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Posts posted by BureauJaeger

  1. Follow up to the previous post, I would like feedback from other Tweakscale users. Here's a list of changes and fixes I'm proposing to the tweakscale patch:

    • Removed Osaul cockpit duplicates, corrected defaultscale on the Osaul radial (aka Yavka) parts to 3.75 m.
    • SXTWingSmall and -Large are covered by SXTWing*, removed those two.
    • Switched wings and elevons to free_square, same as stock wings. (So default scale is 100% and mass changes more reasonably.)
    • Replaced other type=surface scaletypes with more appropriate ones.
    • Switched air intakes from stack to stack_squared (or free_squared) to be in line with stock intakes (reasoning being they are supposedly mostly hollow parts).
    • Removed [SXTInlineAirIntake] duplicate.

    Here's the pull request itself with the changed file: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SXTContinued/pull/42

    The main element here is the changing of surface scaletypes to more appropriate ones. Surface doesn't work well after defaultScale=1.25 was added to these parts because the scaleFactors (the values the interface snaps to) are 0.1,  0.5, 1, 2 and 4. Instead of surface, I used stack, stack_square, free and free_square, based on equivalent stock parts.

    This may result in some crafts breaking a little (scaling going wonky and/or mass changing a bit). Mostly these were airplane parts, some rcs thrusters and smallish odds and ends, so I don't think anyone's space station is going to explode. :)

  2. On 9.12.2017 at 10:05 PM, BureauJaeger said:

    Sorry, I haven't tried since 1.2.2 and I don't even have KSP installed atm. I could set it up for testing though if I have time, I'd love to help since updated GAP is the main thing I've been waiting for to start a new career game.

    Well the bus mission seems to work now (KSP 1.3.1&GAP 1.2.9), with only few additional mods at least, so it may have been a mod compatibility issue or something else got fixed in the meantime. And the tourists' spawning was fine too, nobody exploded.

    However, and this has likely nothing to do with GAP itself but just as a heads-up, I installed the Mac version of KSP for a change (usually running on Win10 via Bootcamp) and I'm getting a massive fps drop from the tourists. Just looking at the bunch from the runway slows everything to a crawl. I never had this problem before and it seems really bizarre, 6-7 Kerbals in one scene isn't that many. A quick search pointed to similar lag problems with the VAB/SPH construction crew in Mac 1.3. so my wild guess would be there's some hiccup going on with Kerbals in OpenGL. Any other Mac people lurking around, is this a known issue?

  3. 43 minutes ago, Shnyrik said:

    Well, I can say the same about ALG at speeds over 70 m/s

    Really? Well that's a shame. Yeah, sadly no secret recipes, I think they were mostly default settings – for that version anyway, something may have changed in the meantime. However, I did balance the COM right on top of the main gear by tweaking the fuel in the tanks, and that usually helps minimize the pendulum effect. But maybe I just got lucky and managed to make an actually stable tricycle for once. :) The only trouble I had was with the scaled down nose wheel which loved to explode when braking too hard. But that's somewhat realistic I guess.

  4. 5 hours ago, Shnyrik said:

    @BureauJaeger An awesome-looking Starfighter!

    Do you fly it witn FAR? If yes, then how did you manage to overcome ALG's instability at high takeoff and landing speeds (which are inborn for F-104)?

    Thanks! Nope, I'm using just stock aero. But the speeds were comparatively high in that as well, and I even intentionally used the whole runway on take-offs just to see how it behaves and the ALG worked great. (Much better than stock gear anyway which regularly start this weird self-amplifying oscillation at higher speeds and eventually throw the plane all over the place. :confused:) So is there an issue with FAR and ALG then? I haven't followed those threads in a while.

  5. 1 hour ago, Keniamin said:

    Kerbin Side GAP 2.1 released. Main changes: more honest calculation of amount of funds that player loose during the launch/recovery procedure (better reward when bases have small recovery factor); integration with Strategia.
    @BureauJaeger hope you'll like it :)

    That's awesome news, thank you for the update! Been a bit busy lately IRL but I'm gonna try the new version out as soon as possible. :cool:

  6. 5 hours ago, CompB said:

    Do I have to have somebody EVA and hang on

    That's the Kerbal way. :)

    9 minutes ago, Merkov said:

    In most cases, you can get EVA data for flying low over a body by simply jumping and taking the EVA report while off the ground. 

