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Everything posted by Mandella

  1. Thanks! Your videos were still a big help, even if you didn't use the ablative nozzles particularly. I've been able to get an ablative stack working and a bunch of infrared lasers set up to boost it (hint, the trick was moar power -- a lot more power than I was first starting with). Once I figured out which windows to have open and which outputs to watch it wasn't that hard, although the visual glitch that the ablative nozzle looks like it is putting out fire when there is actually no thrust was confusing. The problem I am having now is what I mentioned in my next post. Apparently all the ablative nozzles feed from a central source on a craft, making it really hard to build something that stages. If you could check this and confirm I would appreciate this. I know this is not your mod, but you've got a lot more experience troubleshooting this stuff and I might have missed something.
  2. It would appear that different instances of the Ablative Laser Nozzle always draw from a communal "tank" of PVC fuel on the vessel, even if separated by decouplers or other parts that do not have crossfeed enabled. This makes it difficult, if not impossible to use them in a staged manner. Is this a bug, expected behavior, or am I doing something wrong?
  3. Noted the same thing, but just cranked up the ambient light setting until it looked okay again.
  4. You might be looking for SMURFF. It's what I use.
  5. Thanks Alvi. Do you use any updated Scatter configs? I note the suggested changes at the start of the Scatterer thread are listed as "outdated." Edit to add: Looks like EVE is the one I'm going to have to hack together some custom configs for. Another Edit: Annnd I didn't see you said 16.2, and I've got 16.4 RSS installed. I'll look into rolling back a version, if necessary.
  6. Coming back to KSP and Intersteller after a bit of a break, and nice to see so many upgrades. But I might be going to need to have some help on something. I wanted to try an alternate tech progression where beamed power was introduced earlier in the tech tree, so I moved the Ablative Laser Nozzle and the Diode Laser Array down a few nodes. They are showing up fine, but I can't seem to get things to work properly. I'm getting all the menus and readouts from the parts, but even boosting a rocket with the nozzle up high in the air I'm not getting any fire at all. To be clear, this is not a bug report -- I just need a little tutorial. I'm sure I'm doing something obviously wrong. Oh, and I am going through all of Jhook777's great videos, but I don't think he uses the Ablative Laser Nozzle in any I have seen.
  7. So I'm coming back after a bit of a break and upgrading everything to 1.8.1, and I am happy to say that RSS has installed with the new version of Kopernicus just fine (and a big thanks to both sets of devs, too). I've given up on RSSVE as it seems to be defunct (but thanks to Phineas Freak for all the effort he has put into keeping it going as long as he has -- and for having a username that always harkens me back to a different time). My question is is there anything that people are using to add clouds to the sky or water effects that works well with RSS? EVE and or scatterer? I've used RSSVE for so long I am out of touch with everything else.
  8. First off I am running KSP 1.4.5 and DSEV version 3.1.12. Wild Blue Tools version 1.61.0 The problem is that for many of the control pods in cockpit view I am only seeing the "stock" style control panels. I have the "pong" style static screens instead of functional MFDs. The Estonian has this problem, as does the inline Nautilus and various others. Interestingly the Brumbly and other command pods from other modders are fine. RastorPropMonitor is installed. Am I missing something? I am almost certain that your mods supported the MFD view, so I'm thinking I've got something installed wrong. Thanks for all your mods -- I've always appreciated your ship design.
  9. I've seen a few posters mention the AES RCS outrigger bug (reversed thrust from the graphic) and I was wondering if anyone can contribute a method by which I could edit my own install to correct the problem? I'm afraid I'm running a "frozen" 1.4.5 KSP version which I don't want to update since I'm doing the whole custom RSS/RSSVE/zillion-other-mods thing. But I'm happy to edit configs and such if possible to get the thrusters firing in the right direction again. Thanks.
  10. Are you certain? I'm currently running KSP 1.4.5 with RSS and RSSVE successfully, after a little tinkering. There are glitches (somewhat transparent planet at ~100 km, flickering in orbit after launch) but it *is* running with waves in the ocean and clouds in the sky.
  11. Forgive me for not giving full debug information, but I'm not on my gaming computer and in fact my workaround is doing fine for me, but I thought you might want to know non-the-less. I'm having the same problem as has been reported pages back, in that MOLE does not have any "Manage Operations" button in any configuration, but rolling back to version does. I'm playing a heavily modded Kerbal version 1.4.5 with RSS/SMURF on Windows 10.
