's capabilities any more than I've done. In vacuum I've measured that the engine has 3x the NERV's thrust and appropriately consumes nearly 3x the fuel, and can grant up to a modest 20% dV versus a ship similarly equipped with NERVs, and it has no alternator. I came close to making it even consume EC to add balance to it. Part of why I love and maintain OPT is because it's based in sci-fi and the capabilities of its engines (mostly imbued with "S.C.O.O.P." technology invented by K. Yeon) allow me and other avid OPT fans to build particularly beautiful and powerful planes and skip the mass tank spam and engine spam commonly done with every other mod that makes every effort to have stockalike engine performance. There is plenty "gameplay balance" scattered about within OPT, or which is applied to it from the game itself. The last things K. Yeon did was add 10% dry mass to all fuel holding pieces, nerf the J Aerospike engine, and make all RCS thrusters consume loads of EC. Some of us build gigantic planes and we need to pack lots of batteries (and even reactors now) for that RCS; bigger parts are draggier which means every single part; and moreover, some of us use this in upscaled solar systems where dV is much more precious than upholding stock rules. I must sadly suggest that you roll your own performance patch or use engines from another mod.
  3. @carss I was hoping for your output_log.txt. That's the most helpful one. But what you sent me at least says something. There's the mono.dll problem which must mean you have 2 versions of a plugin installed somewhere (or some plugin rated for KSP 1.2.2 and NOT 1.3) You're running 32-bit KSP. If your OS is 64-bit always run 64-bit KSP. If your OS is 32-bit, try removing other mods or find a 64-bit PC to run KSP on.
  4. You're welcome. Given your mod list I'm surprised your system can run.
  5. The stock contract system does not have the capacity to consider planets and stars produced by anyone other than Squad. You'll have to replace your contract system with Contract Configurator, Strategia (with supporting configs...once they exist), or cancel these iffy contracts and cheat yourself the wasted rep and funds. It is not in @Gameslinx power to fix this.
  6. Since the idea for this thread was proposed I've entertained the idea of bundling it. Your efforts would (and there may be some irony here) finally help the Tellumo Space Program to take off. I say that like Firespitter carried by part mods, this could be a bundle for all planet mods to carry. The ones that ideally have an oxygenated giant planet and reinvent the stock solar system. @OhioBob and I are the ones to directly address this for GPP. (But of course, the final say is Galileo's)
  7. OPT Legacy 1.0.9 Added inner attachment nodes for Humpback hollow fuselage Adjustment to ARI-73 and WarpJet engines (In particular, the ARI no longer grants insane dV and is a little lighter like the ARI-75) Fixed Tweakscale and RemoteTech patches Fixed cargo bay modules (the problem of reversed cargo module status), removed aeroshield patch (no longer needed)
  8. @kremonia lol. I wish you the best with your company. My GPU is an Nvidia GT 640. But you are correct. Fewer, more powerful cores matter to KSP and its old Unity engine most of the time, rather than many cores. I'm usually always modding so my mod count tends to stay low most of the time, and my MM cache generally doesn't pass 10,000 and loading times usually stay under 7 minutes. My main game, however, must have 100 mods in it now, and passes 24K MM patches, with Ven's, BARIS (both of which add patches to many, many parts), and several parts mods. The 10 or 11 minute wait is... tolerable for me and I don't have any SSD.
  9. @kremonia I had no problem changing the control point. Well, I didn't have to change it (myself) back to the Ranger itself or the main ship at the time. My specs: AMD FX-8350 CPU 32 GB DDR3 RAM Win 10 x64 1TB Seagate HDD This KSP install was a very low modded one, a test install. The only perf issues I got were the typical serving of lag from EVE clouds and high part or poly count. I forgot what the part count here is but it may crossed 100.
  10. EVA reports! While hanging for dear life-- for science! I still had the occasional problem of the scientist(s) losing their grip.......And a couple of F9s ensued, not only at this point but at (up to 3) attempts to land the plane at the hill ahead while getting science, which all failed and I accepted the loss of another scientist. In other news, a few more catastrophic failures were met later on, with attempts to launch a polar scansat. Good abort sequence is good. The 'neck' is a cargo bay full of high altitude science. I figured I'd try to grab some while sending the satellite up.
  11. Passing over the volcano at 2.5x and looking into the pirate bay. Heh... heheh........ Don't point out the floating fins. I dealt with it.
  12. This is how you Voyager™ As for me, I did some part overhauling yesterday and today for Kerbol Star System. It was a load of texture passes mainly, but after that I played with and learned particularly destructive things. Like controlling exhaust damage range and power. For reference, the custom Helium fusion engine is a NERV upscaled to 1.875m and it sent every girder within 40m of the nozzle to 300% heat cap instantly.
  13. @Khalkion It's very likely that K.Yeon did not pay that much attention to balancing his tanks against Stock (and each other). Heck, this issue is one that no one else may ever have noticed (much less, reported) till you came along. I did somewhat notice an overall lack of consistency when I wrote my USI LS config for OPT. In addition to adjusting the fuel amounts, the extra dry mass added to the tanks (that he did for stock balancing) may need to be undone as the plane parts could all become too heavy and break apart on physics load.
  14. @TheKurgan The option is missing by default. It makes sense as Squad never cared enough about oceans to include it in all their engine configs. Now I know what it is, and I've confirmed a quick patch for it, it can be added and engines can start to stop working when undersea.
  15. @OhioBob @Gordon Fecyk I learned something else very interesting that could be applied to jets and rockets. I just learned of the toggle to kill them when they're undersea. Getting your engines flooded like in the Interstellar movie (or IRL for that matter) is a thing!
  16. @stali79 That's an oops on my part. I was afraid this would happen.
  17. @Galileo On the up-side, Mission Creator makes a new way for all the realistic progression fans to experience the same story/stories that they all share-- part of the base appeal of KSP itself to many. There are so many replica craft builds, replica missions and replica challenges. Of course, a lot of us won't primarily go for that, or will try it out for trying's sake.......and then crack it wide open to make it our own. That's already Squad's intent with the whole snazzy "drag and drop" UI they bragged about with it.
  18. It was Galileo's explicit decision early on that this would not be the case-- rather that Kerbin never existed and kerbalkind started in a better (and less cartoonish) place. However, who are we to force this on users of our mod, especially now that GPP_Secondary is a thing and allows them to do exactly this in-game.
  19. @Galileo YEP1!!1ONE @kraden Their family name is Gaelan. Their species name is Gaelean.
  20. The GitHub wiki has been left alone for some time now. It's due for some tending to, alright.
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