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Everything posted by Jebs_SY

  1. I would prefer a normal x10000 number instead the version with a exponent. However, maybe both could be done and be switchable.
  2. @NavyFish Thx for you work. It's already live on CKAN for 1.2.2. But I have another question regarding DPAI just out of curiosity... I hope I can describe it with my english. The DPAI-prograde marker works a little bit different from the navball-prograde marker and I wonder if it has a special cause. Assuming your 60m out with a heavy ship and drifting in with 3m/s. The docking ports are parallel already but you still have a X-/Y offset. Now with the navball one can bring navball-prograde with I,J,K,L over navball-target and as soon as navball-prograde is over navball-target youre done. If the orbital drift is not that big, you drift in diagonal and hit the docking port. The X-Y alignment is only aligned just in time milliseconds before the docking. The pro of this is, when you need to translate for example right+up, you only burn that amount of right+up until navball-prograde is over navball-target. You don't spend more RCS than needed. However, this system doesn't work with DPAI. When I translate right+up until DPAI-prograde is over DPAI target I have more right+up speed than needed. This has the benefit that the X-/Y alignment is perfect before the docking event but one also has to much right+up speed and one needs to counter correct the up+right movement with down+left as soon as the X/Y aignment is perfect. When one wants the X-/Y alignment to be perfect before the docking event, with the navball one can just put navball-prograde in line behind navball-target, which makes sure, that one crosses the perfect X-/Y alignment before the docking event. So with the navball one can use the "perfect X-/Y alignment exactly at the docking time" procedure or the "perfect X-/Y alignment before the docking time" procedure. However, the first maneuver is not possible with DPAI when I am not wrong. Have you ever thought about implementing it that way like it's done on the navball? Would be cool. In my opinion. However, I just think that it needs some more calculations. Hmm... What do you think about that? Or is it the way it is for a specific reason? For me the navball behaviour is a little bit more intuitive. Would love if DPAI had the same feature. Maybe switchable via an option. Is the difference to understand with my description? Assuming one floats in with X+Y+Z movement, but the course is already exactly that way, that the docking ports hit each other without ANY further correcture, then the navball-prograde is over navball-target (minus some small orbital drift maybe) and in the exact same situation the DPAI-prograde is not directly over the DPAI-target. In this situation the DPAI-prograde is just in the general direction of DPAI-target, but not over it. That's the difference.
  3. I can fully understand this. I got the information, that CKAN fetches the version files out of the download on a regular basis. So it would be enough to update the .version file in the download, without making it a new release. In the end it's your choice. o/
  4. @MisterFister The DPAI 6.5.1 download fro Spacedock has a .version file, it's in GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\DockingPortAlignmentIndicator.version. It say's it's for KSP 1.2.0. @NavyFish If I read your netkan file right, you only need to bring KSP_VERSION_MAX=1.2.2 into you version file and push that release to Spacedock and DPAI should be listed on CKAN for 1.2.2. BTW, thx for the mod.
  5. For this you must check the NetKan file for the mod in question. Like the Netkan file for DPAI here. If it has a "$vref": "#/ckan/ksp-avc"" in, it pulls the version out of the .version file in the download. However, what I don't know yet is, if one updates only the .version file in the download, without making a release, does CKAN recognizes the new download or not... I don't know. EDIT: CKAN checks the .version files in a download regulary. So a downlaod can be updated without pushing a new full release
  6. Just an idea for a small enhancement, maybe. Not a request, just a idea... would it be possible to save the "auto start rotating save system"-option on a savegame basis? So that one can have it enabled for the career-game, but not enabled for the test-game? In combination with S.A.V.E., which backups all savegame folders one gets huge amount of saves, fast. But on the other hand it's no problem to clean it once in a while. Maybe one could save the option in the save game itself or save a list for which games have the option enabled... or to be on the safe side, which games have the option disabled. But, as I said, just an idea... maybe it's not worth the work or it's even better the way it is.
  7. I would say do it... for any reason CKAN hasn't picked the release up, yet. I wonder if this could be caused by a missing KSP_VERSION field in the .version file. According the AVC specification it is optional, but required for MIN/MAX.
  8. Well, yes. But I have to say that on my highly modded KSP install the issue occurs really very often (I would say 50%+ chance when I come back to the SC (from a flight scene?)). If the KSC is to high, it is no problem. If it's Atlantis again, it kills the immersion and on the same time one feels like one plays a sh***y installation and it generates a subconscious bad feeling of something wrong. So I think it is more important that one may think in the first place. However, this shall not be a request to fix it, I am happy that we have a working scatterer and I can live with it. Only want to say, it still is nice, if it's getting fixed. If one wants to reproduce it for analyzing, I can upload my gamedata folder. @blackrack Do you know (for sure) if it is caused by scatterer? Or does it maybe need scatterer and something more like Kopernicus in combination? I would try to go ahead in investigating, as far as I can.