  12. I just successfully reinstalled Real Solar System in Version 1.4.5 by following the steps listed, *but,* using 1.4.5 instead of 1.3.1. The links to mods should go to their respective proper versions -- do not use the latest, as they will often not work with the older KSP version. This was a full reinstall on a fresh game however.
  13. I just wanted to add my thanks for this. For all us RSS users maintaining a "release behind" is really appreciated. (Note I haven't had a chance to test and might not for a while, but I still appreciate the effort.)
  14. If you are on Steam just right click on the game in your library and go to settings. Upper right you'll see a Beta tab. You can download almost all the older versions from that page. If you are not on Steam, I'm not certain but I think the Kerbal Home page should have a link somewhere to do it.
  15. This one here: And you just need the .dll somewhere in the gamedata folder. I have to say I don't know if that is your problem, it's just a place to start looking. And everything has dependencies -- lots of things can't be bundled, often for rights issues. Also, if you are setting up a new machine you know you could simply move your whole KSP folder over from the old one. It's one way to make sure you have everything. But anyhoo, if that doesn't fix you you're probably going to have to post a screenshot of your gamedata folder, plus some logs.
  16. You could try KSC Switcher. I think there is a link to it from the RSS thread. Edit: Here it is: https://github.com/KSP-RO/KSCSwitcher/releases
  17. In relation to the directory issue, I have to say I prefer the Gamedata/Mod/PlugIn structure. Just include in the readme that if one wishes to keep one's settings on an update to not copy over the PlugIn directory. Of course, you'd have to keep in mind that often changes in the way that the settings are written might mean you *want* to overwrite the PlugIn directory on update. A possible bug report. While the new version of HyperEdit will transfer a ship to orbit just fine, it refuses to land at any specific coordinates at all (Land Here still works). The button just does not function. I am playing on Win10 KSP 1.3.1, but I am also playing with RSS, and with about a hundred other mods. I'll include logs if wanted, but with my nightmarishly modded game I wanted to see if anyone else is having a problem while playing in the RSS environment first.
  18. Is there a way to rig OSE Workshop to apply Tweakscale to the parts it manufacturers? I'm running a RSS game so nearly everything gets "upsized" at least once to fit the scale, which limits the uses for OSE. Admittedly this should probably go in another thread, but I don't think OSE is being actively supported anymore so....
  19. I think I have it figured out. The fuel selection type is set by a cfg in the Resources folder, and LiquidFuel/Oxidizer is not opened until the High-Performance Fuels node. Editing it to Advanced Nuclear Rocketry (or whatever, can't see the node from here) gives me the option like I wanted. Is this a bug or am I just editing in things I like? As far as I can see there is no reference to needing High-Performance Fuels to unlock the LiquidFuel/Oxidizer option in the Solid Core Upgrade flavor text, so I'm thinking it's just an error and the wrong node is specified in Resources.
  20. Sorry to quote myself but.... Looking at the cfg for the Solid Core (Labeled NERVA) I'm not seeing any information detailing any change in fuel type on upgrade. Same with the Timberwind and Vista. Could be I just don't know what I'm doing (always possible), but I think something got left out. Later I might try to hack in some values, but I'm still not really familiar with the modding syntax here so it'll take me a while to figure it out.
  21. Still down in the shallow end of the tech tree, is it just me or does the upgrade to the Solid Core Nuclear Engine not do anything? I see no difference in the output, no new engine label, definitely no option to enable an "afterburner" effect that would allow the consumption of hydrolox. Using 1.16.1.
  22. I just wanted to drop in and let you know how much I appreciate your dedication to providing fun and useful IVAs. It really works well with my playstyle, and does a lot to enhance my experience with your already externally visually interesting models. They're really cool, is what I'm trying to say. Thanks for taking the time to do them!
  23. So I'd like to move the Thermal Thruster down from the Experimental Rocketry node to Precision Propulsion. Now obviously I could directly edit the cfg for the Thruster, but that's a bad practice. Could I trouble someone to provide an example of code that I could drop into my own cfg that would make the change and not require editing the original cfgs? Thanks in advance, and sorry for being such a code noob here.
  24. I'm with MadmanMorton up there. Thing is, I've got such heavily modded install that it's probably the fault of that somewhere, but I wanted to ask before I started heavy troubleshooting if there was any particular trick to running Kerbal Konstructs in an RSS setting other than just dumping the unpacked files into Gamedata? Also, is there a problem with dropping it into a game already running, or do I need a totally new savegame? Right now it's crashing before I even get to a menu, running Win10 KSP 1.3.1 RSS latest KK.
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