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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @falcoon Kiwi adds and removes tech nodes so that's very likely. That will be handled.
  2. That's not a bug. That's a feature. It is as @Angel-125 intended. When you launch a ship that holds Graviolium, you're forced to launch empty and to buy it separately (from the underground particle accelerator and its finite storage) afterward. Your bank is likely empty since you're new to how Graviolium works.
  3. @Manul Ahhh. You meant WarpJets. I thought you meant IRL microwave air plasma thrusters. I must say sorry. I cannot keep my promise of a reincarnation or expansion of Thor Tech's WarpJet engines. I've added a few such engines to OPT Spaceplane Parts. This mod has grown leaps and bounds from where I first envisioned it, and its total roster of parts may be as wide and diverse as OPT's. My hands are full with my newer committment to fill in, and expand on, stock engine progression, and so, leave sci-fi engines to be a feature of a separate mod. Sadly, I must suggest that you're better off: Replacing Thor Tech's tilt WarpJets with OPT's WarpJet MARGE. Replacing Thor Tech's Mk2 WarpJets with OPT's WarpJet MARGE, SAGE and the J-81 atomic engine (for its air-breathing mode). Using OPT's WarpJet MARGE or SURGE for any high thrust WarpJet. Using OPT's WarpJet SAGE, MARGE or any of the FVTs (Fuselage vertical thrusters) for their having a closed cycle and being very useable in vacuum, reducing the need for the hybrid plasma rockets. But you'll need OPT's Mk2 nose or the drop tanks for IntakeAtm tankage. Using OPT J-81's closed cycle and the OPT EggDog rockets replace the Thor Tech WarpJets' hybrid plasma heavy rockets. OPT's VTOL package effectively carries over all the known upper tier engine characteristics in Thor Tech. And Sterling Engines will do justice to the low tech engines-- electric or LFO props as they should have been.
  4. The pipe character "|" means OR, not AND. You don't need to have both installed at once. @Starhelperdude you don't need to make any edits
  5. @Manul I'm considering it and I've drafted it but I've gotten strong advice that it would be much more efficient (in mass and power usage) to use a nuclear jet. Based on the advice I could still provide what you're asking for, but you might have to curb your enthusiasm (or be prepared to pump KSPI MegaJoules).
  6. Well yes... and no... Yes There are several "near future" engines planned. Things that we could see happen very soon like scramjets and shcramjets, rotation detonation engines, LFO jets, electric props for use on Eve or Duna; And things we would have seen by now if mankind didn't put so many stumbling blocks in its own way, good things like atomic jets and LANTR. No There's a wide array of small-scale engines planned like props and jets, 1.25m and smaller; There's a wee bit of far future too (the upper tier atomic engines); And there are no fuselages planned. I'm not introducing a new spaceplane profile or expanding any existing (non-stock) one.
  7. I couldn't hold well to the promise of minimal protrusion but here it is. Inspired mainly by a "Lumenier" brand solenoid prop with folding blades. I didn't represent the copper coils this time but I intend to in the release version. Will have blade count variants: 2 ~ 6 blades. Thrust and speed range will be affected. (Will most likely be separate parts per variant as I expect complications between B9PS and WBI Kerbal Actuators for blurred blade mesh switching). Core is 1.25m wide, 1.32m tall. 3m total height when stowed. Deployed blade span is 6.6m.
  8. @Gryphorim Yes, it's still being developed. As I said above, I'm only now/finally coming out of the concept/idea-gathering phase and starting to actually prep stuff to become game-ready. To a modest degree, not intentionally, this mod will complement Nertea (mainly in the near future) but Far Future is out of scope. Filling gaps in stock and extending backwards (with some prop fans) and forwards are part of the idea. How I see Nertea being complemented is/are: A wide and novel array of atomic jets and rockets geared towards spaceplanes. Mk1, Mk2, 2.5m and 3.75m sizes are planned. Advanced chemical rockets that give more power and design freedom to your ships. There are quite a few hollow toroidal engines that let you mount more engines through them! Advanced chemical/non-nuclear jet engines that really shine when applied on airliners and SSTOs for 2.5x and higher scaled systems. Some chemical jet or prop engines (where appropriate) will have the option to be electric or to burn LFO + IntakeAtm for high performance on deoxygenated worlds. 2x high-capacity TEGs (Thermo-Electric Generators) for small-scale power, between saving you from spamming the stock RTG, and going fully into small/medium fission reactor teritory. A very wide and novel array of intakes. I've been distracted from refining the base models for the intakes, and I finally made initial drafts for the family of super heavy RCS.
