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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Next update for RR will primarily feature protection against the filename extension mixup that happens with the WBI play mode switcher, and Graviolium resource presence always active regardless of the play mode (for BlueShift ISRU). Blacksmith is finally going to handle nuclear fuel storage (meant for when NF Electric is not installed). Also, I'm adding a 4th level (needs CTT) and I'm making it so that Blacksmith stats are dynamic (stats scale with crew capacity and will be reflected in tooltips). There will also be a Blacksmith Family patch (not made by me) which assimilates EL workshops and smelters.
  2. You're sharing your idea somewhere public. Might as well give the forum a clue to that since you're announcing it here. The sayings "No pics, no clicks" and "Locked behind a paywall" come to mind... If we have to enter a Discord for that little thing, we're not going to hold any interest.
  3. @Demcrew Sorry. I'm aware of the K lab issue. I've fixed it but not yet released it. As for Magpie, I've added several parts to OPT since I took over OPT Legacy. Magpie is not keeping up.
  4. @Spaceman.Spiff Heh. Waterfall. That waits to be seen. (Whether I can do plume switching on that) @OrdinaryKerman I will take your color suggestions. As for losing the plume switch, that's on purpose. I'm currently not inclined to test whether Angel's engine module is friendly to it. When I do test it and if I confirm it works, I'll keep it.
  5. Milestone time. Engines (Video) Plumes and emissive switching via B9PS. Choose Star Trek Red or Star Citizen Blue. With Angel-125's Flying Saucers mod installed, they become antigravity engines just like the ones on any Star Trek shuttle or runabout. But you lose the plume switch. Red is the only option. The plumes aren't supposed to move. Hopefully I can fix that. Also, for some reason KER breaks and null spams and I don't know if I can relieve that so I'd avise (for now) not using my engines with Flying Saucers. Scoops (Video) Featuring deploy animation (light) and active animation (spin). They also take advantage of the Restock ISRU module where the deploy function is no longer a separate toggle but is intelligent and triggers on or off when it is aware that no harvester module is running or you run out of EC or there's nothing to harvest, which means you get a very clear indicator of either bad situation. The glass covers can be toggled too. Power (Video) The 1.25m (spherical) reactor taking its place as, not a primary, but secondary power source. With Wild Blue Tools installed, all of the reactors will produce ElectroPlasma, and have a secondary converter to release ElectricCharge from it (the use case is roughly the same as StoredCharge in NF Electric). Warp Nacelle Well. The pieces for it all work correctly. They're just missing the scrolling emissive feature. Maybe my own texture needs to have a pattern in it. I'm seriously considering that now, actually: an adapter and tail, in 2.5m and 1.25m.
  6. My assumption is the orientation of the active warp engine. Attach another engine facing backwards and fire that and see what happens. That's not a bug. There's nothing to fix. You never see a star ship facing anywhere other than forward while its warp drive or jump drive is on. There are a few obvious reasons why this is so: The nav deflector dish (Star Trek) which also only points forward. The view from the bridge seems very important to a degree. There is no rear view on a starship like in a car, and reverse drive is only limited to gear 1 speed. Warp navigation is never shown accomodating for the ship facing in other directions.
  7. There is no "warp ring" anomaly. There is the jump gate anomaly, and pieces available in your VAB so you can build your own jump gate. Angel has not released these as yet.
  8. Geordi LaForge approves. Main power is GO! All ship systems adequately charged. (Textures are basic and subject to change.) The 1.25m core is primarily surface-attach but includes a top and bottom node with fairings. It is not to be confused for a beam emitter.
  9. Before RR is considered, what causes MKS resource issues in the first place?
  10. The scoops/harvesters, unwrapped and textured. 1.25m, Mk2, 2.5m, 3.75m
  11. @Spaceman.Spiff Local system/Modest interplanetary (Let's say you could brachistochrone between the homeworld (or a gas giant) and its moons if you really wanted to push an envelope) is what I'm aiming for in the absence of the UFO plugin. I'm not interested in having hundreds of thousands for Isp. I would make a dedicated chemical engine model for that. In which case, I feel like Daedalus and Epstein have been overdone by now so I want to avoid adding to those populations. Deuterium is going to be very busy then. You'll have more to patch than just those engines, of course. And I hope to unwrap and reveal them by Friday. Impulse Party is indeed meant to complement BlueShift...And then some. Starfighter parts. Heh.
  12. @Spaceman.Spiff The sub-light engines will likely have: 1.25m: 120kN; Mk2: 180kN; 2.5m: 540kN, (I may bump these thrusts up, who knows) and are meant to have a particularly generous Isp (whatever works of course). Before FFT I intend for them to be decent SSTO engines, maintaining high thrust in atmosphere at the cost of guzzling fuel and EC. How they'll behave when FFT is installed will be left up to FFT users. That's not important to me. With BlueShift (and without Kerbal Flying Saucers) they will sip on GravityWaves and a low-density propellant and work in atmo as well as vac. Their cost is your Graviolium supply and a Gravitic generator for their GravityWaves. With Kerbal Flying Saucers installed, they will become true gravitic engines (as on Federation shuttles), no longer having respect for atmo pressure curves or thrust torque, just like the one made for the core of Angel's UFO ships. At some point he updated the engine so multiple of it can run in parallel without inducing krakens. My engines and their purpose are why he did that. They will perfectly emulate the role and operation of impulse drives in Star Trek ships. Don't get too eager for adapter parts. Those aren't part of my plan. But I've seen angel show that his warp devices still have the StaticCharge mechanism so I may make a little aerodynamic anti-static blade that you can surface-attach.
