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Everything posted by Siama

  1. Try to add "mode = 0" line to Orbit section in GameData\OtherWorlds\CercaniSystem\Cercani\Cercani.cfg. No orbit - no problem
  2. No, I'm using old one) Use Extraplanetary Launchpads to build fission reactor. It will be empty. EVA to it and push "Swap Fuel" ??? Reactor have 100% fuel.
  3. Nice joke. I put two reactors (molten salt as standby power source + antimatter for FTL jumping) on the same unmanned vessel and turned off antimatter reactor to ensure it will not consume precious fuel... 2 seconds later I lost control due to lack of ElectricCharge. Repeated it again with empty antimatter containers (running stable on UF4 only) and got the same results: if I deactivate main AM reactor (no matter if there an antimatter) I get second reactor deactivated too.
  4. Yes, I have a lot of RP storage on my ground base ( generally, by mistake) ) and background construction works as expected.
  5. Thanks) At last, meaning of the existence those (RP) containers is clear. Metal containers is best for storage, RP - required for background production and what for MetalOre containers? Is it just mining buffer?
  6. Houston, we have a problem. Construction takes much more time if I do not look at it. I started to build a new shiny orbital station with ETA 16d and switched to situation in other SoI (Mun -> Minmus). 16 days later (thanks to KAC alarm) I go back and see 45% completion. I'm sure my engineers did not have beer but... why? What is wrong here? I will miss my transfer window if it continues. ElecticCharge never drops below 90%, rocket parts production is enabled and always 1600pcs in the internal Workshop storage and everything is fine while I am at the station.
  7. A long time ago... I used it to replace engines on the fly - mainsail is good for takeoff but not for transfer. Now I'm docking my ground base modules with KAS. It took almost half a year to build a single piece variant of my base (about 2600t total wet mass) with weak lander. Therefore, I'm growing necessary modules one by one and finishing in 60 days maximum.
  8. Something is wrong here. Which version of ModuleManager do you use? Current setup requires at least 2.7.5 to work properly.
  9. Yep. Courage and stupidity is also matters. So if your smart engineer gives +0.5 productivity and 2 stupid pilots -0.3 each - you will get 0 total productivity.
  10. No, it is not necessary. But you can get into troubles with negative productivity without Big Blue Workshop (15t part). So it's highly recommended
  11. I can't find version exactly for 1.0.5 but you can try v.5.3.0 (according to information inside it is for ksp-0.90.0) and 5.3.1 (ksp-1.1.1).
  12. It seems that there is some problem with recyclers. They suddenly get stuck in "part processing" and FPS drops to ~0. Maybe it is not relevant to ksp update but It is repeated at least twice.
  13. Source patch for augers in ksp-1.2.2: And rebuilt dll (just replace in GameData\ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Plugins\)
  14. I think KerbalStats is really required to build something. Do you have it?
  15. Augers are definitely broken. I'm not sure about orbital dock but anyway it is not so useful without supply from ground.
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