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Everything posted by Godot

  1. Could it be BSG the 2003er series? I remember that Apollo once (I think in the attack on the resurrection ship) almost dies of Hypoxia and was only rescued in the last minute.4 And IIRC the deck crew of the Galactica also used motorised pushers on at least one occasion to push a wrecked fighter aside so that other fighters can land
  2. Actually NASA as well as the russian space agency have done/do so. Good example for the NASA is the female teacher who got killed in the Challenger accident in 1986. Similarly the ISS has seen a number of space tourists ... the best known (at least to gamers) probably being Lord British (Richard Garriott)
  3. Gravitation is gravitation, so I guess the answer is yes. Guess you just have to be careful to do this with a save distance of the black hole, so the gravitation gradient doesn´t rip your ship apart
  4. I show an unmatched creativity when it comes to mission and spaceship names. Missions to planets/moons get the name of the planet/moon together with [mission number] if manned or R[Mission number] if unmanned Similarly for spaceship names. Spaceships usually get [Target Planet/Moon] appended by [Version Number] for manned or R[Version Number] for unmanned ships
  5. Well, there always have been impossible contracts since 0.24 ... the most infamous of them, having to test Launch Stability Enhancers on Mun So your case is no big surprise (although yours, of course, is much more subtle than the one with the LSEs). AFAIK squad for the next update are planning to introduce measures to check the viability of contracts before they are offered. As for your case, I guess, you could either count it as loss or do save-altering, like Thanny suggests
  6. Well done ... right in the spirit of Stewart Cowleys Spacewrecks: Ghost Ships and Derelics in Space
  7. I guess the answer lies in the angle of attack ... if your ships nose points direcly into your movement vector (and the air flows equally for all sides) your Tricouplers lift should be equal for all sides .. but if your ships nose points into another direction, the strength of air flow along all sides of your rocket becomes unequal and the lift generalted by all sides of the Tricoupler uneven
  8. There can be several reasons Do you try to change the attitude of the rocket so that it points out of the movement vector? (the higher the angle of attack for the aerodynamic drag (which increases the more the rockets nose points away from the movement vector), the higher the chance that it will overcome the forces that try to keep your rocket stable, resulting in a spin out of control) If yes, then try to be more careful with your attitude changes Also: Is the Triplet of rockets below the Tricoupler connected in regular intervals via Strut Connectors? If not each of the 3 rockets may wobble (and therefore try to bring your rocket away from its course) In this case use moar struts Addendum: 2nd point answered as not being the case, by looking further at your pictures That brings me to ... Point 1. Also: Put Tail fins to the lower end of your rockets (i.e. one for each of the 3 rockets of your Tricoupler) ... helps keep your rocket more stable. Also, if this doesn´t help yet, put an Inline Reaction Wheel to your rocket
  9. I just had the same problem ... I visited the space center in order to switch to my Duna probe and, instead of getting the probe, everything was black (even when looking at map view) and Kerbal Engineer Redux showed NaNs instead of values. After returning to the space center, all of my ships and stations were gone, with only my planted flags remaining (I then tried to stop the KSP process in the hope of preventing the problems of creeping into the save file, but it was too late ... all spaceships/-stations are gone and also 3 Kerbonauts which manned a ship enroute to Mun (no, it wasn´t Jeb, Bill and Bob)) In contrast to others I don´t use Kerbal Alarm Clock My mods: FAR Procedural Fairings Raster Prop Monitor KAS (Kerbal Attachment System) Deadly Reentry TAC Lifesupport Antenna Range Environmental Visual Enhancements Kerbal Engineer Redux Final Frontier I might add that for the probe to which I switched, it wasn´t my active vessel, when it changed spheres of influence (from Kerbin to Kerbol). So this hypothetically may be a source for errors for mods that use the SOI (the only mod that gets into my mind for which this may be the case IMHO is Antenna Range) Unfortunately I only have the output log of 2 starts after the incident which can be found here: output_log---Kopie.txt but maybe the version numbers of mods as well as other regular infos contained therein may be helpful Addendum: The 3 lost Kerbals now,for some strange reasons, have reappeared (wheareas they had vanished during the first restart of KSP ... when I looked at the Astronauts Roster) ... maybe KSP did some cleaning up between the 1st and 2nd restart after the incident)
  10. I like the ocean, because the pathways of my neurons and the releases of neurotransmitters upon experiencing "ocean" tell me I do
  11. Just tested it with the more detailed istructions you gave (and a test setup similarly to the one depicted in my 2nd posting (with other words, Telus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer that is connected to a modular girder as the platform upon which to climb) and still doesn´t work for me ... after climbing to the top (well, as much as to the top as it is allowed before falling down) and pressing space, Jeb immediately follows the gravity gradient (i.e. falls down) instead of standing for a short moment atop the ladder. Pressing Space followed immediately by W (as it is the modular girder to which the ladder is connected, which I want to climb) and Shift+Space like you said, doesn´t result in any changes of the final outcome (i.e. Jeb falling down) So yes, a pic (of your setup) and/or vid may be helpful in order to find out why the technique works for you, but not for me. Tweakables sound like a good idea ... maybe a checkbox/toggle button in the right click menu in order to define a ladder as "end ladder" or as "connected to platform", so that the Kerbonaut tries to climb the platform upon pressing space, instead of just letting go of the ladder
