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  1. Wow, thank for doing this, this just looks great IMO that´s the best thing regarding to Cryogenics since we got the methalox-expansion of the original mod. Thank you for doing this What a surprise. And again: I looks like KSP 1 beeing in it´s final version now is a motivator to work on new mods and rework older ones. Really: Thank you.
  2. It does, but i don´t care. The idea behind the mod is still good and i will keep using it. Incase of Missions that go long enough to make that relevant i will either bring an RTG as a backup with me or there will be Kerbals on the ship that can go out and install new panels. Yes, that doesn´t really works for extremely large panels, but it should be enough to keep a crew alive until they return to Kerbin. So: There are ways to work around such problems. @Martin80 Thanks for giving us this mod. Kerbalism already has many many features i love, but this one was still missing. I like to do such stuff real... it gives me another thing to plan around in the management of my project. I concentrate on building and managing, im a bad pilot, so i love everything that gives me a better immersion regarding to the aspects i love.
  3. Wow, i just found out about this completely new generation of RP-1. Sadly i never did so much in RSS but what i have seen from this new experience seems to be a big reason to try again. It looks like 2.0 is presenting a way easier way to enter RP-1 and one that´s even more immersive. Thank you for all your work and keeping it up big way even after the KSP 2 launch (okay.... at the dev-speed we see right now, it will be years until it´s even reasonable to build up something like this for the newer game).
  4. @Interplanet Janet Hi, i have just found this... and i already like it. I love what you did to the Minor Planets Expansion idea and this is another big upgrade for OPM. Things like this will hopefully help to keep KSP 1 alive for a few more years. At least until KSP 2 get´s (hopefully) into a state that can be called "matured". Despite me beeing relatively shure that an install into my old save shouldn´t have been a problem, i will now start a new career which includes this. I was already thinking about that, but now i am shure: Just because i don´t have any old saves anymore (I had a broken hard drive). You are an amazing designer of planetary body´s for this game.
  5. @Pak wow, you came back. Thank you I hope you are doing fine. Welcome back to KSP and a biiiig thank you for bringing this back. I missed that thing for years. I only found out about this a few months before you were gone and it seems like i was just to stupid to make it barely work again after you left, but now it´s back.... nice. So: it looks like i have to build some new Shuttles.
  6. Thank you for fixing it that soon I can´t play KSP anymore without it.
  7. Sadly i get the exact same message, both with CKAN and manual instal (Yes, i deleted all old files) @benjee10 Thank you for this great mod, ISS looks better then ever and the landing of this final version is perfect for some streaming-plans i like to get into motion in the next few days. I just love what i see, thank you for this and for the video-presentation you made.
  8. I totally agree with that. I played with Kerbalism the first time it was there, there wasn´t any radiation-related stuff in it yet and i already loved it. It´s really really good that there came new people to take that little thing over and make it even greater.
  9. Sorry to hear that and thank you for the mod you have given to us It´s great. and i hope your personal situation will get better soon.
  10. Absolutely. I just hope that there is no need to rework all the beautifull 3-D designed parts. I think that already having the models and (with a little hope) probably some of the textures too, should make this process much faster. Yes, i think it will take 1-3 Years until we have all the larger mods that are still in active dev there. But i wonder how many new guys with new ideas will show up: KSP 2 with it´s better performance and multiplayer will introduce a lot of new people to this great game ( In my circle of friend are a lot of gamers and i am the only one playing KSP but i know of at least and handfull of guys who wait for KSP II), and there will be mod devs too. If you ask me we will have a first golden era of KSP II Modding only weeks or months from the launch of the game, not years. Most of that will be little things, or mods that will not need many new part designs. And until then all of us can use the time to get into the game itself.
  11. That´s exactly what i need for some of my missions.... yes: There is the M1, but thanks to kerbalism it´s a little to risky to use only one or two J-2´s, so i keep with long burning RL-10´s. I like to have that thing And i think that there will be a lot of "Delta V / Delta 10XXX´s around here after that thing comes into the game.
  12. Yeah... but you can use the upgraded Saturn V´s for that too. If you strap a bunch of SRB´s or LRB´s on the first stage and replace the S-IVB with another S-II or something else (nuclear stages etc.) you get there too and you don´t need any parts that are not included in the mod. If you use 4 of the new dedicated LRB´s you have even more thrust then the C8 would have had. Instead of 8 F-1´s you have 13 or even 14 if you like to put another F-1 on the S-IC / MS-IC etc.
  13. Correct, but it fullfilled it´s purpose. And the ejection system worked as designed... you couldn´t say the same about Gemini´s ejection system which most likely would have fried the astronauts while ejecting.
  14. Oh i didn´t knew that it was killed of sooooo early..... It´s a dump decision. Yeah and i am absolutely sure: If i should write an alternative history timeline or book someday: There will be a use of the E-1 engine. I know of them yes, but still: They were not used in a real launch vehicle. Incase of flown vehicles there were only heavy lifters that combined either hydrolox or Hypergolics with some big SRB´s. Which was a crappy dump idea in the first place. That´s just not cost effective. Yes, because SpaceX was one of the few ideas of mister Musk where he placed engineers and managers who really knew how to do it. I personally don´t like SpaceX so much, but they did an important thing: They broke up the decades old monopoly by some old aerospace company´s.
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