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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Chimer4 I'm cool with Nero, thanks very much. You read my mind there with Hephaestus.
  2. @Chimer4 I've also considered Nero for high magnetism or high radioactivity as, excluding density and surface gravity, Nero is the most massive planet and has the largest SOI and has equal surface temperature to Tellumo (tied for 3rd place among the warmest planets with atmosphere).
  3. Reigniting people's passion for KSP: Mission accomplished. As for Kerbalism, no, we have no plans. You have free reign in that department. As for strong magnetic fields I nominate Thalia, Tellumo, Gauss (with insane levels thereof), Catullus (moon of Gauss), Hephaestus (moon of Otho) and Muse (moon of Nero). @OhioBob should also add or remove from this selection as he's the Mathematician on the team. Additional planets with horrible radiation belts: I nominate Thalia. Its backstory leaves a wide opening for that and Kerbalism support will add wonderfully to the cursed planet theme. @CatastrophicFailure Development was put on hold as Galileo encountered some certain irl matters.The next release will come around New Year's. Sigma support is ready with 6.4x and 10x options (with proper atmo scaling).
  4. Banned for knowing only just enough to try and grab bragging rights.
  5. EVE clouds, yes; not too far from the infamous Minmus Fog.
  6. This? @KERBALINA This is disabled on purpose for performance and ocean glitch reasons. If you find the Ocean Shader setting in the Scatterer UI (press Alt+F10 to summon it) and turn it on you'll have to restart your game for it to apply. I don't have Scatterer installed right now so I can't point out that option's exact name and location.
  7. The sunflare and atmosphere effect are the important part. Scatterer's ocean effect is turned off for performance savings and because sometimes the KSC "goes under" in space center view.
  8. Is this a matter of friction control (or is it traction control) in the wheels? Do you guys adjust those settings or do you generally never touch them?
  9. @Antonio432 That is an all-new issue. Sadly I can't lend any suggestions for that. @KERBALINA GPP comes with its own variant of Scatterer. It should not be confused with Scatterer for Stock. You will see it in: Download > Optional Mods > Extra Visual Mods > GameData.
  10. Screenshot? Also try removing Scatterer and/or SVE anyway if they are installed. Does your PC have less than 8GB of RAM? KSP may be fighting for some. If you have lots of mods, especially part packs then that adds quite a bit to the duration of that phase of the game's startup.
  11. Makes (some) old mods built on it work in current KSP, without updating them. KSC++ and KSC Floodlights confirmed by the poster themselves.
  12. Physics aside, I'm expecting the game to go nuts concerning SOI. Ships could end up in orbital hop-scotch around these practically mirror-mirror bodies. A guru does not "accident" But I believe you.
  13. @Norcalplanner I have not known the Project Ares frnchise but it's definitely promising to me. I can barely watch though. I'm about to head off.
  14. We intended to have more than one asteroid belt, now that you mention it. We could have made a provision for the Custom Asteroids mod so there'd be many potatoes in Tellumo's basket....but I've seen no comments in its thread that suggests it works well in KSP 1.2.x
  15. The potential is there for Tellumo to capture or have captured some roids. E-class, even. But we have to be mindful of the number of celestial bodies.
  16. @ParkerArt to my knowledge that only applies to Civilian Population Revamped. Likewise ResearchBodies has become completely unusable but I'm monitoring those two and will announce when they are practical again. Every other recommended or suggested mod should work just fine in current KSP. Go get that science, dude!
  17. I like the comprehensive logs and a little less than one-photo-per-craft. But ease back or skip along as much as you may if you feel loss of inclination or increase of burden, such as just now when you say you've gotten far ahead in your game.
  18. @ParkerArt The current GPP works in KSP 121 and 122 There's no real obligation to wait for the next release but I assume KroShan has made note to wait for the bugfixes and new features before they start their game with this mod. It's quite worth it.
  19. Yes it is/that's why. That reminds me. If your game stalls and crashes, it may be the RAM limit problem.
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