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Everything posted by Leafbaron

  1. Thats cool! ill have to figure out how to use that. having an inclined base is no issue. Loads of fun actually. Can't wait to see how i pilot space planes from the inclined KSC!
  2. 30-40 m/s to make the inclinations change isn't too bad if you plan it right
  3. Gael's axis of rotation isn't tilted is it? I Guess what im getting at there is no way to launch into Iato's plane from the KSC since KSC never crosses Iato's orbit unless of course Gael is tilted.
  4. @DoctorDavinci wow! 1 hour and 49 minutes!
  5. Thank you very much! What all pertains to moderate level? I should say what difficulty settings do I need to use?
  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe I am a KSP caveman! http://imgur.com/a/ebPh9 album is here. sorry the picture seem to be out of order.
  7. *Test Solid Kickback on suborbital flight* Mission parameters, Alt: 500-510km Speed: 4000-4200 m/s *Facepalm* I agree, the test equipment contracts are BS. and tourist contracts need to have increased payout.
  8. Honestly, there is no right answer here. If you feel as though the game isn't fun anymore then stop playing. Sure you can try some of the ideas suggested but if you are still forcing it to happen. Then it won't be fun. Just put it away for a while until you wake up one night in a cold sweat and exclaim to yourself. "I must build it/ do it/ explore it in KSP!" When the inspiration comes from within, the game is more fruitful. Just my $0.02. If you are still wanting to play just not super thrilled about career mode, I suggest you head over to the Challenges and missions thread. There is some great stuff to do over there. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/25-challenges-mission-ideas/
  9. Some of the creations this community comes up with astonishes and astounds me (and yes both those verbs are necessary). Keep up the great work everybody, y'all inspire me everyday!
  10. uoload image to imgur. Copy address link and paste. AFAIK albums will not post as picture but just links.
  11. I'm loving this challenge, It is very difficult and testing the upper limits of my design abilities and knowledge of Kerbin SOI Hohman transfers.
  12. @DoctorDavinci smart thinking, bringing youre return vehicle with you. I just assumed everyone would have left it at the start of stage 2, therefore having to return to stage 2 to return to Kerbin.
  13. @Cunjo Carl you made need to activate the flags in the tracking station. I really like that rover design.
  14. @DoctorDavinci That was awesome! I like the rover design! Can't wait to see it driving!
  15. thank you for testing! I encountered a similar problem doing the Dakar 2017. most of the flags were underground. I just got as close to them as i could.
  16. gotcha! I will be participating in this challenge ASAP. so no mods other than visual such as EVE and things like chatterer. are parts available like MRS/ MK2 expansion?
  17. will add a .zip version when I get home tonight.
  18. Thank you advance for bearing along with my ignorance. Is this challenge to unlock 22 science nodes in as short of time as possible?
  19. I think with DMagics science stuff and SCANsat the lack of total science can be augmented to some degree.
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