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Everything posted by COL.R.Neville

  1. i make mine a science lab for cruising around the ksc and doing science. i changed mine to atmosphere analysis instead and added a relay antenna so my eva kerbals can xmit science to it or back to ksc. using the karibou wheels makes a pretty good lift kit for it too. oh and the new filter extensions are nuking your colonization and rover tabs in the part editor.
  2. any chance we can get the service/cargo bays moved to the new payload category? thanks
  3. have you tested that mm? because the science container HAS to be the first module because of the module index entry. and the first module for the science lab is a moduleanimategeneric
  4. i dunno i have a 980 but only have an i7 920 and getting 30-40 with the high res pack.
  5. there is an old mod called MEPS that you can use for the cargo bay flooring and places to stick KIS containers to.
  6. i got on the bandwagon in feb 13 so i think it was like .18 or right around that. 32bit you could run like 4 or 5 mods till you hit the 4 gb limit hehe.
  7. why is this mod not stock? so many tiny mods that are just absolute genius. look at vapor vent, chatterer etc..
  8. if you have really freaky stuff tca can fly it. all the buttons are a bit much you just have to sit down with it and spend a few hours. there are youtube videos that are pretty good. i dont think it does the thrust limiters as much as it adjusts the intake side so the engine stays spooled up.
  9. and of course the log was zero help in even pointing in the right direction other than there was an error in this huge file of stuff hehe.
  10. yeah gamedata/squad/parts/prebuilt/kerbaleva.cfg try searching for the just the file kerbalEVA.cfg there is also a kerbalEVAfemale.cfg as well last page is an mm config for creating an eva xmitter for xmitting science while on eva.
  11. thanks for the update man. the all in one dl is really nice. i am getting an mm error on the communitytechtree.cfg though. Is ksp the only log file now?
  12. okay so you have to physically take the data to the lab and upload and xmit from the lab right? instead of nuking the data xmitter which you kind of need for other things. take care of this at the experiment level setting the xmitdatascalar to 0 would do the same thing just have to make sure the dataiscollectable is set to true.
  13. thanks toadicus enjoyed using antenna range eva manager and tweakable everything for a long time. probably need to buy a bigger plate for linux what is that 40 mods you take care of now?
  14. on 5760x1080 the lower left black resource and vessel tabs cover up the buttons for symmetry and snap angles. need to move those over a coupla hundred pixels to the right. thanks
  15. they should put up like .18 again to remind everyone just how far everything has come. i remember the strut count needed to be at least 2x the part count. still dont understand why mods like module manager, chatterer, texture replacer, texture switcher and multlayered animations are not stock yet.
  16. eva kerbal config is in squad/parts/prebuilt.
  17. use the above to replace the MODULE {name = ModuleLandingLeg} block to get the ASET Landing Legs going in 1.2.
  18. yeah we have all of these awesome shuttles and lifting bodies and crap for landing gear. isnt there all kinds of car racing games and stuff using unity? they are bound to have figured out suspensions and wheels for that you would think.
  19. np i understand too bad that was a pretty nice setup gear problems not withstanding.
  20. add me to the list with kis kas working now in 1.2 would be great for grabbing lko rescue contract and recovering stuff. an aset iva would be great just saying.
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