  13. Modular warp nacelle inspired by starship Enterprise in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek AU. The bulkhead profiles are 2.5m to 3.13m to Mk2 and loosely styled after Angel-125's bits. It can be expanded by the included 3.13m segment and by Angel's Mk2 warp coil segment. I can't promise that I'll nail his style but I'll try to come close. Alongside the sub-light engines above, this makes up the core of this mod. Pylon options will not be included. Unlike my Sterling Engines pics, these are unwrapped and with a basic, real texture, and not just a concept render. This set includes a 2.5m scoop but I haven't unwrapped the set of scoops just yet.
  14. @KawaiiLucy That's on purpose. That's a resource that it doesn't make sense that you can adjust it in the VAB, and it's massless. And I'm changing the Dark Goo system to no longer need Dark Science.
  15. @editor99 Be sure to check that those crafts have their "Tokamak" power generator running, that they have FusionPellets on them, and that they have a radiator attached to them to prevent any modules weakening from overheating. That should be fixed but I don't think @JPLRepo has done a release since. I question whether he's around. He seems scarce. If you're missing the FusionPellets resource, open GameData/Endurance/Patches/B9PS.cfg and delete this section right at the end: https://github.com/JPLRepo/Endurance/blob/master/Distribution/GameData/Endurance/Patches/B9PS.cfg#L310-L313
  16. The Kerbol system is extremely close to the Tempus system (by design, so you can easily get to it with stock engines) so GU applying realism over that means you get this. Deal with Gameslinx.
  17. Howdy. The Mk2 nose and the drop tanks can hold IntakeAtm. But other parts aren't allowed to hold it, to prevent people getting carried away with the vacuum operation of those engines. Howdy. I mention this in the changelog, visible on SpaceDock. WorldStabilizer no longer protects against the 1km spawn bug in KSP 1.11, and even evolves it into that vicious kraken. ... That is a VAB bug. I get that at times too. I have no clue. Never heard of that one before. You're looking for H Mounted Noses. They are likely in the fuel tank category and you will find them in the H subcategory of the stock custom categories (separate from the CCK category for OPT). I don't use FAR but I add to and maintain OPT's FAR config. And I haven't done anything in 1.11.1 so I don't know yet if there's some unexplained new issue that's causing OPT parts to fail to load, which I'm now trying to be hopeful doesn't exist.
  18. @Angel-125 I can see an enormous problem arising if anyone happens to use Physics Range Extender and adds in BlueShift on top of that. And I confirmed with @Quoniam Kerman in a Discord chat that his phrasing wasn't too good...he was only trying to praise this mod. He wasn't meaning to ask for a particular new set of warp coils.
  19. @ktosiu I haven't seen the part descriptions so I can't say for sure there, but concerning behavior, the warp nacelles in this mod consume Gravity Waves which are produced by any Gravimetric Displacement Generator. The standalone ones may be more powerful than the ones built into the warp cores. The standalone ones are also compact and do very well to supplement the warp cores if ever you find yourself guzzling Gravity Waves or you choose to use an undersized warp core for ship aesthetics. I haven't played enough but I believe that's how it works out.
  20. @KawaiiLucy I don't know what to sa about stripping the stock converter options, but I must say (and I can only assume) that you have a different fuel switching mod installed. I rig my B9 fuel options to not activate if you have other mods (namely, Configurable Containers, MFT, and maybe WBI Pathfinder). The Extras work fine when drag and dropped anywhere (in GameData of course). I would need to see your KSP.log, your Logs/ModuleManager/ and likely your MM configcache.
  21. @sh_temp_el I need you to try this: Make sure to install WildBlueIndustries/ClassicStockResources/ this should be present in any of Angel-125's mods. Remove and reinstall Rational Resources, Endurance and the WildBlueIndustries mods. Uninstall Endurance Reconfig. It's a dead mod now. It has been absorbed into Endurance. Uninstall Rational Resources Kerbalism (you don't have Kerbalism installed, apparently). Open GameData/WBIPlayMode.cfg and change its one value from "Classic Stock" to "CRP", then restart KSP. Make sure to read and find the dependencies of zer0kerbal's mods, or try to do without them. @blowfish This is a very odd situation as far as I see. The WBI mods must be set to Cclassic Stock but should be set to CRP since CRP is installed, but Classic Stock itself seems to be mising. I will do what I can to protect my mods from this weird situation happening again.
  22. Part of the point of BlueShift is avoiding dealing with a constricting warp bubble. Just use sub-light engines to out of physics range of anything before you warp. ...A hollow warp nacelle wouldn't make sense at all. The warp coil has great mass and volume, and it bathes in plasma like a copper coin submerged in abrasive fluid to be cleaned off. You must be asking for a stackable version of these big ones? ... (For those who may not know, this is the IXS Warpship, part of KSPI.)
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