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Posts posted by StupidAndy

  1. it sounds relatively simple, and the only code I know is barely any HTML, I just know the name, if I knew the code I'd make it, but I cant :( 

    another mod idea: total overhaul of career mode (kinda already an idea, but this might be my own)

    so I heard of a mod for civilian population, in fact, here it is, but this is another idea.

    so you are appointed administrator of the Kerbal Space Program, and you have to do a set programs set by the Kerbal Kongress, and the President, and (this can have an overhaul of the shipbuilding process) for major stuff like Kerbal Mercury or Voyager, you have to ask for funding from the kongress to do the program you want, say, a mission to Duna, and you have to ask for the funding, and you have a set parameter for the money, so lets say, 200,000 funds, and the leftover funds you keep so you can do another small mission like a satellite launch, so you do the mission, and this is where the rep comes into play, you have five different types of rep, Kongressional, Employees, Astronauts, Populace and Presidential. if any of these go low, you have to change something or you get fired, and the things you change is in the strategies, which I never liked, like "overwork ground staff," you would take that out so they like you better, and Kongressional and Presidential rep is for program completion, but every four years, when the election for a new president comes, you have to have finished the program by then, because when that happens, you get a new thing, where the kongress will raise your budget, allowing for another program, or lower it, taking another program away, or giving you more funds for the current projects.  Astronaut rep is for whether you have sent them into space recently, or if an astronaut had died recently, population rep is for prebuilt things, like you don't know a good solar array, you can ask Rockomax if they have an idea for it, and you get that idea for the solar array, and it goes into your subassemblies. so now back to funds. if you have higher rep, you get better mission parameters and you can eventually tell what you want to do, and you get what you want to do, like a Jool V mission, or Moon Base, and best of all, moar funds. and here is the stuff for upgrading buildings, basically, you just ask for the funds like in the mission stuff, but you have to do things, like do 10 new keostationary satellites, so you cant just continually ask for funds to do the buildings

    and here is my shipbuilding idea, though this kind of works better for things that use reusability, but it can work for the non reusable ones, like Mercury or Gemini:
    so you have the ground crew, and you have an amount, and with your excess funds you can ask for more, and that gives you less time to build, and you can take some away, for more money, but it takes more time to build, wait, this idea sounds better in KCT, oh well, and for reusable things it has a timer saying "5 more days until ready to launch" so you don't have to wait for months to build a new one. and the rest is just KCT inclusion, well, most of this is KCT

    this shall be my main idea for the mod, so I'll be adding on to it over time

  2. okay...i just have to ask


    and another thing


    maybe its the US trying to replicate the Chinese space station!

    great job! if only i could get docking right...then i could do stuff like this!

    im kindov biased on space stations because i can't make a space station to save Jeb, but this is looking great!!


  3. have you ever seen a crimson tide? no... no you haven't

    some packer fan probably painted a real cheese gold...go him...and if not...I SHALL EMBARK ON THAT TASK!!!!!

    oh and by the way, I'm sure that the packers uniforms aren't modeled after cheese


  4. okay....TO THE WEBSITE!!!!

    okay i can't find it...


    cmon!!! have something cheesy (heh...geddit?) saying 'cheer on your green and gold' or something like that!!!!!

  5. so I have had a few suggestions for mods in my 8 months of KSP, some I never shared with you because I've already debunked them and found them A) stupid B) hard to make

    but this will be my thread for stupid ideas for mods, REALLY STUPID IDEAS for mods, and if anyone wishes to add to this thread of stupid mods, just pile it all on! we can take hundreds of septillions of ideas of mods!

    so this is my list so far

    minor mods:

    • a news bar at the bottom, like you see in sim city, or other stuff, that tells you what's going on in the world, and it gives you some depth of world, and another part I had is that it can show what happens inside of your space program, so it can be '100,000 fund satellite crashes into VAB' or some stuff like that, and this is where I go stupider, plus, you can have it so it takes some of your reputation or gives you some on random occasions due to the interest of the populace!

    medium mods:
    none yet

    major mods:

    • A complete overhaul of the career mode, with new rep, funds giveaway, Kerbal government, and basically just part of it is KCT...

    yeah, I'm not thinking right now, but when I do, I'll add on to this list of add ons (see what I did there?)

    feel free to add on to this list of, I wont make that awful joke again...

  6. so, I'm pretty sure that most of you have watched Mythbusters, and if you haven't, what's wrong with you? just kidding :)

    so you might know that there is a new series to find out who "will be the next generation of mythbusters" if you watched mythbusters

    to me, mythbusters is the reason I love science, but this series is...im not even sure...

    from the tags, you probably know my next part of my rant...

    I'm not really sure if I'm glad that mythbusters is back

    on one hand, explosions count as science again

    but on the other hand, maybe mythbusters is such a cool thing, with so many cool things over 13 years, it is better to leave it be.

    what do you think? to me, the show so far is good, but it might just be there for the channel to get people to watch it again because people might have stopped watching the channel due to mythbusters not being on anymore...

    my rant result: I'm not sure yet... there was a spacex guy, but I'm not sure, there is only two episodes so far...so I'll wait

  7. GO PACK GO!!!!

    WHOO HOOO!!!!

    were goin to the championship!!! were goin to the championship!!



  8. I've been looking for a mod that can change the texture of the rocket, like if I want to, I can change the rocket so it has some sort of red thing on the side, I cant/really don't want to draw the stuff myself, so is there a mod that works with 1.2.2 that allows you to change the texture of a rocket, not texture replacer, that I'm not really sure how it works... but is there a mod for it, because I have looked for about a month, and haven't found one that works with 1.2.2, and procedural parts I'm not really sure even works anymore...

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