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Posts posted by StupidAndy

  1. 17 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Apollo mission wave in space

    they waved the flag manually and since its a vacuum it cannot stop


    17 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    why are there no stars visible from the lunar surface?

    Distant Object Enhancement does a good job with this, where if you look at Kerbin, the stars disappear and so do the planets, if you move away from the planet, they become visible again. that

  2. 8 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:


    @StupidAndy I, too, feel you. High/middle school has some very quacked views. Just try to stay under the radar. But whatever you do, DON'T sing "Ladamus Te."


    well, the problem is...I love making them mad...I know, very stupid, but ITS FUN! I don't like being under the radar, so its kind of a conundrum...

    and what is this marvelous "Ladamus Te" song that sounds like something to annoy with

    you make my life awful, I MAKE IT WORSE!


    another idea for KSP2

    Apollo style fuel tanks or that back part of the CM, where the fuel and electricity is!

    so you can put some things inside the fuel tanks, so basicly, instead of putting a, I don't know, gravioli detector on the outside of the fuel tanks, you can put it on the inside, protecting it from the re entry heat when coming down, and then you can have another part of it in the capsules or places with kerbals you can have experements, but something more then the temperature, something for like crew psychological thingies or whatever

  4. 9 minutes ago, razark said:

    The wow is that six people didn't.

    probably a "we" thing or like @StrandedonEarth was saying, that probably takes off half of them, so maybe three people are saying "her der der her! we didn't land on the moon!" because of they have nothing better to do (GO POLLUTE OTHER GAMES! LIKE ROBLOX! ITS ACCEPTED THERE) so maybe one person says that we didn't land on the moon, probably another joker, so maybe nobody!

  5. oh really? have you ever heard of people going out of their way and ruining their and all of their friends grades just to ruin one persons PE class? [Snipped by moderator - sorry :( ] people have called me MENTALLY DISABLED because I love science class, and the worst part is that people LISTEN and believe them...I hate my school

    I'm sorry if this was political or something, but this is what goes on in my school and is ACCEPTED!

  6. 5 hours ago, NSEP said:

    Wait there is more!

    This is one of those traps you know, like the anti-age holy grail thing.


    For those who dont know, Dihydrogen Monoxide is water. (Get it? Dihydrogen (two hydrogen atoms) Monoxide (one oxygen atom) the name already explains it). Although it is sort of crazy that people believe this, its still hilarious, no matter how terrible the symptoms of water are.

    one of my friends (and my entire school, that's the stupidest school ever) thinks it BIhydrogen, but I use the dihydrogen monoxide joke all the time, I like stupid jokes, they make me seem weird, and I like that :)

    5 hours ago, NSEP said:

    Anyways, back on track.

    Warning! Before watching, please note that these picture might cause a headache of stupidity, thanks!



    My brain is already melting!



    People need to seriously research the topic before they disbelieve it! Ugh!



    Cough Cough the CSM Cough Cough




    the worst part about my school is that people like me, who research and months of effort and hard work into a project, like my most recent history project where we had to make an invention, work hard, put almost a month of research into the project, which my idea was a moon base (sounds unoriginal here, but one of the ideas was an automatic WATER BOTTLE FLIPPER!!! WHY!!!!) which had 5 steps from nothing to moon base, (buy antennas, launch satellites to GSO, launch moon, moon stuff, launch stuff from moon) lost to an UPGRADED SLEEPING BAG! all it had was heat (which I don't need, because whenever I use a sleeping bag I never sleep because of its heat) and music, JUST WEAR HEADPHONES!! and the worst part was I had to go last and have two minutes when everyone else had fifteen! all because I'm dislikeable! its unbelievable! the people who deserve respect, like me and everyone else on this forum, get none of it, and the people who are going to have no life and a -500 IQ, are respected like a deity, and (not to be racist) but whenever we play something in PE or something and we are in randomized teams, I always get the boring position like goalie or center, all because I don't listen to "popular music" which is just someone putting random words together that rhyme and don't put myself at risk by being on Instagram or whatever. its just stupid.

    and also, a TEACHER thinks that astrophysics is what they do with the hyperdrives in STAR WARS! TAKE MY SCHOOL PLEASE!!!!

    <RANT END>

    the internet is just plain stupid...

  7. that thing looks really cool, and I don't think that anyone can say "nah nag nah, that's cheating because your clipping" because that space is just empty space from the inside of the thingy!

    also, I cant install mods, so I cant do KCT :(, which is strange, because it was the first mod I ever installed (that and Infernal robotics...)

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