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Everything posted by JoeSheridan

  1. Me too, for the 3rd or 4th time since if found that story..... the funny part is: I found it because i saw a youtube vid of a Saturn H03 based on bdb´s mod. I found that concept nice and from that i came to this mod AND that brilliant story. And there are a lot more nice space related alt historys out there, now i am reading this: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/ocean-of-storms-a-timeline-of-a-scientific-america.418531/page-23#post-20212318
  2. Thank you for that update And you bring it in just on point: I want to start using the FGB and Mir Parts just NOW. Thank you
  3. Okay, thank you. now i see my mistake: I added your config text to the existing config of the ATV Cargo part. My mistake, thank you
  4. Thank you for doing this, but i don´t know how to bring that to work. Never wrote or modified a config for KSP by myself.
  5. Nice to hear that Too bad that, of all the parts, it exactly had to have been your GPU to fail Bad timing to buy a new one. And i hope they make some of that save breaking changes in RealFuels etc. "un-save breaking" again in future versions. So... you still say "Then Mars it is" you have great plans...... i am for myself still working on breaking a kerbal to duna and back alive with kerbalism BEFORE there comes AGAIN either some mod (or in the past game) update and kills my save or my ships. For real: The last couple of years i try to to that with the plan to move afterwards towards what you do now: going to mars in RSS and every single time when i just unlock the needed techs, then comes either some update, some bug ore just my stupidity to build a lander that can bring a crew down in one peace AND back into orbit. But would we be KSP-Players if we would let us stop by such things? No, instead we try it again without regards to what (among others) Einstein said: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." We are just a bunch of insane maniacs that try again and again until we have done the job There is no stop: Not by bugs, game and mod updates, nor by crashing computers. Let´s bring some little boots on the red ground and show us the smiling green faces behind their visors Good luck
  6. In my eyes it would probably the best way to upgrade the ETS last, because we have the rescale-patch to keep up the full functionality while the team brings in the new stuff they want in. Same could be for the Apollo Block III-V : could the rescale patch just be adjustet to use the "old" parts for the near future? Anyways: I look forward to the comming updates of the mod And i wonder what you can bring in until als probable KSP 2 version get´s into making ( That´s absolutely NOT a demand, i am just asking / hoping. And i hope that a version for that game could be made with the models you just build. )
  7. You think they know that there is something like the situation we call "safety"
  8. Wow... what a chapter Dead A*-hole gouverneur who is in fact Tina´s biological father, killed himself while trying to kill his former wife?? And it´s nice to read that they are still alive... okay, for Val it´s not so clear, but i think she will survive that. And Tina seems to be just unkillable. She crashes multiple of her own rockets, no real scratches. She falls from space in a desintergratet shuttle? Still alive. Should stay in a induced-coma ? Just wakes up and kills her biological mothers nerly-could-have-been-killer....... Which material is she made out ? ... Titanium?! (Not meant as critique, i am shure you have plans to give reasons to this Thanks you for keeping that story alive after such a long time
  9. hey you are doing a good job with you wikis. Just saw your reorganisation of the Apollo Spacecraft´s. Nice work
  10. Not really, i think some guys made their own configs but in general there is only a large part of the engines supported. As i know the ones from the last update (Like the RL-20) are not yet and i am unshure about the latest RL-10´s from the last big update.
  11. I know, but at least the most important factd would be included and would be right. I would make the page for the Altas IIIA and IIIB a bit less confusing for example. And: Thanks for the Book title I will look into where i can take a look into it. Hey: The centaur is one of the most important component-family in the whole history of human spaceflight so ----- BIG trigger-potential. PS: Sorry for the high amount of grammar and tipe-mistakes yesterday. Not beeing an native speaker and a few beer don´t mix so well sometimes
  12. Yep, perfect example. There are A LOT things that could be explained better, for example: The exact types of RL-10´s used on different stages ( and when they were switched out for other one (Centaur II for Atlas IIA, Atlas V in recent years for SEC launches due to cost reasons etc. ), The exact version use of the Centaur II´s and III/ Common Centaur ( when is a DEC and when is a SEC used, especially regarding to the Atlas III launchers. Astronautix is a way better source to find out what Centaur+RL-10-combination was exactly used on a given launcher. The articles about the centaur and the Atlas-family (exept the Atlas V) could become a nearly complete rewrite based on just one source / the sources used in this work here: https://history.nasa.gov/SP-4230.pdf ( i am sure you know that book Pappystein)
  13. Okay, we would need to rescale stock tanks for that. The new Delta tanks wouldn´t be usable for that since Tweakscale doesn´t gives the option to increase the size in only 2 dimensions to give only more diameter. And for the solids: The GEM 46 already in BDB comes close to the stats of the CCM 46´s. so we wouldn´t need new boosters. If i remind right the difference in mass (for the "IRL-weights" is under 100 kilograms, not bad for such heavy items.
  14. @Friznit I have a question for you by myself: Before the Delta revamp there was a discussion on the wiki-github about the ETS Delta 4000-5000 do you plan to bring them into the wiki? or is that not planned anymore?
  15. Yeah we have, MAH (Making alternative history), it includes the lander AND all the lunar habitats from ETS, but not the Pegasus transfer stage. But for a stock system you don´t need one anyway. Just kick the lander with the S-IVB of an Saturn IC or M02 into transfer orbit and let the lander do the rest. for other systems then stock: just try using the S-IV with uprated engines, i shortened it too for a 2,5-rescaled stock systems and it worket with the straight tank part only ( okay.... i packed two 1207´s on a H03, so it was a H23 for real, but the half S-IV with the RL-10-A4 worked.
  16. Nice didn´t thought that we would get another update before the next revamp Thank you So many nice engines to play with and: nice, now i have a reason to check the patch out, now that i can use it to check out the performance of the upcomming new parts.
  17. Shamely i didn´t knew that. But it makes sense Nice to know that at least one part of the gemini program survived said program. And: Why invent the wheel again and again? If it works, it´s fine. The door had demonstrated that itt is usable and reliable for the EVA purpose.
  18. Me tooo. But it worked. I / We don´t know how but it worked better than the panel and the sun shield.
  19. I don´t think it will abandoned completeley. Yes, many people will switch but some will stay. And the switch to KSP 2 will take a loooooong time, because of 1 thing: KSP 1´s modding community and the thousands of mods they created. This evolved over years and converting them to KSP 2 and making new ones will take time. For me it will be like this for the first Months 1-2 years: I will check out the new KSP in it´s stock version while i will still play the first one with all my beloved mods like BDB, Kerbalism, Mechjeb etc.
  20. I thinks that would be a saturn V with SRB´s. Somekind of an S-VB ( Sorry, i know there were real concepts but i think ever about that since i real stephen baxters book Voyage. ). Long story short: Pack 4 Titan 1207´s on the Saturn V, together with the upgraded F-1A if you like it and you get the payload nearly doubled. Should be enough for a Kitbash Apollo DA and we would not need a single new part other than the ones currently in the works.
  21. Wow.. really? Such a long time? But yeah.. it´s even about 7 Months since i found this nice project of yours and i still look on in every few days to look for an update Keep it up, please. And you thing it goes many more years? PLEASE YES and: It´s not only you who would buy that. I really wonder if the KSP publisher would authorize this fanproject as a licensed one... doens´t sound so weird to me. I am from germany and here the "normal" age is 18 too but age 16 is possible. They have to get a certificate that they are mentaliy grown up enough to reasonably decide about getting married and than they can do it. But i really don´t know how often that happens.
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