  9. @KyZeNickX You are missing Community Resource Pack. OPT altogether works without it (confirmed by myself on request from @Stone Blue) but it is a hard dependency of Station Parts Redux Since you're running on KSP 1.9 I'll assume that you have an older version of OPT (and therefore, bugs I've long since fixed) thanks to CKAN. Raise your compatibility dial to one point eleven and try again. If you still get problems, zip up your MM configcache, and (outside of GameData) your KSP.log and your Logs/ModuleManager/ folder, and share them.
  10. I think not. Just in case, OPT Reconfig is its own mod, is not a parts pack, and is not included in the parts downloads.
  11. You can possibly turn off USI's need for resources and keep just the habitation function if you like that part of USI. If you cannot do this then you cannot have two life support mods installed. They are redundant (with complete overlap of what they're meant to do) and mutually exclusive. Mixing them makes needless excessive work for you and can cause problems for the mod makers, that the mod makers won't touch with a 10 foot pole.
  12. @KIMCHI Ah, well, I guess RP-1 has its own mod folder in GameData. I wouldn't know. I've only seen an RP-0 folder when I installed RO through CKAN. It's easy as pie to update the RP0 tech tree config to recognize RP-1... I just hope that the trees aren't different between the two.
  13. @Ruska Howdy. To answer you: Don't install RR from the JNSQ download. It's quite obsolete now. Lots of issues there have been fixed since. Install it separately, download RR and RR Parts from SpaceDock or GitHub. The Metal problem is fixed as in answer #1. You will miss a lot by not having RR Parts. This is where all the additions to drills, scoops and converters are kept. RR's core is only resource placement. RR is fully meant to be optional. You can easily do without it, but you'll miss out its offerings that seek to make refueling toyr Near Future ships more interesting and less basic (Ore --> Everything). RR and Dust Bunnies will have immediate effect and no harm on your save, but I must honestly say I won't be updating Dust Bunnies very soon. My modding energy is elsewhere for the time being.
  14. @KIMCHI The RO configs are: GameData\OPT_Reconfig\OPT_DRE.cfg (the DRE config shipped by DRE itself or RO only covers about half of OPT's total parts. Reconfig finishes it.) GameData\OPT_Reconfig\OPT_RO.cfg GameData\OPT_Reconfig\CRP\OPT_RO_*.cfg (3 files) GameData\OPT_Reconfig\TechTree\OPT_RP0.cfg With DRE installed, the thermal upgrades (PARTUPGRADE definitions and B9 modules that facilitate choosing heat limits and whether the Ablator resource is there) are disabled and the parts are set to a static state: Ablator always present for the ablator module + the heat limits expected of parts under DRE. You shouldn't need to a surgeon's eyes and hands to get the thermal upgrades patch working as normal under DRE. It's not particularly complicated like, say, the cryo engines patches. GameData\OPT_Legacy\Patches\OPT_DropTank_Thermals.cfg (contains Ablator and B9 modules) GameData\OPT_Reconfig\OPT_Upgrades.cfg (contains the PARTUPGRADE definitions) GameData\OPT_Reconfig\OPT_Upgrades_NoseHeat.cfg (contains Ablator and B9 modules) Oh yes, there's also a config that provides for fuel options for the (fuel cells) OPT Power Spheres (the "Tidal Force" ones, not the "Dark Energy" ones. Currently the only selections are LH2O and MMH + NTO. GameData\OPT_Reconfig\CRP\OPT_RO_PowerSphereFusionSelect.cfg If having other fuel options for those is desired let me know their names and ratios and I'll handle the tooltip info and throughput scaling.
  15. Hey @Lisias it's about time I ask you this little question. Have you confirmed support for engines, converters and RCS with B9 switching on their inputs? Sometime this year, I'm going to really need it if it isn't there already.
  16. Heck yes! I can't promise that it's complete or great, though. I would like to write TestFlight configs but I don't play RO or career mode at all. And I think the thermal upgrades are disabled because I don't know what to do about that with concern for DRE. RP tech tree is absolutely supported.
