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Everything posted by ARS

  1. Well, I lost count about how many times I killed jeb too. But since I've played this game for about 3-4 years, and judging about how often my career play is VERY explosive (pun intended) I can say that it's... A LOT Don't worry, he's always managed to come back, since he's a BadAss
  2. Install janitor closet (JC) mod. This allows you to filter out your installed mod. The most resource intensive mods are part mods and graphic mods, mainly because part mods takes a while to load all of the parts installed, even if you never have or never needed that part (ex: huge artilleries in weapons mod that you never gonna use anyway). Using JC mod, you can sort and filter installed part mods and "blacklist" specific parts, allowing them to be permanently not loaded during gameplay (you can revert this, careful though, any active craft that happens to be using blacklisted parts will be missing), saving some RAM and performance since there's less parts to be handled. But then, of course the most resource intensive mod is graphic mod. Those can really slow down the gameplay to a crawl (though it does looks absolutely beautiful). Usually minimum RAM for graphic-intensive gameplay is around 16 GB for smooth performance (not counting other mods). My usual method for part mods is having several KSP folders, each with their own specialization (ex: KSP folder 1 for spaceplanes, folder 2 for rockets, etc.), so I can still enjoy all part mods without suffering performance drop or having to reinstall mods. As for graphic mods, I cannot say anything, since my laptop isn't powerful enough to run even a scatterer without having my FPS plummeted to a crawl
  3. Hmm... that's quite weird. Maybe it has something to do with SOI of the planet. My guess is there's a minimum threshold of gravity/ SOI for a planet depending on it's size. Having large sized bodies (like tylo, which have a high gravity, and theoretically large SOI) but with smaller SOI (like gilly) seems to be the one causing the bug, maybe you can simply ignore setting SOI and focus on the gravity. Test several values of the gravity to adjust the SOI until it sets to your liking
  4. Did you copy gilly's stats? Gilly's terrain is highly uneven by default, it's not a perfect sphere and basically just an irregular-shaped moon. It's highly likely that the planet that you've made looks like a good planet on the outside (texture), but it isn't on the inside (hitbox). Judging from your "Exploding inside the planet" report, I think that your planet's appearance isn't in sync with the hitbox of the planet itself. So what looks like a mountain is actually just a texture you can pass through (and then you collided with actual hitbox inside the planet) and what look like an empty plains is actually dotted with invisible mountain "hitbox". I suggest you use another moon as a template for creating celestial body, one with a more "rounded" shape to make it easier to create
  5. No, the total surveillance state is created AFTER the nuke was exploded. But then, back to the main question, assuming an access to enriched uranium is available, would it be possible to build a homemade nuclear bomb with current technology? The one which you usually see on most urban residence such as the tools and materials from garage or metal workshop? The nuke would be obviously an improvised type since being homemade usually means the materials and parts (excluding the enriched uranium, which we assume we have access) is being inferior from military grade nuclear bomb, but even with such limitation, could it be built on strategic scale (like the one written above which blasted Sarajevo), or would it be limited to tac nuke scale?
  6. Read the highlighted sentence Is that... really possible with our current technology to build that?
  7. Well, I know there's no way they can add DRM to the whole user. Realistically, KSP is already DRM free anyway, and it can be played without online connection since it's singleplayer (Unless DMP is installed). The closest thing that they can do to make us spend money for KSP is probably selling merchandise, which I do have a support for it. I'm just saying that IF, they make a DLC, it would probably useless anyway, since any DLC content would be inside gamedata folder and people would just copy paste it or make an identical mod anyway. Mods already covering pretty much anything the community ask, from physics rebalancing, more parts, more planets, more utilities, more resources, weapons, to graphic mods. Quite often I have several KSP copy in my drive to handle all the mods installed (My computer isn't quite powerful, so some KSP folder is designated for different task such as KSP1 for weapons, KSP2 for life support, KSP3 for parts pack, etc.). So if they want to install any DRM or making any attempt to protect their content or microtransaction stuff, it's seems very unlikely
  8. Time to make a backup copy of my game folder...
  9. Well, if they really make a microtransaction in KSP... Time to make a backup copy of my game folder....
  10. Actually, there's indeed a vehicle powered by a small nuclear reactor. Back then during atomic age, the Americans are so obsessed with atomic power that they start putting atomic in anything, even commercially irradiated drinking water. One of the proposed idea during that time is a nuclear powered car, which, in theory could be used for a very long time without refueling. The Ford company designed a prototype car called Ford Nucleon (Google it to see how it looks), a car powered by a nuclear reactor. However, the project was cancelled after it's evident that incident involving cars are far more common than incident involving ships and subs, and any traffic collision/ accident involving nuclear powered cars, even a small damage could mean a mini Chernobyl disaster to the surrounding area when there's a containment breach on the reactor. And that's not even counting those drivers who tend to drive their cars recklessly, meaning every police chase is potentially creating nuclear fallout if there's a crash. Seeing the hazard of having multiple mobile nuclear reactors running around operated by civillians offset it's benefit, the project was scrapped, and any small sized nuclear power source is relegated to power devices that'll be left unattended for a very long time or very far from civilization such as far-off autonomous lighthouse or space probes