    Really? That's hilarious and awesome, never even noticed that. :D

    Anyway, the External Command Seat lets you do EVA reports if you want a less silly method.

  7. On 2.2.2017 at 8:55 PM, NISSKEPCSIM said:

    I don't mean to bother you, but I found a slight glitch with the engines. They don't make any sounds, and the SRB has a trail even when it's not firing. Though it may just be my huge collection of mods clashing.


    On 2.2.2017 at 11:11 PM, Angel-125 said:

    Sounds like a mod conflict. I use both stock and RealPlume and don't have any problems.

    @Angel-125 There was another mod recently with this issue, looks like the problem is in the RealPlume MM patch for MOLE. ":FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen]" should be ":NEEDS[RealPlume&SmokeScreen]" so that it doesn't presume RP is installed even when it isn't.

  8. Look ma, I am a productive member of the society. I've done a thing. Specifically new textures for the awesome F-104 cockpit which I'm releasing now as a submod in this thread with @Mallikas' permission.


    Here's what's included: two variants of the cockpit texture and a new IVA texture for the F-104 plus a new blue canopy glass texture for all the planes in the mod. So download and install the "Super Exclusive Early Download" version of the mod on the previous page if you haven't already, then download my texture pack below, replace the textures you want and go build the thing!

    Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7btz3f4x1hm5x4e/F-104_Retexture.zip?dl=0

    Here's an imgur gallery dump for your viewing pleasure.


    Licence for the submod same as the original, CC BY 4.0

  9. 15 hours ago, DerekL1963 said:

    Playing around with various mods and building probes with M.O.L.E. tonight, I found something that might be useful for other users of the M.O.L.E. system - the Universal Storage mod has a core that's *just* shy of being a perfect fit for M.O.L.E.'s 1.875 meter parts.  (But more than close enough unless you're very picky.  Which I'm not.)

    And if you are very picky, an ever so slight Tweakscale adjustment merely to the hexacore lets you hide the wedges neatly inside a service compartment. However two of the four (brainfart edit) six wedges are left hidden behind the compartment wall, so those spots are not ideal for the animated parts. I have four Orbital Science wedges with a couple of Universal Storage supply bags crammed in the return stage here:


  10. Some mods indeed. But not KAX actually, might have to add that too. Here's a quick screenie of the mod folder. It keeps evolving almost daily though.

    The plane/helo building essentials for me at the moment are SXT (most of the first plane in the previous pic), AirplanePlus (much of that second plane), KRX for additional helo engines, B9 parts and wings, PWings and especially Procedural Parts for the smoother fuselage pieces (the blue parts of those planes as @Beetlecat said). Lots and lots of other mods too. And a few additional Tweakscale patches on top of those.

    I showed this one in the KRX thread a while back but here's the helo I've spent way too many hours tweaking. I've probably changed something after taking this screenshot as well. It's amphibious for all those crash landings coast guard rescue missions, and the 6 Kerbal capacity is useful for the tourist contracts too.


    Center of mass is the critical thing with helos I've found, it has to sit nicely below the thrust of the main engine and as low as possible for any kind of predictable behaviour. In practice that means clipping the main fuel tank(s) inside the fuselage (or cockpit in that one). RCS Build Aid is helpful in placing the wet and dry CoM on the same spot and keeping any unwanted torque minimal.

  11. 2 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Same deal. If you are using TAC, your TAC greenhouse will use TAC resources.

    That reminds me, what's the current status of the USI-LS patches, do they have any issues? I have a basic MOLE station on orbit (love it!) and a while back I was planning to expand the station with the Botany Lab among other stuff. In the VAB the operations manager shows the Greenhouse config buttons for both Snacks and Supplies (or is NOMS) but didn't actually let me select the latter. Or at least the description on the right says "Greenhouse (Snacks)" after clicking either button. Wet workshop and MOBL were selectable without problems. I don't have Snacks installed, should it show up at all in that case? As I recall I did a quick launch&revert though and it had the correct resources on the launchpad, so it seemed to be a UI thing only, but I need to revisit the project and recheck that one. Just wondering if anyone's had a similar glitch?

  12. On 18.1.2017 at 11:54 PM, Keniamin said:

    Thank you for your feedback and sorry that I'm answering after too much time. I tried to upgrade mod for new CC as soon as possible, so didn't want to be distracted by other things.