  17. I've taken quite some time to contemplate on, and draft more engines and intakes, and revise earlier drafts...and I can finally start coming out of this phase and start prepping things for UV unwrapping. But I will try to produce everything in phases starting with all intakes. I've been encouraged to provide 1.875m and 0.9375m parts (There shouldn't be more than a handful of things in each size to be honest, but time will tell) and some odd and eccentric shaped engine nacelles (that is, not Mk2 or circular) will happen too. The roster of intakes is virtually complete now, with a total of ...just over 23. Here is the "Phoenix" series 1.875m shock cone and nacelle with cowl. An assembly suitable for (though not specifically for) the "Barbary" 1.875m turbojet.
  18. @Stumble No, there won't be a conflict. Firespitter fuel switch configs are rather restrictive and bothersome to write for, which is why I don't support it. Go ahead and use OSE Reworked.
  19. Scatterer's ocean/wave physics? Ah, I had a small feeling it might be that, but didn't completely realize it to suggest to you. Yeah....good luck landing planes on those. @bcqJC This ^
  20. Sorry. I can't help you at all with that. It's likely that aero physics may have changed in that interval as side-effects of changes to the DLC prop blades and you may have to adjust your tactics to keep up with that. Also, as a general rule, try not to land a plane with over 6m/s vertical speed or high angle of attack (regardless of horizontal speed). if you have to land with either of these, you built your plane badly. If you happen to have 100+ mods in your install, some new bug must be coming out of that mix and it would be a good idea to trim down your install or create a new one with just OPT and its dependencies and try your water landings again.
  21. Banned for missing the reason the subject is now about mail
  22. Banned for using snail mail to send a message in 20XX.
  23. @MrWookie2U lol! Science mode is great, actually. It's progression but without money and contracts. (I'm allergic to grinding, sadly.) I personally dislike career mode. (But this is going off-topic)
  24. I know you said "no mods" but lots of mods have IRL counterparts too, and tend to be quite well balanced. Some mod makers do college-level homework or higher, to make sure that their things are as accurate as possible. They are usually limited to things that were and have been and would be obsolete today or in a few years, but some focus on things that are well documented in concept and could have been or could happen. Your goal is technically unachievable in pure stock so in comes everyone suggesting that you use liquid or solid rockets to get your electric craft into space as usual. These things were not possible or not popular in the time that KSP sets itself in (roughly 1940 to 1960). Clean energy and capable electric engines are only now beginning to become practical and it will be decades before any (for planes or rockets) get to have actual working prototypes. They are still mostly far off in the sci-fi world.
  25. Absolutely yes. The single most important mod you need is FMRS which lets you create branch timelines when you stage, land your lower stage(s) as active vessel, and return to the original timeline and your orbiter without losing anything. You would need to get very creative with existing mods (for large parts) in order to roll your own stage recovery vehicle, or if youre a seasoned part maker, you can create the parts for a modular heavy retrieval craft. USI Konstruction and KAS are particularly interesting utility/parts mods. They contain winches and magnets. You don't need to add target dummy ports to your craft but you may need to hack their muscles if your spent stages are very massive. You cannot reuse a decoupler (afaik), but with KIS or stock EVA Construction you can easily swap a fresh one on. It is currently unknown if kerbals can lift infinite weight for stock welding but I can confidently say that a kerbal cannot lift a whole vessel (chunk of parts) at once and attach it. KIS allows you to lift whole vessels but the default settings (for how far a kerbal can reach for the CoM or root part, and how much he or she can lift) are weak, and are tweakable. And if you have more than one kerbal close together, you can lift that many times the weight. (1 kerbal can lift 1 ton. 5 kerbals together can lift 5 tons.) You should be able to do crawler transporters by incorporating pieces from MLP onto a giant rover. But you will have to avoid using its base pieces. They are fancy launch clamps, and clamps cannot move. If you have an itch to scratch with Venture Star, go here. It includes its own launch stand with animation and is built with full and in-flight reusability in mind. Kerbal Konstructs, since KSP 1.8, has had a working hangar module. Set the craft count and mass limits and you can store stages away (when close enough of course), conveniently reducing part count. Any space center I make will provide this out of the box. Note: You cannot access the VAB and reassemble your craft inside a KK hangar. You still need to bring it out and re-assemble in the field.
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