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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Here it goes. Down the core stack: the undecided modified crew cabin "short rec centre" with hab multiplier (and only 2 crew capacity for kerbals to really stretch their legs and store stuff to keep them sane but I'll still keep 4 crew if anyone insists), followed by the Agroponics with a more fitting texture (in order to emulate the Mk2 long cabin idea) then the discreet Recycler, then the ISRU to produce Fertilizer. i might delete the ISRU, or put it into a separate group. The waste tanks (with black and brown spots) are changed to MaterialKits, SpecializedParts or Fertilizer with some Mulch storage.
  2. More electricity. Period. An engineer's presence should have no weight on these devices. It might be another balance mechanism against the huge versatility, a realism factor, or just an in-built challenge but there are two "karb-electric" parts as well. A tiny generator/fuel cell: 0.1 Karb -> 30 Ec/s and a 2.5m generator: I think 1 Karb/s -> 500 EC/s.
  3. They don't use skill effects but they need much more electricity.
  4. @dboi88 duuuuude. That thing is so awesome. It has me yearning to be able to do the same.
  5. @eddiew @Norcalplanner Now you're getting it. A few more defining features and secrets of GPP unfold before your very eyes.
  6. I haven't done much. The buff only raises the max thrust and top speeds of most of the jet engines. By default they have at best peak performance at around Mach 1.7 and die in Mach 3. The karbonite turbojet (all the other engines turbofans or turboprops) has the greatest buff with at I think 50% more thrust, peak perf in Mach 2, dies near Mach 5, and is still very powerful in nearly the faintest of atmospheres. i've done nothing to the karbonite rocket engines. They're quite powerful already and only need to be supplemented (for now) with clever engineering to keep karbonite coming while they go. Furthermore karbonite is in every ocean and every atmosphere in GPP.
  7. New variants of the Mk2 cabin, even a long cabin sounds pretty epic actually. But while I've begun to make textures I'm far from able to model. I don't use Blender or Unity. I do use another software and maybe I could export and submit open-format object files for someone else to convert to .mu and insert things for me like emissives for lights or ray-catchers for solar panels. If it's as easy as adding the light animation module to a tank and a named texture that fits it I can easily fake/emulate the cabins and greenhouses. Here's the raw concept before being made aware of crewable converters and industrial resources. It began around TAC LS and the texture theme is based on the 1.25m Supplies container.
  8. Okay then. The most important converter for me is a greenhouse. There needs to be a part that produces Supplies (namely for spaceplanes that skip between moons). The hab multiplier part gives me ideas now for a modified crew cabin which was not in the plan but can find a place in it and possibly the other LS mods. Tell me a little about the Recycler part, how it really works. I've never used full MKS, only MKS Lite and said Recycler (assuming it's now the RT-500, I have it open in Notepad++) was nothing more to me than a leech on my batteries. I never saw its significance. If it's not the RT-500 is it in the full MKS mod? I'd like to study it. As for industrial resources, I may consider changing one of the Mk2 long tanks for this instead of holding only Mulch... For Mulch alone I think that'd be a lot of wasted capacity. While I fear that having a tank at all hold industrial material may be going out of scope since my mod is about keeping crew fed and alive in style, I have a fair grasp on MKS' vision so maybe it would be just fine to go ahead with industrial tankage...? I might need a yes or no from RoverDude on this one?
  9. Thanks. That's more than I expected so I may have to provide for more placeholder tanks in case no LS at all is installed (which I guess is fine since TAC LS also has 5 such parts but I assume I can realistically compress its 2 water converters and its two carbon processors into one part respectively). Is it safe to assume that the appropriate USI ones for Mk2 short size are the Purifier, Greenhouse and Hab Multiplier? Modular tanks for consumables are the primary focus already. The long and short fuel tanks are firstly repurposed this way. Should I include Replacement Parts in them or leave that for any crewed parts.
  10. Hey all, and @RoverDude. I've begun to make my own textures and a mod that adapts to various LS mods. It has 3 slots for converter/recycler parts in the form of short Mk2 fuselage. For USI LS, what converter or generator parts can/may take these slots? I'll post screenshots soon. The new avatar is a pleasant surprise, RoverDude.
  11. Your first statement sounded like anything but a critique. But before I derail this thread by describing it I'll hold my peace. Since you do so badly want to do a real playthrough you can make a copy of the KSP folder and continue to update (the other) mods in it --just not this one. And offer to help StarCrusher some more. The faster it reaches full release the sooner everyone can start their real KSS Career. Heck you might even discover new bugs that will only appear while playing career and may be in your power to fix yourself and share.
