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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. i live,i die,i live again!

    (i can't see the left side of computer though)

    1. Urses


      Hope for the best and luck on repairing

  2. Gogood bye friends1 It is the last post i have on this page. (maybe, i will  be able to repair the monitor and evrything will be fine..)

    But as for now-goodbye...

    1. Urses


      Hope for best for yah

    2. NSEP


      Farewell my friend. See you later my friend.
    3. cratercracker


      I LIVE,I DIE, I I LIVE AGAIN9maybe i will repair the computer and as for now i can see only the left side..)


  3. Oh no, i fell with my computer on stairs and now it is completely unuseable...

    1. kerbinorbiter
    2. Urses


      :huh: dont let your best friend fall

      open up and press all components back in slots may be?

    3. NSEP


      Thats no good. But are you ok?

  4. Hello,welcome to the forums and have fun!
  5. Не знаю.... Мои испорченные мозги думают только о графических модах..Может что-нибудь похожее на KerbinSite?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kerbinorbiter


      Lock caps to on.

      KoS is experiencing a bad syntax as it doesn't know what variable caps is 

    3. Urses


      hAPPY eASTER tOO:wink:

      Easter wishes writen by a KSP Gamer:D

    4. NSEP


      Happy Opposite Christmas.

  8. Hello pals! How is it goin,huh? Ahh well i better stop introducing so awkwardly... So,here is what i did: Flag for space stations Patch for building relays. Flag/patch for building bases on Duna! Flag for Urlum, a planet from a wonderful mod-OPM
  9. @TheJollyDodger how did you make sun glow so much? Awesome pics though and congratulations on your first Mun landing!
  10. Hey,hay,hiy,hoy guys! (well thats a hell of an awkward introduction) So i didn't make a lot of manned launches but had one that is very exciting! So it will go first! 1. Launch of "Karrelia'' shuttle! It is the very first shuttle of mine,that actually carries a payload!-4 NAS-TY (Neon Atmospheric Spektrometer-termographical you (scans atmospheric temperature flows)) satellites The 3rd shuttle of mine! 2. The new record made! The longest fall from an orbit of my space agency! Roky Kerman crossed 86000m in his spacesuit and safely landed back at KSC! 3. Arrival of "Zeus"(Visit-3) at Joolian system! It made its orbit around Jool using a gravity assist from Tylo! And it also deployed a probe ("Zeus") to lbe the first thing to land on Vall! 4. The "Priroda;" module launched to the "Triangulurum". This module involves experiments that are mainly based on astrobiology! 5. BREAKING NEWS: ANOTHER FRICKING ASTEROID GOT AN ORBIT AROUND KERBIN! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?/??/1!1!!111!!
  11. Jool can be observed from orbit of Kerbin almost all the time you're orbiting on the dark side. (my expereince with telescope) There is no necessary mod to picture Jool this way. It can be taken whereever on Kerbin at night.
  12. 12th of April,Kamchatka,my home. (soory culdn't scale it up properly) 15th of April,Krasnodar,Hotel 13th,In flight over Russia's midlands,plane. 5th of March,Moscow,My school 23rd of March,Moscow,My school
  13. From my point of view: They dropped MOAB It costed 170,000 dollars It killed 36 people It is like 4 772 dollars for each one of those people VERY EFFICIENT
  14. 1605:There is 25 Russian gangsters that shoot everything they see and there is also a large statue right in the middle of the room and there is also a 26th gangster who's appareantly me.
  15. I like the way Gagarin looks at my community reputation...