    I know about problem with recovering. Actually, there is some correction for this, I added "R * C" to reward of every contract. The problem is that both this values are constants now.

    Variable R is for recovering coefficient. Ideally it must be (1 - <launch base refund percent> - <target base recovery percent>). When I introduced this correction, I looked through the bases and put R = 0,2. But really there is a large scatter. When launch refund is 0,2 and recovery factor is 0,75 formula gives 0,05 (you'll get back 95% of aircraft cost for such contract, so I have to return you in reward only the last 5%). But then launch refund is 0,05 and recovery factor is 0,6 formula gives 0,35 (I must return 35%). Average is really 0.2, but in money 5% and 35% is a huge difference. Fix for this is obvious: I may take not single average value, but real refund and recovery factors from Kerbin Side config. Simple idea, but requires a bit of routine work to grab all this values and put them to my code. I'm planning to include this in the next release.

    Variable C is for launch cost, and this one is more complex. The problem is that reward must be known when contract is offered, so I have no chance to know real cost of your launch from the future. I just built some vehicles for every type of contract, which must be enough to complete contracts of this type, and use their average cost as approximate launch cost for all contracts from this type. So it's a kind of expert assessment, that may be wrong. It's better to use some real statistics. If you have such statistics (for example, .craft files of vehicles that you actually used to complete Kerbin Side GAP contracts), please share it with me and I'll try to correct my suppositions about launch cost.

    And what about Strategia: I've never heard about this mod before your post, so I don't know how to integrate with it. But I also think it must be done on my side (if possible). I'll try to take a look what can be done here. However, I don't think I have enough time to do this right now. May be I'll have some after a couple of weeks.

    I totally forgot to reply to this earlier, sorry! Thanks for the explanation, that's an interesting system then. And I can see how the biggest variable comes from the launch cost, since the part costs in different mods can vary quite wildly. I can't say I have a huge amount of data about the typical costs though, I've only done some of the shorter routes with a few tourists so far, and the small passenger planes and one sort of multipurpose helicopter I've used in the contracts cost around 20000 funds each. I haven't built any bigger passenger planes in the current career yet, but some of the my science-laden bomber types vary from about 40000 to 90000 funds if I remember correctly, so I'd imagine passenger liners with generally fewer but more costly parts stay in that kind of price range too. From what I've seen in the offered contracts the rewards for the bigger hauls seem to be better in line with the costs, but say a short trip to Jeb's Island Resort with only a pair of tourists and with an expensive helo might even go in the red. But I'll see if I can give a better assessment once I start noodling around with some jet airliners.

    With the big amount of mods I have installed I doubt craft files will be of much use, but here's a picture of a pair of my go-to island hoppers for the early game tourist flights. These aren't super complex builds but I do use more parts than functionally needed of course. Then again players who enjoy these contracts probably like to stitch together more part-heavy aircraft in general. :)


  13. 3 hours ago, DrunkenKerbalnaut said:

    @BureauJaeger I just realized I may have misunderstood you. If by "joint" you meant the hemispherical ends, then yes. Those are all unwrapped seperate, and they all have their own spot in the texture. Top right corner, to scale ( About 100px across, if the texture were 1024x1024 ).

    No no, I was referring to the multi-node parts there, the T's and such that you mentioned.

    That reminds me of another thing. Would it be difficult to make a strut connector resembling the tubes? The start and end pieces basically like the end sphere of the tubes and either the basic space tape or a fuel line type mesh in between. That would come in handy when closing loops of symmetrical structural frames for example. The stock strut is quite bulky compared to the tubes and the end piece tends to orient itself in weird ways (or to put it crudely accurately, it's fidgety as f*** :)). Anyway, that's an aesthetic thing really, nothing functionally critical.

  14. 13 hours ago, Mallikas said:

    Red wings? :o

    That's crazy!

    You're right. I switched them back to grey. And made them smaller. :D Gotta love those B9 wings.

    I'm playing a slow going career game and yesterday did the GAP Mach 2 contract with that plane. Had to fly with nearly empty tanks for that last bit of speed and I almost ran out of fuel over the mountains. I'm surprised how well that glides with so little lift. Couldn't have been more perfect, fun times. :)

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