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Everything posted by BlueDragon1504

  1. Hi! This mod was pretty amazing to play but how do you sync time with other players? When we tried building a space station, for instance, my friend put the hub into space, but when I went in to dock he still had his fairing on which got us both confused, so he jumped into the ship via the tracking station which caused the Kraken to attack and only when he calmed down did the issue fix itself. This made us think that it had to do with him time-warping more than me but that didn't really fix anything for us. In the end, we just disabled timewarp on the server which was (to be expected) a bit of a pain.
  2. Hey! Quick question. I'm loving this mod but me and the friend I tried it with were wondering one thing which you probably got asked a lot already, but are there any plans on making further compatibility with BD Armory. I understand that it would probably take a lot of time which the mod on its own wouldn't profit off, but the concept of building a fighting vehicle from scratch with KSP physics and using all your dogfighting (or tanking) skills against friends just seems too good to me. If you aren't planning on doing this, that's fine too. I'd like to know your answer nonetheless so we can stop wondering
  3. I think he only does weapons that existed/exist. If you can find a missile that fits those requirments you will most likely have a higher chance of getting excepted. Edit: If you need help finding anything this could: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-radiation_missile
  4. I have a suggestion. I'll just keep it quick, could you add the little boy and fat man? I have a b29 lying around and no nukes to use with it.
  5. Hey, So I was testing this mod again after a while since I was doing ww2 planes but the B-83 doesn't seem to work anymore. It just explodes like a regular fuel tank would. I haven't tested any other bombs but a fix would be great (If it doesn't already exist).
  6. Hi, Been enjoying the mod a lot, but I'm a bit confused about something. It says (B-29 and X-1 Cockpit, B-29 Engine and 2.5m Tail Boom) in the title, but I can't find anything related to the B-29 in the actual game. Am I missing something? Ah whoops, I think I accidentally took the mod from my desktop which was an older version. Sorry for causing possible trouble.
  7. I hate posts like this, where people have the exact same problem and then they post: "None of the replies worked, but I found out anyways" and them have them not explain how.
  8. But seriously though, how do I fix this?
  9. The were orbiting, didn't test what would happen if they fell. Could be interesting though.
  10. Hi, So I recently thought of the HE-KV-1 missile again and wanted to ask if it was going to stay in the hangar forever to remind us of what once was or is it still on the priority list? I keep wanting to do that moon battle...
  11. Hi, I found a (I think easy to fix but I have little knowledge on this) problem. When I was testing the flak 88 I found that the AI wasn't using the gun. When I checked by controlling the vessel it didn't fire. After that, I tried putting on unlimited ammo after which it did work. This makes me think that you might have made a small error while putting in the ammo type of the gun(s). Could this be fixed if, not now in the next update?
  12. Hi, great mod but I have a bit of a question/suggestion. since there is now a function to set guns to target a certain vehicle type I would love it if you could set priority's for crafts (If not in the mod already). This way, you can set a high caliber gun to a higher priority and when it runs out of ammo the AI will switch to the lesser caliber gun. It would also be nice if the AI (And players more easily) could fire multiple gun types at once. This right now, even though it might not be what you are supposed to be doing, only doable through action groups or toggling them independently.
  13. Hi, I love this mod way too much but I have a bit of a suggestion. I find the bf 109 engine a bit underpowered, especially in comparison to the Spitfire engine. In history, bf109's were able to outclimb spitfires incredibly easily. In here tho the Spitfire engine is almost (if not) two times as powerful as the 109 one so a 109 is outclimbed and caught up to by Spitfires. Could this be taken into consideration? (if it isn't already) EDIT: A nerf for the allied engines would probably be good to
  14. I don't think this is supposed to happen... https://imgur.com/a/2oyCL
  15. Jup, the problem could be that the mod was made for 1.3 and not for 1.3.1 though.
  16. I knew that, but normally when playing this mod I go to the agencies tab. The BDA tab on the normal screen isn't popping up either. This is my normal screen: https://imgur.com/a/Y4uHa
  17. I can't seem to find the weapons anywhere. Did I do something wrong while installing? https://imgur.com/a/oX9m7
  18. The BD armory tab doesn't seem to pop up for me. Am I doing something wrong? https://imgur.com/a/Y4uHa
  19. Nice! But armour from the peeps at bda? I haven't heard of this before. I did recently find out that structural plates don't work anymore so tanks and stuff won't work anymore, unless you use spanner monkey's english, modern tank prebuilds. So what exactly is this armour?
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