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Everything posted by COL.R.Neville

  1. i think this is everything outta the crp. I made this awhile back wouldnt mind a second set of eyes to let me know what I'm missing pretty sure that the m700 524288 gets anything stock plus the karbo stuff (if its installed) automatically. the 468828032 sensor type is the bitmask sum of everything else. been using this for awhile now havent noticed anything missing. the old mks antenna was a survey camera so the m700 is the equivalent not the narrowband right?
  2. no second zip just that parttools folder and unity parttools_assetBundles file sorry cant give you much more than that since i just did it for the first time a coupla minutes ago hehe.
  3. have a look at the orca command pod from usi for ideas on the cockpit and id think you could throw in the 16 seat iva from the mk3 crew cabin. i made a life support looking module for space stations that i welded together using lll and usi stuff. so thanks for keeping that updated linux. need help with anything let me know im kinda in the same boat as you can do the cfg stuff. im still working on setting up the stuff to do dll's then i can help with that as well if you need it. But finally took the dive and set up blender and trying to figure that out.
  4. yeah same here dont know what I need to change either. Ill try exporting it to unity and that might find why its not loading. it loads into ksp without any errors just doesnt show up in the part list anywhere. filled in the tech tags etc...
  5. is there a model validation script for blender for ksp? got blender installed, the io script in there as well successfully imported the model im working on. But afraid at this point pretty much a pig looking at a wristwatch.
  6. then scale down ITS panels to the perfect size this is where its gonna go wrong on you because if you are welding it its going to go right back to the original models size. might get lucky but probably not. you need to go back to the original part and look for the rescalefactor write it down. or the scale coordinates like 1,1,1 then make sure that those are included in the model section of the welded part otherwise it will never come out right. welded part model list for example. MODEL { model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/Assets/PAL_Truss position = 0.001189, -0.260593, 0.099203 scale = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 original part was rescaleFactor = 1 it got changed after i tweakscaled it down a rewelded it. rotation = 270, 0, 0 } MODEL { model = LLL/Models/Science/Generator position = -0.011164, -0.048093, 0.727471 scale = 0.375, 0.375, 0.36 rotation = 0, 270, 0 } MODEL { model = LLL/Parts/Utility/RadialPipes/model position = -0.223957, 0.199663, 0.421936 scale = 0.30625, 0.30625, 0.30625 rotation = 5.1E-05, 179.9999, 0 } gotta remember that once you weld a part you lose the entire cfg so even if its one you need to add it. and i would suggest using tweakscale to the finished product and then weld it again and then leave tweakscale off it. use mm to create copies of a master scaled at different levels. its real easy to lose the trail of breadcrumbs.
  7. dunno how km's worth of flea boosters will autostrut hold? you do it cuz it there man.
  8. yeah roll with the q/e to get the navball oriented correctly then s is up etc. also nothing says you HAVE to go east. just put the thing up there. the rest will work itself out usually with more SRB's.
  9. yeah ive got a pair of fuel tanks above and below to help suck some off and its 900k it runs best at. I had the radiators directly on the reactor dont know what was going on there since they should have been able to handle it with one much less the 4 i had on. so you cant cool it below 900k i was having to load it up try to keep the same power setting and put into space then come back install the radiators put it back up again. and wasnt seeing the numbers change. so cranked it all the way turned the radiators off then turned them on with a different set and it seems to be working now.
  10. k tried a bunch of different ones guess the one i had wasnt working or something ive got it now thanks.
  11. how do you cool the reactors or do you need to. and dont say radiators cuz they dont seem to work.
  12. k open unity but which version? gotta remember to fisher price it for us. making things for 1.2.
  13. dont want to get rid of it necessarily just letting you know in case it was a problem. good to know there is an option to do it if you want though. usually better to say something and it not be anything than to not pass on the info.
  14. thanks man just finished my life support for my station so i know what im doing tomorrow hehe.
  15. I think you are going to NEED blizzy's installed because of the problem with the stock toolbar. Which is ksp itself stock. I have the latest versions of them running about 85 mods and not having any problems. well not with scansat anyway hehe.
  16. like i said back in the day. looks like the worm has turned and now red spars is going to make a comeback. I just wished i would have saved all the wayland drop ships nostromo etc.. there was some good stuff in there.
  17. awesome man good to see that scanner again. geo grid shows up on the menu though. let you know if theres is anything else i find after using some parts.
  18. adsii you can create that already thats what the plus sign in the upper right hand corner of each part image does.
  19. im not seeing why we cant have an evelike economy. player supplies all the raw resources they are processed into more refined products in towns created with kerbinside and use usi's planetary logistics to move the resources and refined products around and govern their production with construction time. player can then use the refined resources to haul out to the outer colonies etc... you have space telescopes/scansat to find rare resources that reside in the outer planets or extra solar planets. kspi/usi have just about every power production ever been thought of done. civilian population, colonist along with construction time govern the growth of planetary towns with atmospheres. colonies on bodies that dont have an atmosphere, along with using extraplanetary launchpad to stake out and build the buildings/modules for the towns/cities/colonies. players could swap town city designs but instead of a craft file get only the stake coordinates and construction time que. yeah lots of lil pieces I havent mentioned but you get the idea. im running 80+ mods and only using 5 gigs of ram so we have plenty room left now to start putting stuff together that is a lil bit bigger than a parts pack no?
  20. give this guy a hand. awesome mod just needs a lil help visually.
  21. certainly will havent run across that before thanks.
  22. from what ive seen the research time is the biggest impactor on converting one data to x science. its on some kind log scale so each one is orders of magnitude faster or slower.
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