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Everything posted by ARS

  1. Yesterday, there was a total blackout in my city at night. I'm not upset. In fact, I immediately ran outside of my house... To see the starry sky... Holy... The starry sky is so beautiful!!! The night sky, full of stars isn't a scenery that you can see every night in a city. It's like the stars itself illuminates the night. Best night ever for me to see such a scenery
  2. 1. Open KSP 2. Go to settings in main menu 3. Enable advanced tweakables 4. Go to VAB 5. Now you can set a priority of fuel consumption value by right clicking fuel tank. Higher number consumed first
  3. And because it's hard, the result would usually be catastrophic for the vessel, kerbal, or even the game. The kraken demands sacrifice for greater effect, but seeing how Danny2462 regularly did that, it's a small price to pay for seeing the mighty kraken alter the reality of kerbol system ALL HAIL KRAKEN! Personally though, I enjoy the unpredictable nature of kraken. It makes the game more exciting
  4. Midnight-Class AA Cruiser (With Nuke) Requiem-Class Heavy Destroyer (With Nuke) And several kerbalized WW2 Aircrafts (Clockwise from top left: J7W1 Shinden, Me262 Schwalbe, Ilyushin IL-2, P-38 Lightning)
  5. Firstly, I am thankful to SQUAD for a very fun and educational gameplay. It really helps jacking up my physics grade on my school. Funny kerbals and LEGO style gameplay (with rocket fuel and explosions). It has been 3 years since I'm having the game and still playing till today Also, I'm thankful for mod community. It really brings a new and exciting experience to the game when you are bored with stock. It adds new gameplay and new things to do. Really exciting And lastly, for the community. Full of fun and amazing people who always eager to help newbies as well as discussing new and interesting things, FOR SCIENCE!
  6. I rarely encounter a kraken, but since version 1.3, the rate of encounter suddenly cranked up to eleven. I play with few mods, though the kraken encounter most likely happened when I'm building rover (most infamous when jeb left a command seat of a rover then suddenly shoot straight up at hypersonic speed, or when jeb trips when heading on the rover, his head hit the rover body and suddenly the rover blown in pieces and jeb flies several km upwards and get spaghettified)
  7. Though GN Drives is still useful when you need something to propel your contraption and too lazy to do it legitimately using engines or care about the aesthetic Also, regarding your robots... Holy Kraken, it's so damn AWESOME!!!
  8. We already did: @JadeOfMaar's: Mine (ARS): @JadeOfMaar's is based from CBS-70 Ptolemaios, while mine is based from CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2 Kai
  9. Judging from your claim, your plane has low stability in level flight, which usually caused by the imbalanced center of mass. Nuclear rocket is heavy, so placing it on the rear shifts center of mass to the rear of the craft. While this can be remedied by redesigning the craft to achieve balance between center of mass and center of lift, the fuel can also be the source of your problem. On departure, your plane might look stable, but when you returned, usually there's a very little fuel left since the majority of it has been used during the trip, and since mk3 parts are among the heaviest parts available (especially fuel tanks), having lost a majority of fuel means your plane won't be balanced anymore. On vacuum, this isn't a problem, but when you enter the atmosphere, aerodynamic effect kicks in. I suggest to adjust the setting of fuel consumption priority on the fuel tanks, which one being drained first and which one being drained last in SPH (try to test drain the tanks in SPH and see how it affect the balance of CoM and CoL, make sure the last tank being consumed still allows a balance between those 2 aspects)
  10. The lag is real... Over 197 engine nozzles, firing up together... and my FPS plummeted in an instant (Planned to add more engines) This absurdly huge rocket is planned for an even bigger assembly... The ARK: A massive rocket (See ISRU on it's body for scale) without staging system. It's a vertical launch SSTO designed to carry a whole colony on interplanetary trip with self-sustaining resources. The rocket portion is already finished, along with planetary domes. Now it's time to outfit it with labs, crew quarters and command modules
  11. North Korea has summoned a kraken!
  12. Well, it's based from this: The left one: Haruka Langit The right one: Akane Vermell But I like their design (personification of aircraft) so much that I made a fan art about them
  14. No, that's not a paint mod. It's HRP (Heat resistant part) mod. Basically an additional stock parts, colored black, with absurd heat resistance. A very outdated mod since KSP 1.0 (but still usable, as long as you have the necessary plugins) Here's the link: https://spacedock.info/mod/218/Heat-Resistant Great to use when your ship disintegrated a lot because excessive heat
  15. I'm testing a new SSTO prototype. It's still in test stage There's some problem during launch, the craft is a bit nose-heavy, so it's kinda hard to keep it steady Nevertheless, it's finally managed to get into orbital velocity I may or may not be continuing the project, since I'm still have to fly other test craft
  16. Alt+f12, then send a ship filled whith everyone to eelo and jool. Voila! Lvl 5 in an instant Or if you prefer "technically legit" method, start a new career mode and disable kerbal experience in custom difficulty menu
  17. Could we possibly make a nuclear grenade? Aka a nuke that can fit inside your hand, can be thrown like a grenade, and having the "mushroom cloud" explosion the size of grenade blast, and still leaves radiation in a relatively small area compared to tac nukes
  18. I'm bored, so I draw random things on my scrapbook Black angel Knife maids
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