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Posts posted by StupidAndy

  1. I, on one hand, think that the title is saying "HEY! LOOK! ITS LUKE!" not "oh no, Luke's dead!"

    what we learned from the awful {insert insulting word here} prequels, is that the Jedi isn't just "hey look! you have the force! your now a Jedi!" its that they train and study for basically their entire childhood for the chance to get to become a Padawon, which aren't considered Jedi, so Rey would be considered a Padawon once she begins her training, so technically, Luke would still be the last Jedi

    and also, when they are first talking about firing starkiller base, Snoke (that big holography guy) calls Luke the last JEDI, so that makes Luke the last Jedi.

    awww DANGIT!!! someone else said that, I really should read the entire thread :( 

  2. you find the question of life, the universe and everything, and by the laws of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, the universe is destroyed and replaced by something even more bizarre

    when the universe rebuilds itself, I take the cookie

    my multidimensional cookie

  3. can we get a picture of where its orbit is?

    how did you make these? I REALLY want to make a planet pack, mostly because I want to make a mod, but I cant code :(

    besides, don't kick yourself if you think that this is not what you wanted, it looks REALLY good


  4. I make a new cookie, sell it, make more cookies, sell them, and make more cookies till I have a cookie company that has over $20,952,235,235.35 per year in revenue

    then I buy the burnt cookie for $100,358,398,594,495.49, my total amount of money I made in my total career of the cookie making business

    my very expensive burn cookie

  5. again I have to refer you to my list of space program ideals


    I refer you to my list of space program reasons to tell the public of their major missions

    1. PR: so all countries space programs are funded on the ideals of the people and the government, so if they did something like get a person to orbit, they wouldn't keep it secret, they would show the world, they would drop leaflets, they would do everything to tell everyone they got to orbit, so that means, if Russia got to sarnus, we would know BEFORE they took off, this means that if they say they are going to Saturn, they would have to tell the government they need molah.
    2. Big frickin moon rockets: so it takes a ton of things to get even to orbit, to ORBIT, this is to Saturn, not only orbit, but further then every nation has ever gone ever. so if there was a big frickin Saturn rocket, we not only would've known to due rule 1, but we have satellites flying over Russia and Baikonur every single day, so the rockets have to travel on those big crawlers for about a day, wait another day, and yadda yadda yadda, and that is for one launch, a mission to Saturn would require hundreds of launchers, so that rules that out
    3. Funding: so you have to pay for things right? you have to pay for Kerbal, the same is for NASA and Roscosmos, they have to pay for the materials and parts, and labor, so they would have billions of dollars going to one rocket, so a conspiracy theorist would go through everything to find out a conspiracy, so they would go to the financial reports to find unusual spendings, we would find that again, before the rocket even takes off.
    4. social media: do I even have to explain this one? SOMEONE would have spilled the beans again before the rocket took off
    5. and this is the final one, the scientific community: they would have to ask the scientific community about things like "what happens to radiation far away from the sun" or "where are important places to visit at Saturn" stuff like that

    might have to adapt it to American instead of Russian, but still the same, but with much more publicity...

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