  11. Oooh! I think @Danny2462 have done that! (On lower gravity world though), but surely it's worth a shot!
  12. If all the land on the planet is flattened equally across the world to allow the water to spread equally too, then the entire planet earth will be covered by water, a plametwide ocean with uniform depth of 200 meters deep If all water is replaced by land, then global climate would be messed up. Wind and weather patter would no longer following their regular pattern and desertification might spread since there's no water anymore
  13. Pack a base core module with it's own detachable engines and fuel section, along with all other base modules around it inside large fairing. Send them to orbit of the destination planet using heavylifter rocket, assemble them in orbit and land them like a lander before ditching the engines from base core module
  14. So, I'm getting a build addict lately, where I'm very enthusiastic about doing aesthetic work on my craft. I used a lot of parts mod to add more parts that I can use. But some parts are just... not really fit for the stuff I build Recently I'm also editing some parts in a mod to suit better in aesthetic look of my craft. But I wonder is there any way to swap the model of the parts without changing it's config file (utility of the part)? Example: I'm building an unmanned orbital bomber plane on another planet. I need an antenna that's quite powerful to control it from kerbin, but there's no way those radar dish antenna (which meant for space probes) looks good on streamlined aircraft. Meanwhile, those radome in BDArmory looks good, but I have no need for it's radar capability. Would it be possible to make the radar dish antenna on stock game have a model of radome from BDArmory? I just need the antenna capability, but with radome model This is for self-enjoyment, I wouldn't use a model of a mod to create a mod without author's permission
  15. First of all, Welcome back to the KSP forum, where everyone in here isn't an ordinary gamers who only care about pwning or bragging to others. KSP isn't a game which can be played by anyone, you can't play this game by simply having "fast reflex so I shoot first", but also an understanding about physics, aerodynamics, astronomy, orbital mechanics and a lot more. Most of us here is either rocket/ aircraft enthusiast, scientists, etc. (Basically, we solve problem with calm and coolheaded attitude, not starting flamewar). Perhaps what you experienced in the contrasting difference between 2 games is caused by several factors, such as: - most of the shooter game, especially MMO values pwning the most in a game between 2 sides, so it's natural for someone to have "I'm the greatest" mentality when they got most kill and ridicule the other by calling them noob. While yes, the shooter game have tactical sense, most of the time, it's about who can click faster to pop someone's head. KSP (the combat type at least) isn't that type of the game since it isn't about a skill of who can click faster, but who can build better. Furthermore, most battle in KSP is handled by AI anyway, so it also about who can configure the AI better. While this might not important, losing in a shooter game full of pro gamers always induce hate, losing in KSP is more likely to induce motivation to get better - the KSP community is full of people who solve the problem calmly and methodically, a claim isn't a claim when it isn't proven scientifically. Most of other shooter game out there is full of pro-style gamer who can be agitated by even a slightest provocation (which usually resulted in flamewar where both sides trashing at each other). For an example of how we, KSP community handle a problem in our community, just look for @Matt Lowne and @hazard-ish Tiltwing SSTO (just look at Matt's video on YouTube channel or the forum about it). Yes it does cause a flamewar in the forum but it doesn't go as far as profanity-laden posts and even then, the conflict is finished in just 2 days, after that, everything goes normal in the forum. Compare to most conflict that happen on most shooter MMO forum where the flamewar could lasts for months or even years - one of the thing that unusual for most gamers is the ability for KSP players to "improvise". In almost EVERY shooter game, whenever there's an update that either buff or nerf something, there's ALWAYS a complain in the forum, as if they can't live without it. This isn't a case in KSP. Whenever there's a nerf or buff, the community simply "improvise" it to circumnavigate the nerf limitation or make better use of buff advantage (one rule in KSP is, the more absurd the improvisation, the better) - repetitiveness, name me one shooting MMO that has something other than "pwn someone's head in a match, rinse and repeat until you unlock next tank, weapon, parts, rank, etc.". Yes most will say "it's a shooter game, so of course it's about shooting". But one must remember, repetitiveness is one of the thing that plagues most games today. It makes a game boring real fast. Remember, we play for fun not for work. In your example above, yes, I'm a former WoT player, but I've stopped playing it long time ago simply because it's more like a chore than play. Sure it's fun at first, but then as I progress, the exp needed gets absurd and the game simply becomes more like a chore that I don't care about it anymore. Grinding is not a good aspect in a game, it leads to a monotonous task with no new experience in gameplay. In KSP, we always have one thing that we love: mods. Mods adds a whole new gameplay and brand new experience by offering more challenge, more parts, more places to visit and many more. If a vanilla game isn't enough, a mod can give new experience. Overall (as a former WoT player) why you just drive a tank when you can build your own tank and experience the sensation of driving an ultramassive land battleship with weapon system that you can put as you like? This is my opinion though, but yes, I do agree with you that most other gaming community is simply too hostile for any talk Overall, I think the KSP is one of the greatest game in my life, with such a helpful and good community (well, KSP helps me jacking up my academic grades and my thesis), I think it's safe to say this game is about who can be more creative, have more absurd idea, more crazy mission, etc. It's not for bragging, it's for entertainment for others Anyway, once again, welcome back!
