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Everything posted by njbrown09

  1. Thanks. I just checked, where is the spot to disable the IRSU stuff?
  2. how do i disable specific parts of the mod?
  3. Take two. They have a history of pursuing modders. If we tell them to back tf off, they will listen.
  4. I am indeed. The backlash caused take two to retract their cease and decist and step back.
  5. I own 3 copies of ksp (dont ask why) on steam. I just submitted a negative review. ALL of you should do the same. We won with GTAV, we can win with KSP
  6. Im confused what this mod does. I downloaded the server and it looks like a form of dmp. Why should i use DMP with it and not just use this?
  7. I installed it correctly. I put the LunaMultiPlayer folder in my gamedata like it says to do
  8. EDIT: I tried to use the latest version that came out a few hours ago on vanilla 1.3.1, but it doesnt even work. No menu pops up
  9. How do i get the orbits in sandbox mode? It is stuck at "unknown body"
  10. Ah ok. I think i did notice that while using hyperedit. thanks!
  11. Hmm. i added the old GPP_Kerbalism config back into the files, and it boots and rad belts show(ive never used kerbalism before, so idk). Is there something wrong that i havent yet noticed?
  12. I keep getting a white sphere around most planets https://gyazo.com/517842e40ca568843574585da79467e7
  13. I know that. my problem is that i dont even get the 23 degree solar system tilt
  14. hey guys. i dont have axial tilts :(. Anyone know why?
  15. anyone having problems with ksc switcher on DMP using RSS?
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