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Everything posted by COL.R.Neville

  1. there is a stock dimension of this as well if you guys didnt know https://spacedock.info/mod/706/Space Launch System Stock Dimension just have to take the ships apart and put them back together again.
  2. okay so you welded your part now you need to find the model that you want the texture on. which from the looks of it is an MKS connex container. so what i do is pick the texture i want to use so lets use metallic ore. MODEL { model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer texture = UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kontainers/Assets/Kontainer_00 then this line from where the welder put that model in the stack position = 0.011806, -0.487164, 0.002818 scale = 1, 1, 1 } hehe tried to use the tab not knowing that closes this and saves it and yeah get rid of that firespitter module that is what is causing your problems. now to try to put the texture switching back in again see if you cant look at the code for the LiquidEngineLV-T91 in the squad expansion folder you may be able to use what they are doing there to do the texture switching part of the firespitter module you are getting rid of.
  3. two ways i know of there is a check button in the resource settings window that says instant scanning enabled or something like that. or you can set the scanning percentage down to 1 or 2 percent and it will do one if you have stock scanning disabled or pretty sure thats how it works hehe.
  4. actually the opposite appears to be true model scale texture still works. ive always just picked one texture to use and done it this way. but if you look at the LiquidEngineLV-T91 in the squad expansion folder they show you how to do it now using the modulepartvariant. you reference back to the model you want to change via the gameobjects. you'd have to mess with it to get it going the way you want but looks like thats what you are looking for.
  5. come on man dont quit. work on the cargo version later. might not be able to haul multi ton cargo atm. but i bet you could haul 100-150 kerbals no problem.
  6. there are a bunch of mods that switch textures and models even, like firespitter, b9part switch etc.. and even more mods that use those. remember you are combining the cfg's of everything into one cfg. MODEL { model = FuelTanksPlus/Size3/TPtank3mL00938 texture = orange-jumbo-0, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankJumbo-64/model000 texture = orange-jumbo-1, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankJumbo-64/model001 position = 0.011806, -0.487164, 0.002818 scale = 0.666667, 0.666667, 0.666667 } so find the model section and name the texture you want to lock in on that part. Not sure if you can keep the texture switching you might be able to use the new stock texture switching on that model.
  7. add to dont get rid of it that my favorite motor i use it on everything hehe. welded up a raider nick tdrs nova punch sas and ftp 2.5 m tank with that rd 586. so all of it is just one part works pretty good for commnet constellations. and use your amlv to get it out to keo. that new motor does look good though. only problems ive seen so far is the plume with motors and some of the srb decouplers have moved or not connected anymore. dont know whats happening there. i think it was the mls and amv subassembly versions if i remember right. @PART[Kosmos_Angara_RD-275K]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] // RD-275K { PLUME { name = Hypergolic-Lower transformName = engine_thrust localRotation = 0,0,0 flarePosition = 0,0,1 plumePosition = 0,0,16 fixedScale = 1.15 energy = 1.2 speed = 1 } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %powerEffectName = Hypergolic-Lower } i used this to fix mine for the time being. seems to work. you do have to add the x's in on the name to match yours. guess you could just put MM wildcards leading and trailing in too.
  8. anybody else having problems with the overlays just being grey? started a new game with no other graphics mods and did an instant m700 scan and both the stock overlay and this seem to be borked. uninstalled scansat and overlay seems to work fine. okay took everything apart and put it back together dont know where it was going wrong but the overlay seems to be working now except the coverage transparency that should control the cutoff percentage right? the overlay and the cutoff seem to work fine from the instrument rt click gui but not from the resource settings. Is that controlled there or some place else. also all the overlay textures seem to be stretched and smeared i admit i havent used this in along time but doesnt look like I remember.
  9. awesome parts really but damn near impossible to find since they are all named kerbodyne. i dunno maybe find and replace the manufacturer with benjee's awesome sauce or anything else that isnt a stock name hehe.
  10. so right now all you can use on this contract is the stock temperature sensor. all the others are worthless. unless you go in and edit the file yourself and add all the mod temperature sensors you have in the partnames list in the persistent file. this shouldnt be too hard to fix and everyone can use all of their mod sensors on stock contracts. maybe fix the funds,science and reputation multipliers while you are in there as well? which then should resolve to the partnames list in the contract definition in the persistent file. right now all you get is the stock temperature sensor once fixed there should be a list of all the sensors capable of either a sensor type temp or experiment id temperature scan.
  11. in the joint reinforcement xml you can tweak ALL of the breaking torque and force with the multiplier settings just dont go too nuts. i use like 1.5 which seems to work pretty well. and i think the launch clamp you just set to 0 to turn it off otherwise stuff may get hung up in the launch clamps.
  12. try using kerbal joint reinforcement just make sure to turn it off for launch clamps in the xml and world stabilizer. what i had to do was load the craft file and then take it all apart and put it back together again. you will just have to try one check the logs rinse and repeat once you get them going though they are awesome trucks for lko.
  13. was using 1.41 ksp with the 1.41 version of TU and the latest version of sstu.
  14. trying to use the -glcore switch but not working out. throwing lots of shader tool exceptions. everything shows up, the icps' have textures on them but all of the other parts do not. either in the part list or in the vab actual. and once you try to load a part it freezes the vab. heres the last part before it froze the vab. it can never just work with these version changes hehe. does give you a chance to try out new things though.
  15. okay i found it and put that in there. thanks. i should be able to see whats doing and figure out the rest.
  16. k using that yarbough command pod as kind of a test bed to get the hang of how everything works. but even that is still using the old RPM mfd's and not the new ones. you wouldnt happen to know of an IVA that use the new MAS MFD's .
  17. FMRS toadicus tools smart parts those are my top 3 thanks for keeping all this stuff going too man.
  18. so if I change my holomfd to use your new mas instead of rpm everything should show up right?
  19. thanks for keeping this updated. appreciate it. keeps cool stuff running which is always good.
  20. anybody else notice that the background for the attitude page on the mfd's seems to be like you are looking from the back of the page. all the "actual values" seem to display correctly but the background boxes , labels, ladder, navball are backwards. dont remember them being like that before.
  21. see nothing is impossible simply hasnt been done yet right? tried all of them and the only one having problems is the expanded type a. the others look to line up with everything fine. cant remember what i needed to set to see the is shielded flag on the rt click part ui but thanks again for updating this nothing like a good set of hard shell fairings.
  22. its the k7b one not the first part. once i removed this everything went back to working fine again.
  23. Tried this but it messes up the fuel tanks and engine used in the dawn of space mission. creates an air gap on the flt800 fuel tank and shroud is on all the time on the swivel engine.
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