  16. Some suggestion: -if I would like to suggest, give rachter gravity and SOI, so it wouldn't look a bit... jarring and make it more believable as a moon (see hale in OPM, a very small asteroid moon of sarnus with SOI of only 8/10 km-ish with really small gravity (40% of gilly). Not having gravity makes people wonder how it remains in stable orbit and why they cannot simply grab that thing with klaw and carry it out of orbit like normal asteroid. The size could be bigger (3km is around the size of E-class asteroid in KSP) so seeing people able to snatch A-class asteroid and carry it home, yet unable to snatch E-sized object out of it's orbit seems like an inconsistency for some people -cravenic's surface (based from your picture) could be like a combination of eelo and dres, snowy and full of canyons. Like your description of "planet with scar", it would be fantastic to create hundreds of kilometers "claw marks" on the surface, each of them is a deep canyon like the one on dres, but has glacier-like erosion structure. Rumor says that this marks was the work of large kraken when it accidentally tried to mess with planets and it's tentacles bumped into cravenic That's my opinion. Hope it helps. Overall, good idea for a planet pack and nice concept art
  17. The maker of that picture claims that this is a medieval-era primitive tac nukes. Initially I'm just thinking "whoa really? Medieval? That's too primitive for something like this (relatively) simple", so I uplifted the question into gunpowder era. But then after reading the answers then I understand it would most likely goes fizzle and not gonna have a full-blown nuclear explosion due to the primitive and imprecise nature of earlier gunpowder, not to mention the difficulty in enrichment of uranium But then, back in the design. If we could built that nuke design with a technology several step forward (say WW2 weapon tech, where the first nuclear bomb were used), could it explode into a proper nuclear explosion? At that size (2,5 m ball), how powerful an approximate power of it's explosion in kiloton? (Not sure if it reaches megaton, I doubt)
  18. Might be a silly question, but I wonder what's the feasibility of using conventional heavy aircraft design as an SSTO (say a B52 or An-225's fuselage, tail, wings and engine layout)? How effective it would be in aerodynamic standpoint during ascending, orbiting and reentry? (Disregard engine power, assume the engine is able to carry that plane to orbit)
  19. -Building base on noctis labirynthus, I always want to visit that foggy deep canyon labyrinth and live there -Take my rover around the dunes of mars' desert like dune buggy -Travel from one end of valles marineris to the other end -Climb Mount Olympus, bcs why not? -Experiencing planetwide dust storm just for thrill
  20. I think he mean a craft that looks like gantry crane, where landing gear serve to lowering/lifting klaw. Though the one that I'm worried about is the frame bending under heavy load since those structural frame and girders tend to bend when overloaded. But its worth trying
  21. The gold standard It adds new resource to mine: gold, with no other use other than being sold for cash. At first I'm thinking "meh, just a new resource with no use for my mission, fuel is more important". Then I ended up curiously installed it, and I realized, the further I'm going into the game, the wilder and insane my imagination become, and the bigger my craft turns out. So that mod is really helps in providing reliable source of cash during late game where anything being built can be described as sheer monstrosity (I even managed to gain over 120 million in a single trip)
  22. I love to build stuff that's aesthetically looking good without sacrificing utility. Since my computer cannot handle graphic mods or planet mods, most of my stuff are parts-related GN Drive: An ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL mod for omni-directional self-sufficient engine with absurd performance. Mandatory when I'm building massive stuff and normal engine won't do the job HRP (Heat resistant parts): Stock parts pack with nice shiny black aesthetic with much more tolerance against heat. For building stuff that looks cool and too lazy to reduce speed for reentry Mk2 expansion: Expansion parts pack for mk2 body, essential when looking for parts to build spaceplanes Mk3 expansion: Same like above, but with mk3 body Mk4 spaceplane parts: Even bigger parts for massive spaceplanes SXT: For propellers and aesthetic purposes Solaris hypernautics: Long range self sufficient engine and stuff OPT Spaceplanes: Futuristic style spaceplanes BDArmory: When I'm bored and want to blowing things up NKD (North kerbin dynamic): When I'm really bored and want to mess with nuclear bombs
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