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Everything posted by Leafbaron

  1. I really appreciate all the work this community has done to diagnosing and dissecting drag. I never really thought too much about it until I started making SSTO's. I am sure glad smarter people than myself are hashing these problems out and sharing their data.
  2. It's @Draco T stand-up guy image, I just quoted him.
  3. You know you got your DV budget perfect when the last burn is from Bills EVA suit
  4. "Looks like I just picked a whole bouquet of oopsie daisies" - Stan Smith "Parachute and booster in the same stage? Should be fine"
  5. Thanks guys! I should've recognized it, I've seen the movie. Not great but not horrible.
  6. don't forget control surfaces for roll! each control surface should be limited to one function. Pitch, Roll, or yaw. I would also suggest reaction wheels. once you get to 20 km you're control surfaces will still work but they are much less effective.
  7. Set up some coms sats. Was trying to develop a Nuclear space plane capable of traveling to the moons of Kerbin for multiple rescue contracts. Was having a very difficult time achieving the DV required. Last attempt was to use 3 NERVs. but the TWR wasn't high enough at ~.44 when the air breathers cut out to lift it into orbit.
  8. When i say coupling i mean using engines from OPT on MK IV parts. while the dark drive is cheaty the other engines are very reasonable
  9. Well first off, without knowing anything I can tell you this. Unlike landing a rocket where (generally) you only have to deal with vertical speed, landing a plane requires that you contend with to speeds. Vertical and horizontal. The vertical speed is what kills you. unfortunately the only way to identify vertical speeds is with the what i assume is a logarithmic analog dial at the top of the screen. this can be somewhat troubling to read, but if the arrow is pointed at 5 when you hit the ground you should be safe and to do this we feverishly have to tap S to acquire a somewhat "smooth" control over pitch when touching down . try practicing around the KSC where the grass is flat. I will answer with more detail. when more information is provided.
  10. should be getting out of work a little early today. So I plan to bolster up the com net and send a probe on a fly by of Duna. We'll see where it ends up after the fly by. Hopefully Duna will swing me out and get some more gravity assists for my fly bys.
  11. NO!! this is MINMA!!!!!! *inserts sparta meme*
  12. good luck fire! Im doing this myself although not quite stock.... haha -Leaf
  13. you could put the satellite into orbit, maintain stability for 10 seconds, then once contract is complete move the satellite to a safe orbit.
  14. OPT is another great mod for larger spaceplanes. I find the Mark IV coupled with OPT makes for a great combo.
  15. I am using the current version 1.2.2. I thought it might go in bug reports but i just wanted to see if anyone else had the same issue first.
  16. Im still getting a abug every so often when entering EVA all actions are frozen. Kerbal cannot board, let go, or move. cannot quicksave, cannot quick load, cannot exit, cannot go to space center. I thought this might be related to the cloning of kerbals, but when checking the crew via crew transfer, the kerbal is not cloned. any ideas whats going on here and how to fix it?
  17. I feel ya about the ground travel. before 1.2 I had any idea to rover around the Mun and collect the science from every biome and then send the science and rover driver back to Kerbin. It was slow going and painful. It did yield quite a bit of science. But if quickly progressing is what you want, Rovers are not the way to do it.
  18. Mk1 command pod with a new skin reflecting the Friendship 7
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