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Everything posted by greenTurtle1134

  1. I arrive with a new grill for the chef, plenty of wheat to go around, and some nanite. Our (@The Raging Sandwich and I) exponentially growing moon base.
  2. I infer this is another hill, because my hill is bulletproof, and I'm napping at High Noon. I press the blue button to bring up the shields and both nukes (the one heading for my hill, and the one heading for @legoclone09's hill) ping off it. My shielded hill.
  3. I install buttons of various colors as well as a biometric (fingerprint, retinal scan and genetic profile) ID system to turn them on, keyed to me and @The Raging Sandwich. Our hill. I sweep the rubble up a bit.
  4. So does Formidable mean something in French? Because I thought it was a Kerbulan talking for a second...
  5. Wanting more mass, I rip Weathertop with @ZentroCatson on it into our 'verse and smack it into our moon. My moon shared equally with @The Raging Sandwich, now with a tenant and an atmosphere. Might wanna stay here... we have running water and a fusion reactor! (Edit) And of course I build a cloak, shield, and gravioli gun! (more edit) @The Raging Sandwich, just shut off the ion drives, with their low thrust and the roid's high mass they're useless. Save us some energy and radiation.
  6. The base was taken over and destroyed a while ago, its the crater now.
  7. Because the Force does not make you omnipresent! The Force users could probably only scan one system at a time. Because the base is so sparsely populated, you need to be rather close to it to be able to sense the Force ripples. It's not good form to refuse to acknowledge defeat, though, so - fine, you find the base and collapse the shield. Your planet. Your Starkiller. Your field of crushed Star Destroyers marking out where the shield used to be. Your asteroidal base tokamak reactor about to go critical. (added later) Oh, and one more thing! Your star-crushing planet-sized superweapon slowly disintegrating into gravioli energy from the failsafe device! Have fun.
  8. Ya, but the planet is cloaked in all spectrums except gravitic. Have fun finding it, the only troop transport that knew its location is now a few stray photons wandering the cosmos. And the cloaking generator is inside the cloak, if you were wondering. @The Raging Sandwich, how about an alliance? I keep the shield up, you get the planet buster?
  9. I assemble my tech on the asteroidal moon base, and shield/cloak the planet just in time. I then carefully line up a gravioli disruptor shot and take down the troop transports. @The Raging Sandwich's planet and base. Under my protection, though.
  10. I knew I was being nice by letting you have the sub gilly moon. Willing to share the base? Have the planet cracker (well, one that doesn't take a week to charge) right here, just need to plug it into the USB port there.
  11. Ah, but you forgot to keep claim of Starkiller Base, you see! I tractor the relatively small lump of rock into an orbit within forcefield range of the planet and raise shields and cloaks around Starkiller. I start fortifying that. My Starkiller Base. @The Raging Sandwich's tiny asteroidal moon.
  12. So what would be the price for leasing Olympus Mons? In case it's too high, I transdimensional gate in a minor planet and build a bunker on it. I shield and cloak the planetoid and build a @Parkaboy style negative gravioli spatial destabilization gun on it (capable of ripping open a planet) My planetoid.
  13. I'm so new to KSP that this is in fact my first time seeing it! Nice interpretation, @Kuzzter - wonder if that was the actual intended meaning! Maybe it's a message from the Monoliths, detailing how the Kerbals can break out of their own canon/universe/savefile and explore the rest that's out there. New idea! General Order Aleph-Null: Do not pursue any course of action that would reveal or jeopardize the future plot. Number Aleph-Null (AKA Infinity) because Shirley surely you have to take care of all Kerbal considerations before catering to extracanocial requirements.
  14. I'm new enough to KSP that this is in fact my first time seeing it! Interesting interpretation, @Kuzzter - wonder if that was the intended meaning! What if it worked as an inter-universe gate, like the one used to access @Parkaboy's Plan Kappa a while back? The arrangement of the pylons could be a message from the monoliths to the Kerbals, urging them to break out of their own canon/savefile/dimension and explore all the others. Does "formidable" mean something in French? Because for a second there I thought Clauselle had become a Kerbulan, when she called the magnetic field formidable.
  15. I'm sorry about that, really. Regret saying that. I did just mean you had arrived on the thread. My sincerest apologies, seriously sorry. Sorry. For the record, I do not hate Dres, I support Dres love. In case you are wondering. This I concede. So close to triggering the Admiral Shirley thing!
  16. So I was wrong about the allcaps, but right about everything else. I want to do a Dres mission now, just to entertain these.
  17. Oh, they know orbital mechanics, that's simply equations and algebra. But they don't like it. They much prefer the murderdeath and explosions as a tool - so they will never use it with the creativity needed to defeat a seasoned space program. In that split second of low Laythe orbit, their rejection of science shall betray them and their defeat of curiosity will come to bite them.
  18. Here is my response to these. I was thinking maybe one of the boats will have undocked and survive. Maybe the Qwammer? Or maybe the Dres cruiser will fast transfer to Jool and pick them up. Crew capacity and life support strain might disallow this though... Mention of Dres will now cause @max_creative and @SpaceplaneAddict to cover the thread in all caps. I was thinking that the Intrepid and Kerbulan Attack Cruiser were already in almost the same orbit, circular, and trading missile fire; then the Kerbulans accelerate from about 2 km away, and hit Intrepid. You're not going to get much velocity, but I'm expecting the Kerbulan capital ship to be around the same mass as Intrepid so there's still massive amounts of momentum. Yes, it's more efficient to use an eccentric orbit and let orbital mechanics do the heavy lifting, but that's kinda the point - the Kerbulans don't know orbital mechanics, they only know fire and death - and they pay for it. Come to think of it, this is more likely around Laythe - smaller body = lower orbit = less time for Kerbulans to course correct, so it's plausible they could crash while celebrating their victory, and also Intrepid is more likely to be in low Laythe orbit than low Jool orbit. He probably arrives in a new, high-tech command ship a few chapters down the road, and (using force if necessary) takes command of the Jool Assault Fleet from not-Val. Wait, what was this? You mean the not-Kenlie's story about the rescue? Was there anything to indicate that that is something important Kerbulan intel is looking at? Or did I miss something?
  19. Because if it was in fact not correct, I wanted to see the community's reaction. And as I am not experienced in this sort of thing, I saw very little probability that it was correct. Probability of messup times potential downfall caused by messup greater than or equal to probability of success times potential benefits of success. Did the logic, weighed the benefits. If it was in fact correct, PM me and I'll go die in the Mohole or something.
  20. @Kuzzter must now rep it, to quell this suspicion. Or would that be interpreted as him trying to cover it up? Again, sorry if I was right and I ruined it for you.
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