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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. This, dudes, is what a collaboration looks like! No, really this looks very cool when two styles collide with each other!

    1. NSEP


      Thats awesome! I am reconsidering joining the game too. This is amazing.

    2. cratercracker


      I'll be waiting with my hands open wide, my friend!

    3. NSEP


      Thanks! Of have lots and lots of free time and nothing to do!

  2. It's a thread for modelists, artists and soon writers to share art on solar system. The idea of the project separates into 3 parts: 1.People who draw, usually look at Wikipedia, or Spaceengine. Probably learn about it a lot, get their knowledge and maybe even share it! 2. Artists learn new techniques, tricks and ways to draw a particular object. That is always useful in their future. 3. People who don't want to look though Wikipedia searching for every object, can just look it up here. Here they can find pictures of objects, so now they can at least imagine what those objects are. Soon I am going to find some ppl to make a text for all those objects. That is mostly it.
  3. I like the smell of  someone banned early in the morning.

    1. NSEP


      I like the smell of roasted Flat Earthers.

    2. Urses


      Banned or burned?

    3. cratercracker


      I reported a prohibited account in this morning, so yeah banned

  4. I would switch my soviet anthem on maximum and relax watching everything burn down in nuclear hell.
  5. The amount of chromosomes I have.
  6. Glad to hear everything is okay! Going to be even more glad if it will still be okay in the next 72 hours!
  7. The time it will take you to make the whole banner, is the same if you had to go to Alfa Centauri by a bicycle. I really hope that I am just kidding.
  8. Hi dude. I won't go sementic, I will be clear: This forum is one of the most great forum to discuss science and space flight and the most great to share your art and mission reports. Have fun.
  9. You know. I always have a C4 (k4) from KAS placed somewhere in the craft. I never have failures, in case I have, I don't have a "failure", I have a successful self-destruction.
  10. If you click on the probe core, you will find "access to kerbnet" click on it and do orbit for a while, you will find question marks, they are resembling anomalies.
  11. Oh god, I wanted to meet a girl, tried to be very friendly and at least a bit polite.

    Accidentally said "shut up" when she sneezed.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kerbinorbiter


      oh god sounds a bit like me (im going through the same crisis only i have a head start)


    3. KenjiKrafts
  12. Good job! That is 4 factors (relay and launcher design, ideal orbit and fund economy) Have you found anomalies using the relay though?
  13. Relevant to the topic: My teeth are naturally yellowish, and people around me like: "OMG OMG LOOK AT YOU UGLY TEETH, DO YOU EVEN BRUSH IT?" I be like: SHUT UP AND JUST DIE JUST OXIDIZE IN OXYGEN YOU UGLY WHITE TEETHED RACISTS
  14. Gotta agree with some of you. Moho is my favorite planet, for its stunning views. I love it very much, my first manned mission to Mohi was great! I really enjoyed walking around wth the glazing sun at dawn. Eve is a some sort of a giantess to me, it is worrying when you are close to it, and I am getting tearry when I am entering the atmosphere, it is just scary looking into this abyss of clouds, I really hope I will get on with it. Gilly is fun!(not) Landings are surely boring and frustrating there, but this very low gravity has its charm. Kerbin is a very cool place, nothing to complain about it. Mun is your first goal, it is really cool when you finally touchdown! Minmus is same to Mun, at least for me. Although I like it very much it is so small and cute! Duna is interesting only if you land precisely where it looks super cool! Otherwise it is really boring. IKE IS A FRUSTRATING CRAPLAND OF DARN MOUNTAINS GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH It is fun though. I really like Dres. Especially its canyons they are so beautiful, I visited one of those in my first manned mission. Joolian system is really cool! I enjoyed every moon there! Call was the most touching for me. Jool itself is really cool though. Eeloo is really cool if you listen to some ambient music it is just so silent and cool. I like it!
  15. When you were drawing/writing/building/creating something and someone interrogates you:


    1. NSEP


      Happends to me too much. I cant stand it when people ask me what im drawing. I always answer with "something". But it gets REALLY annoying when they start geussing what im drawing. Hell, i could have somehow drawn a new technolgy concept that could bring humans to interstellar space in the next 10 years but no, you thought it looked like a giraffe!

    2. Urses


      @NSEP try next time with a Po zitat...

      It is something that will haunt you at night and robe your dreams and give you many nightmares...

      How often they will ask you again? :wink:

    3. cratercracker



      How can a human bean even do such sound?

  16. Banned for the sake of our lord and savior- The Flying Spaghetti Monster
  17. I love murder music. Like synthwave combined with hard rock and dubstep. Or https://m.soundcloud.com/dj-francophilippe/gtr It just gives me this thrill of murdering people,at least fictionally, I just like it, don't ask why, it is not some sort of a fetish, it is athrill dose.
  18. Meanwhile in Russia



    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Is that what I think it is?

      "Due to an unexpected arrival, all flights shall be temporarily gr---" "Vroom! Squeal! *Crash* Kaboom!" "---ounded..."


    3. DeltaDizzy


      Top Result of a youtube search for "Russian"


      What is wrong with the internet

    4. electricpants


      Everything is wrong with the internet.

  19. You need to get into memes to understand that, normie.
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