After the squad introduced us 1.2 with its new communication and relay system, we discovered many new possibilities.
It was interesting to revive old probes, connecting kerbals that are separated by billions of kilometers from each other and making every meter on any planet or moon, a place, with great connection.
But we often forget about relay, sometimes people don't even launch it, they simply use antennae attached to their craft.
But what if we took the opportunity, and made a challenge out of it?
I present you the “Butterflies and Hurricanes” challenge!
Despite that you might think that it is an easy and boring challenge, you may face a lot of interesting situations, and discover something you didn't know about relay.
I will start from rules because they will affect the whole challenge.
1.You have only 80 500 funds and If you will spend more, you basically fail the challenge (reusable rockets are allowed)
2.Using mechjeb and other calculative mods is allowed, though no cheat mod can be used in this challenge (Alt+f12 counts as a cheat). And if mod adds some kind of infinite propulsion it is also considered cheating.
3. If you made the whole challenge with some money left it means you are a cheater it means that you have completed the challenge, quite well.
Back to the challenge itself.
You have to put 6 satellites in 170 000 m orbit (a bit lower or higher also counts). Into orbits with different inclination of 30,-30,0,50,-50 and 90. They need to have the RA-2 antenna
The final step is to put 2 satellites into a very high orbit of 7 000 000 m orbit (higher or lower also counts) You have to design these 2 satellites to have powerful antennae like RA-15.
After you've set up all the satellites you have to perform a first task of your relay system- you need mark all anomalies and space centres (like baikenbanour and etc.)
You will end up with a relay covering the whole kerbin surface.
In case that you've already made a relay around kerbin try to do so with other planets/moons.
In such case orbital altitudes may be random, but inclinations must be done according to the challenge.
Send your screenshots! Have fun! Invent cool relay designs!
Now to the scoring system:
I made it different from many other challenges.
Here is it:
There is factors that will make up your challenge:
Launcher design (reusable, SSTO, launch from water, launched via plane, lifted with air balloon)
Relay design (more than 10 parts on the satellite, decorative use of other parts for looking good, a copy or an analog to the real relay)
Perfectionism (ideal orbits, ideal inclination, ideal landmarks)
Fund economy (lower than the certain amount given in the challenge, reusablilty)
Perfect funding (the given fund amount is spent perfectly with 0 funds left)
Other planets/moons ( add 2 to your score if you visited other planets, add 1 if it is Kerbin's in moons)
Visited at least one landmark that you've made during the challenge (each visited location is a factor point)
The more factor points you have, the better you did the challenge.
Leaderboard itself
This thread may be necroposted, but I think I edited enough of it to be clearly different to the previous one.
If this is out of forum rules,I ask moderators such as @Vanamonde, messenge me, so I could edit it enough.
Please don't lock this.