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Everything posted by cratercracker



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NSEP


      What request? Is it special? Is it top secret?

    3. cratercracker


      Nope. It is flag/patch request

    4. NSEP


      Oh hey, thats not that bad! Awesome!

  2. 3:00- it is time to do some flags! 3:01-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTIIMJ9tUc8
  3. You know what feels bad?

    When you are out of fricking macfreakin likes!

    1. NSEP


      Here have a like.

    2. cratercracker


      It's even worse when you live in someplace that doesn't use the time the forums use - then you still don't have likes for half of the next day. 

  4. mrw i did this as commison to NISSKEPSIM yesterday. And then i see your patch https://i.imgur.com/E6Z5i3w.gifv
  5. (use personal messenger to make request) (dunno if it is a request or just a shoutout)
  6. I think i have a "meltdown" or whatever you call it..

    I literally just cried for 3 hours

    I can't get better

    I feel like nothing will change

    I can't feel this old,childish "joy" or "happiness''









    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cratercracker


      Thanks for cheering me up! I somehow get better when someone is talking to me!

    3. Spaceception
    4. NSEP


      Do useless and funny stuff in KSP that makes no sense at all. That could keep things balanced and relieves some stress, maybe.

  7. I haven't done a lot of flags ,but i did some! And ohh boy,i am tired as as i am!
  8. Hello pals and gals! How are you doing? (i actually feel bad,it is some sort of crisis that i can't flee from) Here is what i did past this time: 1.Launch of the "Tau" orbiter. Its mission was to visit both Minmus and Mun in one flight ,using gravity asist! 2. Deployed a small module to my minmus mining rig- The "Octos"!I used a skycrane to deploy it! (just to note:both skykrane and "octos" were sent to Minmus by the "Fallangx" rocket,i just didn't want to spam you with the pictures) 3. A succeseful launch of the "Polerion" sattelite + 4 cubesats for my friends(followers). (cubesats were placed near the engine and were safely deployed when i reached stable orbit). Speaking of "Polerion' itself:it is the first ever poler orbiter of the Mun! 4. A new and intriguing program-the "Blitztagen". It is mainly based on launching stuff into the stratosphere! Here is the new creation: "Paradise" That is it for now! Don't forget to have fun ! (unlike me..) 5. Screenshot of the day: The touchdown of the "Tau"
  9. I can't say "i am interested" because i am "SUPER INTERESTED,OHH KOD I CAN'T WAIT"
  10. @xendelaar, your reports look proffesional! And i aslo i added a new Dres flag in my thread! I suspect you building a plane and send it to Eve ,planes fly well in the atmosphere of Eve ,even if the lifting force is small and there is a lot of biomes!
  11. There is guide in the KSPedia. But i will tell you how to make a plane myself. 1. Make sure your center of lift is close (not further or really far away) to the center of mass. 2. Your plane must have enough lifting force. (wings,big wings, a lot of wings) 3. You don't need to have a lot of fuel if you are building a plane. Use structural fuselages instead of fuel tanks ,you will make your takeoff and flight more stable. 4.Make sure all control surfaces (elevons) doing their special job.
  12. It's okay,the fact that I see your appreciation is better than likes! (you can also make request))alright I am way too intrusive,sorry)
  13. I think it is 2 (or more) mods that are conflicting each other. It could be: Sigma Kopernicus FPlanet OPM Custom asteroids (maybe) It could be even TextureReplacer
  14. I did nothing in KSP,but i made something for KSP community-i posted moar flags in my thread! (second page) Link is in my signature below
  16. I like how your reports are made with all the abilities the forum gives! (redacting text and other stuff) And i am also amazed about what are you doing!
  17. Request? I haven't heard it for years! I am free today ,so you can make a quite large request if you want so!
  18. Woohooo! Got myself a mobile account!

    (and posted in the "what did you do in KSP today?" Thread"

    1. NSEP


      Congratulation Monsieur!

  19. I feel like this thread is for the "ohh look!,lets discuss some person harsh!" kind of maniacs. I will say one thing: Hazardish did something,that you dislike. Conclusion: it's your problems
  20. Hi guys! Sadly the monitor of my computer was broken by me... i wanted to give up ,but there were 2 things that held me back from falling into the void! 1.) My pet pug looked at me like ''Bro,do you really think i will let you give up?" 2.) Being are Russian and having a problem means only 2 things- You don't have problems. You are terminating a problem in progress. So,lets get back 2 topic, shall we? 1.Launch of the "Niezhe" shuttle. And no,it is not a shuttle the you are thinking of.. 2. Launch of the "Siyaniye" (eng:the glow) It is a small training mission involving a craft which is mainly based on SRBs! I really enjoy making small missions that are not like "Were building a small rocket on top of an another rocket that will go to space,and with another rocket to go to another freakin dimension" 3. First module of the ''Skydive'' station is sent to LKO. The skydive mission involves dropping small things from space (including kerbals) to watch them behave in the upper atmosphere! 4. And as a small "bonus" test of aerobrakes performed by an old ICBM "Warper". I like to use my old military technologies for science! 5. I can confirm that asteroid is captured in orbit! Here is the prove: (come on sceptics,come at me,my body is ready!)))
  21. Ohh god.. I know cheating is bad,but this the way a particular user is playing the game! I play the game whatever my gamestyle is! You can't hold or sue anyone for his gamestyle! I know right "BUT HE POSTED IT IN YETUP,YOE SILLY'' different people use cheats such as file edditing,f12,hyperedit and so on.The fact is that the cheats are used to make a video,that actually was more entertaining and beautiful just like a film! His goal was to entertain you with awesome-looking craft and/or beauty of the video and i don't think one of his goals was "'MWUAHAHAHAH I WILL BAIT THEM HAHAHHAA'''' It was made to amuse you with how interesting the gameplay of KSP is,when you just put a lit bit of mind and imagination. Issue with all of you,is that you all are violent and blood-thirsty critics that only want this "only realistic" content. I am with you @hazard-ish!
  22. Hi guys! 

    You've haven't seen my activity recently,so..Here is my words that you need to believe:

    Even that my screen is broken,i will continue to post and play KSP, i will never give up or lose to the endless void of time and problems,i won't forget friends and people who are friendly to me,i will never stop trying to terminate all the surrounding problems.

    +i will post in "What did you do in KSP today?" thread.


    1. Urses


      Great chammer we love it to have you around:wink:

    2. kerbinorbiter


      Standing by the words of winston Churchill only with a computer

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