    He's like:

    "Oh look something really small''

  16. Hello! I couldn't do a lot of launches today, but i did some. 1. The "Visit-2" initiated a fly-by of outer moons of Jool,using a gravity assist from Vall! It already completed 60% of the mission. (Low pass over Jool,Laythe's poles,very low pass over Vall and Dive into the atmosphere of Laythe. 2. Launch of the "Temple" spaceplane. If you ever had a hard mission ,it wasn't THAT HARD for sure.. 3. 789m/s on the runway!- the "Photon" ultra car. 4. New a better looking a better placed Dunaris base. Much better. Ahhh. (if you are wondering why is there no wheels? because they were decoupled and everything useless was decoupled and terminated.) 5.Fully reusable rocket ROAR (reusable orbit achieving rocket). When i said "fully reusable" i was fully serious. 6. Brand new SSTO rocket that uses linear aerospike engine finishes a test. Great for deploying small satellites into an LKO. Uses a small fin to look and function like linear aerospike (plus to manueverablity and stability)
  17. Maybe you have way too much instruments consuming power? (if that is even possible)
  18. Малые улучшения общего вида: WindowShine- все стёкла в игре выглядят более "стеклянные" PlanetShine- на вашем корабле появятся отражения планет вокруг которых они вращаются TextureReplacer- заменяет текстуры в игре и даёт возможность добавлять свои. Появляется возможность добавлять свои "скайбоксы" (небо) LightFixer- ночь теперь тёмная как в настоящей жизни Средние, более значительные улучшения: scatterer- советую ,я не могу описать насколько лучше теперь выглядят ландшафт и планеты в целом. EVE- красивые облака и полярные сияния! SVT-Заменяет текстуры планет на новые, более приятные. CloudShine- всё заиграет новыми интересными красками и сделает все атмосферы у планет (даже у которых нет атмосферы) более яркими ,похожими на настоящие. Крупные, почти полностью меняющие картинку в игре: Astronomer's visual enhancments: edge of oblivion- сборник из множества других модов SVE- схож с EVE но при этом даёт гораздо более красочную картинку. KSPRC - делает всё приятно для глаза. (улучшает вид в целом) Если не можешь найти некоторые из этих модов , напиши мне, у меня есть ссылки для большинства из них.
  19. Hi guys! Sorry for almost forgetting about this thread.. But here is something new to see read. In my previous post in "What did you do in KSP today?" i returned a lot of Kerbals. But 2 of them were in space for 2000 Kerbin days! And they also had to perform EVA's and many other difficult orbital tasks. Dafner Kerman's thoughts about space and kerbals: Kerbin is beautiful from space… Its oceans, grasslands, mountains and poles are magnificent in their own peculiar way… But there in space, you cannot just watch though the illuminator, you have to perform a lot of tasks. INT: How does it feel to go EVA? When you are going EVA and look around, you feel the void surrounding you, at some point there is no fear, you think only about the task and forget about the beauty that shines in the background of your actions. But sometimes it gets nervous. Sun heats up the suit and makes your time that spent outside the ship a living hell. Sometimes you are curious about some ships that were sent to you. We came to the ship using a small shuttle, I saw an “Asterisk” its and a resupply ship ,it looks like a bullet and you need to catch it with station’s canadarm. And I also saw an “Eye” telescope in the distance ,it is big really big ,even in the distance. INT: Did you miss Kerbin? Yes, I did. It feels lonely, Sometimes it gets sad, there is no plants or flowers. Sometimes I ask mission control to send a small decorative tree and they say “No, we are not allowed to send any” and then they go silent. It makes you feel a bit disappointed. Station is giant and there is almost no green trees tjat can remind you of home.
  20. I am going to set up a base, and i want it to be in a crater (bottom is flat,a lot more science and etc.) Can i ask you? What is the best crater on Duna? 1.It mustn't be polar atleast close to the equator. 2.Bottom must be flat 3.(insert your opinion why it is good for building bases) 4. Coordinates (if you can, if you can't,just try to describe its location)
  21. There is no soul, only static

    No connection ,nor a tra of time

    And all the thoughts, are turning mathematik

    Only cold and heartless "I am"

    That slowly fades away with mind....



    1. Urses


      If it is "i am!" than it will be a human

      If there is "am i?" than it is a wise beeing

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