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Everything posted by Lord_inter

  1. no 1.3 is recompiling something I could do with some kind of software for my own "enjoyment"? I am kind of recreating the concept Reaction Engines ltd (the company that owns Skylon) have for there Mars mission on my twitch stream this dock is a major part in it tbh
  2. I truly love this mod! Beautiful design etc, I also love using it to unload my space planes etc. now the bug report, to make the spacedocks perform as an engineer with a tool in its hand i need a new .dll but the link in the op doesnt work and the one i dug up from your github doesnt appear to work either.
  3. I've offered the help I can but I'm pretty useless at making things with computermajigs
  4. I am aware that the different "tools" can help the kerbals lift different amounts, is it possible to have these weights in the tool tips?
  5. BARIS is awesome!! granted I have it turned off atm because #effort but damn I love angels mods (it came packaged with MOLE, pretty sure it didn't come with the airships or the awesome rovers) If people can't read then... I can't tell them what to do because pg issues lol I guess using Byson, Buffalo, MOLE and the airships as an example of flexibility isn't gonna fly as this is a BARIS appreciation mod? Also lots of streamers stream lots of things and will happily show people how things work.... I may have to turn BARIS on if the thread goes live again, oh dear, my saves about to get hard lol
  6. I'll double check but all the bundled mods are already installed and working. Could be a mid conflict, I'll continue to fiddle
  7. I saw this, I have CA on 1.3 and I only installed the MrMeeb file as that appeared to be the only one missing. It didn't work, it crashed my game, gave an output log that probably won't tell MrMeeb Any thing he doesn't already know. Could you please give an idiot a bit more advice on getting it working on 1.3 please? Many thanks in advance
  8. Hey, Sorry, Lord_intet was meant to be Lord_Inter
  9. Well that'll explain it then, I thought it would be something game related. Any chance of an indication of the jibs the have on the manifest, I now have 50+ kerbals on the mun, it's got a bit confusing
  10. Hey, i was wondering if it was possible to see the jobs of the kerbals in the roster etc (preferably the kerbal jobs usi adds too) If it already has this and ive missed something i do apologise and i will remove the post PS i've noticed that kerbals lose there KIS inventory too, is this "fixable" or just how it works?
  11. ah thanks for the info Linux, i was assuming our 1.3 output logs with 1.2 mods would be helpful but ill save "our" time instead, i guess you guys know where the issues will be then?
  12. if it works let us know, all the reddit posts i found about doing that are out of date and refer to old versions of steam
  13. Can kerbals carry things on there backs using this method?
  14. is there any chance we could have a longer cargo lift to aid in loading the airship?
  15. Omg so happy, now Ivan use my konstruction crane to carry capsules on to my airship better rather then having them swinging below it (2 kraken attacks so far). Soon I may even be good enough to land planes on the deck, need to download the mod so I can make craft bigger then the sph. Ty tyty ty south for this mod!
  16. YAY i love this mod, literally the only "error" was module manager saying "not up to date" love the work!!
  17. Kerbals keep going AWOL while on missions, not on strike (i have usi ls), not dead (till later), they just go missing from the craft http://imgur.com/S9nNO1y 2 of them should be here, the third i had recovered http://imgur.com/MjepWs0 I have a fair few mods installed, ive deleted some and reinstalled others and mucked around as much as my sanity has let me, i was wondering if a genious could look and see if im mising something obvious. Only 2 of the mods, mkIV parts and stock station parts are out of date (as far as i can see) here are the save files and the log thing Save file https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwUqjVidgAkuMWRGN3JBZGdCOW8 Output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwUqjVidgAkuakQtcW5IcGk3WWc I thought maybe it was Kerbal Alarm Clock but it doesn't do it on another install i have or maybe kerbalism but im at a loss Hepl! Please!
  18. hello, im new to modding etc, i keep getting input locks saying Current Input Locks: KACControlLock flightDriver_applicationFocus is this actually a KAC issue? if so i shall get required info to fix things, here is a screen shot for now http://imgur.com/P3SXgRt i really cant delete kac, i love it so very much!
  19. Ah, now I did notice one that forgetting to remove an rcs from the bottom of one made it jump around. I'll just have to be careful each time I add something and test it before I save.
  20. Do the bases explode if we make them too large or is it just a length or sas thing that does it. I'm using it in conjunction with Epl and it's getting pretty large so I'm getting worried lol
  21. Yeah I'll have to start removing them, pick a load of victims up and swap back and forth. The orange pod issue was an issue with a mod adding something that can be changed by editing the save file (more detail can be provided). The big issue now is the rescue victims from minmus and the mun being removed from the "victim pods" randomly And alt + f12 only seems to modify the mouse cursor rather then debugging mode so I can simply add more kerbals.
  22. That's, that'll do for now, if I don't leave them and just time warp it's fine. I'm newton this modding thing, how do I tell which mod blocked it? I'm tempted to blame the alarm clock that I love dearly
  23. So this time I've picked a victim up around minmus. While carrying him back to kerbin the mission says he's already landed and I can use him. But the ship is still not evening the kerbin soi and the mission isn't complete..... As a ps, when I do alt + f4 to bring up debugging all it does is change the mouse icon, do debugging menu thing. what am I doing wrong?
  24. I looked back a bit but no luck and ofc new patch = new issues right? Yesterday I rescued 3 kerbals, theyre meant to be in my ship and rescued but theyre awol. ksp is only moaning about 2 of my mods, ksp station parts (that i love dearly) and engineering redux (forgot why i wanted this). any ideas of a fix or a hack to just add them back in to the game again in the save file? this should be my log file thing.... https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwUqjVidgAkuWmV2UjluSWNQS3M assuming ive done it right.....
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