  12. Thanks for the tips ... just tested both techniques Shift+Jump doesn´t work on the setups I would like to use using fixed ladders at an angle looks a little bit ugly, but it works For your amusement here the test setup (the modular girders as platforms ois exactly the setup I like to use ... the rest of the landers isn´t representative of actual or future landers [just had to add this ]) http://imgur.com/rl7Qshg,10DkQPz,CCx7LFh#0 With the angled ladders workaround: http://imgur.com/rl7Qshg,10DkQPz,CCx7LFh#1 http://imgur.com/rl7Qshg,10DkQPz,CCx7LFh#2 Being able to climb platforms without the angled ladders workaround would still be a nice to have at some point in the future (but at least now I have a workaround I can use till this time )
  13. As the title says. Lets assume we have a ladder (bei it retractable or not) and it ends at a platform (for example the top of en engine). In Real Life, the Astronaut would (most probably) be able to climb to the highest rung of the lasser and then crawl atop the platform. In KSP however this isn´t possible ... if the Kerbonaut climbs to the upmost rung, he falls down (and has no chance of climbing atop the platform). There are workaround, but usually they require to have a higher structure next to the platform (so the ladder is on the higher structure and the Kerbonaut sidesteps atop the platform). So, well, it would be nice if Kerbonauts could use ladders that end at the rim of a platform in order to climb atop the platform
  14. It is definitely a game where I am glad that I have my Saitek X52 HOTAS (and definitely a game where generelly spoken, HOTAS systems with lots of buttons/hats/switches can be recommended) As one would expect from reality As they model the game after reality, I guess you might get a little bit disappointed by asteroid belts ... after all they (at least the one we can observe) have such a low asteroid density, that (aside from local clusterings) you won´t find more than a single asteroid for every couple of kilometers. But have you been to planetary ring systems in game? They make a good substiture for asteroid belts But I guess life will get much more interesting with Beta 2 (which might come out before the 30th anniversary of Elite, on September 20th) ... according to the newsletters we will get the first approach at the exploration system (with you having to visit and scan the planets/major bodies in a system in order to explorer it (and gain money from it) and with the risk of drawing in unwanted attention. It will also have outposts (as kinda small space stations)
  15. The sad thing about this is, that a single modder, Twallan, managed to fix more issues and add more features in Sims 3, than the Sims 3 team was able to (unfortunately he quit modding due to personal reasons, so he won´t be around to fix issues Sims 4 may have (or add new features))
  16. Honestly ... AFAIK SIms 3 with its Sims store and lots of EPs and SPs was a cash cow for EA. EAs own fault if they make a Sims 5 dependant on how well Sims 4 sells. As for Sims 4 itself ... According to this sourse: http://ts4news.com/post/94541924952/89-features-missing-from-the-sims-4 Sims 4 doesn´t contain story progression of non active households. Reason enough for me to not buy Sims 4 .... without story progression I can as well play Sims 2, as I haven´t read about anything in Sims 4 vanilla that would let me prefer it over Sims 2 or Sims 3 with all of their Expansions.
  17. Seems like it isn´t as sensational as I thought ... if I understand this correctly, the sender just thinks of a series of movements that symbolizes 0 and another one that symbolizes 1. He then thinks of a string of movement sequences that symbolizes the binary representation of the word that he wants to send. The computer does the EEG scan of the motor cortex and constructs a bit vector out of the string of movements the sender thinks (ideally correctly getting the binary representation of the word hat is to be sent). Then the Bit Vector is sent and the receiver computer uses TMS to send pulses to the receivers lobus occipitalis, in a way that the receiver sees a light flash in his peripheral field of vision for every binary 1. This way bit per bit the message is received (and can finally, after the last bit, be retranslated into the word that was sent [if everythign worked correctly]) http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140903105646.htm Nice demonstration, but not as sensational as one would think from the headlines ... and especially not as direct as one would think.
  18. Well, actually it is not really like we would imagine telepathy ... EEG scan "reads" the thoughts, file is sent via eMail and then via tDCS (or similar brain stimulation) "sent" into the receivers brain ... see here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11077094/Brain-to-brain-telepathic-communication-achieved-for-first-time.html Nevertheless it is extremly interesting
  19. Bummer, definitely a letdown for me. (especially not having to pay for them ... not having to go out to shop may still be rationalized as using Amazon & Co) I liked the bigger realism in Sims 2 in these regards
  20. So, do your Sims in Sims 4 have to go to a clothes store in order to buy their own clothes (like in Sims 2), or do you have a magic dresser again (like in Sims3)?
  21. Yep ... at the moment all gravitation is determined by spheres of influence ... you are in the SOI of one body and your spaceship/station is influenced by this bodys gravitation (and only by this bodys gravitation). Else, I am sure, our stations and satellites orbits wouldn´t be as rock stable as they are now (but rather be influenced by the gravitation of Mun and (to a much lesser degree) Minmus)
  22. H+? Does this series have something to do with Transhumanism? (The name would suggest it)
  23. I prefer real books, although I also use eBooks (for example as electronic compendiums for programming topics) Big advantage of real books: You can take them with you in the bath tub, without having to worry that your book gets destroyed when it accidentally comes into contact with water
  24. I disagree. IMHO the space shuttle with its multiple missions was extremly useful both, in terms of science missions (spacelab and the like) as well as in terms of manned maintenance missions (to Sats and the HST) . It also served to gather lots of useful practical data with regards to the operation of resusable spacecraft (including data on what can fail ... especially thanks to the columbia and challenger disasters)
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