  9. OK, it seems not to be caused by realchute. Just tested it without realchute, same problem. It occures when the falling stage reaches the "delete it height". Around 20-25km. Without beeing loaded. Even if it's not bad, it would be fine, if this could be addressed somewhen. My installation is highly modded with 180+ mods and I need to monitor at least the exceptions to have a chance to see when something is not working well. So I have the exceptions monitor enabled and every time I see something red it "scares" me a little. .... however, if this is much work, I just have to live with it... will work, too.
  10. @magico13 I have a little bit of NULLREF Spam on a highly modded install on the recovery event. Is this known or do you have a hint for debugging / want more information? I am using realchute and safechute mods.
  11. Hello, I am trying to find the cause why the Space Center has random heights / is sunken sometimes... Please see also this post. I heard that could be a Scatterer issue. Could that really be caused by Scatterer? I cannot really think about a logical connection. But... even Scott Manley has the sunken Atlantis KSC Feature. see here... Already tested: REBUILD OCEANS doesn't fix THIS issue.
  12. Even Scott Manley has the sunken Atlantis KSC Feature. see here... I am asking if the Scatterer guys know something about the sunken Space Centers.
  13. Thank you very much! \o/ And a good start into the new year.
  14. However, Rebuild Oceans in Scatterer does not help. What I wonder is, why the planted flag position changes in relation to the land mass. As if the land height changes. Maybe it isn't caused by Kopernicus, can totally be. Just was my first idea to ask... o/
  15. I have to say this is a highly modded install (180+ mods). For that amount of mods the installation is well playable without major problems. The height issue is happening often. When removing Kopernicus it seems to be gone. Changing to the tracking station and back fixes it every time. In relation to Kopernicus I have only installed OPM. The flag marker (see 1st pic) at the flag pole is correct and the real position of that flag. The height of the KSC is sometimes to high (see flag marker 2nd pic) and sometimes to low. It seems completely random. I also have installed Kerbal Konstucts with Floodlights and KSC++ but if I remember correct, the height issue occured already before adding these three mods. I can understand if that highly modded install is not good for debugging that. I thought that maybe someone already has some information / a workaround. Btw, the orbit lines of the outer planets are flickering just a little bit when zooming completely out. I assume that's normal? Or is this maybe already a indicator for something unusual? The link to all the requested logs (zipped). EDIT: Even Scott Manley has the sunken Atlantis KSC Feature. see here...
  16. Hello all. Just a short question, should the R7 plume look that way or is my installation flawed? If it's the latter, any ideas whats wrong?
  17. Hi all, I have a highly modded install and also use Kopernicus with OPM. I have a flag planted as a marker directly at the KSP flag pole. Now what sometimes happens is that in the space center view the KSC height changes sometimes. Sometimes the KSC is flooded, sometimes it is higher than normal, which I can recognize that the planted flag marker isn't on the correct position. A scene change to the tracking station and back fixes it. But it is still annoying. Even more cause scene changes take a bit with that install. Does anyone know this problem and give me a starting direction for debugging?
  18. @pizzaoverhead Thx for the nice mod. Could you maybe recompile it for 1.2.2? The stock RCS sounds are so quiet, totally unhearable for me. I miss the RCS sounds?!
  19. @Qberticus Hey Qberticus, thx for the nice mod. Could/would you maybe include the part count in the vessel information, like it is done in Resource Details in Tracking Center?
  20. OK, no problem, thx for the info. Haystack didn't show the part count, which is the information I wanted to have as I used this plugin when cleaning a big save game for performance reasons. It's not a big problem. Maybe the part count can be included in Haystack, too. Edit: Nevermind, I just recognized, that the part count is in the stock info window (now?). I am not sure if it was there in 1.13, already, however, there one can get the information.
  21. @linuxgurugamer Did you plan to make a download for the recompile?
  22. One question, should the mod filter selection be saved when leaving the VAB? Cause when I re-enter the VAB I have to setup the filter again. With the great working JC I installed Raidernicks Soviet and US stuff, Tantares and Bluedog Design Bureau wich spam the VAB to dead. To use them only as "for a single project" parts. So I would like them to be off by default. However, as it is overkill anyways, I also could remove the mods and save some ram/performance.
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