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Found 12 results

  1. So basically I made a new instance and installed RSS/RO on it and along with a bunch of other mods like Near future construction, habtech 2, and etc. I didn't check beforehand to see if RSS/RO worked with these mods and now I'm getting this error. lmk if you need more info in comments
  2. I have no idea what the issue is, but originally b9partswitch wouldn't work(error thing should still be in the log). Installed Ckan and updated my mods to see if that would work, ended up breaking kopernicus and Tweakscale. I have many mods and i cannot pinpoint anything. please help, log is below [snip]
  3. KGEx (KGX) Agency, flags, common files, tanktypes, and scaletypes for addons. For Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests B9 Stock Patches Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) GPO SpeedPump (GPO) Inflatable PicoPort (IPP) Shielded PicoPort (SPP) More: Hitchhikers (MHH) More: Service Bays More: Cupolas On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Tags agency, flag, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Footnotes this isn't a mod. ;P ↩ may work on other versions (YMMV) ↩ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date! ↩
  4. Hey y'all. I recently moved to a new laptop, and wanted to use the same mods that I used before (realism overhaul and many more realism and parts mods). Now using CKAN on windows, I managed to run into a fatal error on startup. What am I doing wrong here? I've attached the screenshots of all my mods on CKAN and the screenshot of the error when launching KSP.
  5. When I open KSP I get this message saying fatal error from B9 Part Switch. I think it's supposed to say what part is causing the error but doesn't say anything. https://imgur.com/gCUudNm
  6. Hello everyone, a few months ago I started to download some mods for ksp and everything went fine until I decide to get one that needs B9 Partswitch to work. I then realize that B9 was already installed and I just launch the game but I see afatal error report with multiple thing apparently missing. I download the last update of B9 partswitch and it almost works completely : there is one last thing considered missing and this is a tank type named "Optab". My problem now is that I just don't know how to get this working I will be thankfull for any help
  7. I've been getting an error after I installed Bluedog Design Bureau, CryoTanks & Near Future Solar. I installed them using CKAN. I have tried a lot to figure this problem out. But nothing worked. Is there anyone who can help me on this?
  8. Im using Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit and other mods but it always shows an error. Player.log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6vtpsir4uz72ns0/Player.log/file Reproduction Steps: There are none, it has only happened when i boot KSP up. Here is the image of it:
  9. so every time i start the game it gives me this error message. this happens every time. all i did was add the station parts expansion redux mod (incudes the mod itself, module manager and near future props, and b9partswitch, i tried replacing the folder i already had with the one that came with the rar file but it still didn't work)this is everything in my folder. can you guys help me? this is on 1.9.1
  10. So, I've come across a curious hiccup in the logs of this ... [LOG 20:13:42.805] [ModuleManager] Running post patch callbacks [LOG 20:13:42.836] [ModuleManager] Calling SolverEngines.EngineDatabase.ModuleManagerPostLoad() [LOG 20:13:42.848] [ModuleManager] Calling B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad() [LOG 20:13:42.853] Generating field configuration for type B9PartSwitch.TankType [LOG 20:13:42.862] Generating field configuration for type B9PartSwitch.TankResource [LOG 20:13:42.863] B9TankSettings: registered tank type LiquidFuel [LOG 20:13:42.863] B9TankSettings: registered tank type LFO [LOG 20:13:42.863] B9TankSettings: registered tank type MonoPropellant [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Battery [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSupplyOre [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSupplyWater [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSupplyOxygen [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSupplyHydrogen [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSupplyH2O2 [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSupplyMaterialKits [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbLH2 [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbLH2O [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbLFOX [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbBalloon [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbBalloonLH2O [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbMonoProp [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSkylabLH2O [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSkylabLFOX [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type bdbSkylabLab [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type FTPOxidizer [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type FTPLiquidFuel [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type FTPLFO [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type FTPMonoPropellant [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type FTPXenon [LOG 20:13:42.864] B9TankSettings: registered tank type FTPOre [LOG 20:13:42.957] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Food [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Water [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Supplies [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Waste [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type WasteWater [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Sewage [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Oxygen [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Nitrogen [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Hydrogen [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Ammonia [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type CarbonDioxide [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type XenonGas [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Uraninite [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExXenon [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExArgon [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExSupport [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExOre [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExH2Ow [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExLiquidFuel [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExOxidizer [LOG 20:13:42.958] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExLFO [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExMonoPropellant [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExBattery [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type KGExRocketParts [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type Oxidizer [ERR 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: The tank type XenonGas already exists [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type OX [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoA [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoC [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoH [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoHLOX [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoM [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoMLOX [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoN [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CryoO [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Ore [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_MetalOre [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Metal [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Ammonia [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_CarbonDioxide [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Hydrates [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Hydrogen [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Methane [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Nitrogen [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Oxygen [LOG 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Rock [LOG 20:13:42.960] B9TankSettings: registered tank type RR_Water The single error in it is ... [ERR 20:13:42.959] B9TankSettings: The tank type XenonGas already exists I've managed to track it down to a conflict between @Sir Mortimer Kerbalism and @linuxgurugamer OctoSat Continued. If I understand MM correctly, it processes patches alpha-numerically. So, Kerbalism's patch ... \GameData\KerbalismConfig\Support\B9PartSwitch.cfg B9_TANK_TYPE { name = XenonGas tankMass = 0.00010627500 tankCost = 0.25 primaryColor = Manilla RESOURCE { name = XenonGas unitsPerVolume = 85 // see https://www.cobham.com/mission-systems/composite-pressure-solutions/space-systems/xenon-propellant-tank-datasheet/ } } ... is being applied before NSSOcto's patch ... C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\KSPwin64-1.9.1\GameData\NSS\TextureSwitch\B9TankTypes.cfg B9_TANK_TYPE { name = XenonGas title = #autoLOC_501003 //#autoLOC_501003 = Xenon Gas tankMass = 0.0005 tankCost = 0.25 RESOURCE { name = XenonGas unitsPerVolume = 15.7142 } } ... which is subsequently being thrown away. So, the question is who to use and how? Can we add :NEEDS[!####] to one or the other? (I'll be dropping this thread in the respective addon threads.)
  11. Why do I get a popup during the loading process that reads... "B9PartSwitch - Serious Warning" and below it says "More than one module can't manage a part's crashTolerance" and "Please see KSP's log for additional details" this just started happening yesterday when I tried to load a game. Is anyone else having the same issue?
  12. So, I've been getting this warning since upgrading to 1.7 Room to Maneuver: B9PartSwitch - Serious Warning B9PartSwitch has encountered a serious warning. The game will continue to run but this should be fixed ASAP. Initialization errors on ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='endcapSwitch') on part sspx-expandable-centerfuge -375-2 subtype 'BlackHandles' No transforms named 'Ladders' found Please see KSP's log for additional details. I've completely uninstalled and reinstalled KSP 1.7. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the "Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux", which is the only mod I can think of that has an expandable centerfuge and handrails, but that didn't work. I don't know if this issue is the culprit or not, but KSP has also started "ghosting" me. Meaning, after switching back and forth between Space Center sites a couple of times, none of the buttons work anymore. I can't navigate out of wherever I am. Have to exit to Windows and ungracefully close the KSP window. This is severely cramping my style and harshing my mellow. Help?
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