  12. @The-Doctor You didn't need to tag him. Now both of us will be watching you with slit eyes since I'm a co-dev of GPP. This isn't your first ambiguous statement thereof.
  13. @CatastrophicFailure Be my guest and rip my config; use it to inject modules with moduleID = 3. The main things are the textureRootFolder, textureNames, textureDisplayNames parameters. The highest moduleID becomes the default and the decal part will wear that module's first flag item in part selection. textureRootFolder lets you specify your own main dir and becomes a relative root dir for that module. textureNames: every item, semicolon-separated, is the path to a PNG image without its filename extension and without spaces in the filenames just in case. textureDisplayNames are the respectively ordered in-game display text for when you click the Next/Prev Flag button. @eddiew I'm kinda sad that you took out Karbonite but it's fine. I was hoping to see what you'd invent with it and I didn't have scaled systems in mind when I wrote the buff for its engines. You have however, found one thing that I now know that mod isn't good for: getting to space from upscaled planets using karbonite itself. As @Norcalplanner hinted at, karbonite's polar opposite, Karborundum is sufficiently hard to find and should yield ships at least as powerful as what you previously engineered with the help of KRnD. I've been looking forward to that the most, from either of you two. @thecross What if I told you that...
  14. It's an expansion I developed myself. It renames the existing decal parts and their buttons then injects a second decal-switching module and adds moduleID numbers to prevent overlap/conflicts and make my modules the default. If you haven't seen it in action this is what you can do: add GPP's flags and make banners out of them all over a ship, and still pick from its default selection too. The decal selection might break and reset when such a craft is opened/shared without GPP but the craft itself won't break due to loss of cloned "GPP-exclusive" parts. The decal parts will also wear the Gaeo Tao flag in its part selection thumbnail (these screenshots are before I perfected it).
  15. Setting FlightsGlobalIndex within the worlds provides a static reference number within the game to prevent or soften the impact of this exact problem. But it has its own disadvantages and isn't always necessary. Adding, reordering or removing celestials will trigger this problem.
  16. @Voodoo8648 No one should be playing career in this mod (unless it's firstly to spot other issues and provide feedback) since KSS is still quite deep in development. Please wait unto an actual v1.0 or v1.x before starting a serious playthrough.
  17. @The-Doctor Solar panels work at every star but every star will generate the same out of energy as Kerbol. (Better than them generating no energy) @StarCrusher96 Concerning ResearchBodies you -will- need to write something for every planet, but just one discovery statement each. Let the helping hands help there too since 50 is still plenty. And congrats on the release!
  18. @Frederf Thanks for the notice. I'm about to sign off right now so I will investigate this ASAP, later.
  19. Yes, the part alone that I wrote for you is patch style with the @ prefixes but I didn't confirm how to add to an existing scattererCelestialBodies item (that is, use MM to add to Gael's entry).
  20. @CatastrophicFailure Amend Scatterer's planetList.cfg or create your own containing basically this. @Scatterer_planetsList { @scattererCelestialBodies { Item { celestialBodyName = Rald transformName = Rald loadDistance = 300000000 unloadDistance = 500000000 hasOcean = True eclipseCasters { Item = Gael Item = Iota Item = Ceti } } } } If you're adding it to the main planetList.cfg then remove the @ signs before Scatterer* Then add Rald as an eclipseCaster item to its parent body in the main planetList.cfg. And while you're there can you add Lili as an eclipsecaster item under Tellumo? That'd be another good tourist trap for Tellumo surface missions. This minor oversight is fixed for the next GPP release. Since I had bad luck setting up scatterer for Rald, do check through for me and let me know if you get any weird reaction in flight or map view. I did.
  21. @CatastrophicFailure Don't forget the scatterer eclipse caster settings. That's a tablespoon more awesomesauce right there.
  22. Please don't pester the dev for updates, especially as closely as "Is it uploading right now?" When they're good and finished you'll see a post with very large/bold letters clearly announcing it. There's a forum rule against this pestering and you can get reported.
  23. Regarding the presence of OPM is it possible that AVC keeps traces of mods as they come and go? I've gotten the impression before that these traces may stored in MM cache...and therefore Scott never deletes that?
  24. Do as Galileo said. As for adding subfolders directly to a zip, not all zipping apps might enable that.
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