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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. Nah, we have duplicated the issue with cryofuels several times, but thats not to say you didn't have some effect from your case. Glad to hear your solution gave you relief. Tweaking the thermal system is one of the more complex parts of modding for realism in general.
  2. If you want to know the state of a mod look at its commits. https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/commit/5fd56d8f051fb1a735eaed0b0f8bd87f6e8f8ba7 Hmm is that 1.3 work i see? .moreHugs taniwha
  3. There is a realfuels fix for exploding fuel tanks in dev. https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/commit/f4156841a586b84601503883116d51ed900d0e2f You may want to run with cheat (ignore max temp) on while changing craft, at least to ones that have cryofuels Also a fix for excessive thermal transfer from skin in the RO master. NK made a commit to fix it https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/commit/dc22044a2071de0a85fb4084fcdfd216d16c612c if you run using the latest master this is included. (not in CKAN release yet)
  4. Stock 1.3 Clean, Stock 1.2.2 Clean, Dirty 1.2.2 (for testing interactions), RO/RP-0/RSS KSp 1.2.2, Dev RO/RP-0/RSS KSP 1.2.2, GPP on KSP 1.2.2, and several deleted versions after ended careers All neatly loaded on an SSD and defragged.
  5. A small reactor (<10MW, several NASA examples) would have a Tungsten Boron Lithium composite shield and a space of 3-6m from some mass of propellant or water tankage. This is called a radiation shadow. Its only needed when the reactor is powered up. Nuclear Thremal Rockets are much higher power density and need more spacing along with use of the crafts propellant as a shadow. Current Nasa Studies place 1.8t of shield at 6m from three 500MW BNTR engines , plus 9 to 12 meters of hydrogen tankage that is used. Once the BNTR's are operating as small power reactors the spacing alone is enough. Cosmic radiation in space is more dangerous than the reactors at a few meters. a quick example is the SNAP-10A. Swimming in a nuclear reactor/spent fuel pool https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/ Obviously more complex topic than just the radiation, heavy metal solubility etc are other concerns. But they are not issues in a sealed space reactor. Comprehensive overview of nuclear in space by NASA https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20150002600.pdf Scared of nuclear, nuclear workers maximum yearly dose allowed is about the same as a 20 hour plane flight, like the one I took to Kobe japan. About the same amount from an NTR (not running) for a year standing next to it ~2-3m. On to what i did in KSP today, and over the last few days Comsats for Low Earth orbit Lunar Launches kersplat, for science Lunar Mapper and lander heads to orbit, Loosing some RCS propellant tanks along the way. Made it. Thust imbalance is ok, ready for TLI, more torpedos to launch at the moon. Lander and radar Mapping all crammed in the same boat. Sample return next launch.
  6. If you are using master or a dev build, do you have a Tree.cfg? If not you need to compile one or look back on this thread to find one. Alternately take it from one of the releases in github. If you are using the CKAN or release versions of RP-0 you should have a tree.cfg in the RP-0 folder. Using CKAN most parts in the OP list will have supported parts. In that case you could make a small config file that includes the parts you want to remove that tag from. Each part would need one entry like this. Only the RP0Conf = true is needed to remove the note. @PART[PartName]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = improvedNuclearPropulsion //set the tech or remove this line %cost = 7000 //set the cost or remove this line %entryCost = 180000 //set the cost or remove this line RP0conf = true }
  7. Nope its idle right now, but normal drills work. Collect Ore, and process it into LH2+O2 is main process, from there it provides various fuel manufacturing steps, main one being the methane process. it includes two nasa specification methane engines, or you can use a mod that has one like the blue origin engine. Otherwise pressure is low enough Hydrolox works fine at near vacuum rating. If i get to it later I'll start it up again. When i use it if i find an problem i make sure to make an Issue. You could look at the code for the ISRU and just borrow that for yourself easily. just don't expect support in any reasonable time. if DoktorJet or the other contributors I have a post in DRE thread with a full refueling MAV/ISRU/HIAD system of about 70t, Takes a long time since no engineer is on hand, and I didn't include enough Life support for that either. Among the hings the real ISRU mod can also supply is water and oxygen for life support if you use TACLS. Can eliminate a lot of burden (nearly half the weight or more) of that part of LS. Also on the point of drills there are a bunch in other mods.
  8. RealISRU is a development sub mod for Mars specific use. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealISRU Use at your own risk Pretty sure something in RO/Realfuels mods them also. @Salvi DRE needs either 7.6.0 https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/tag/v7.6.0 or a patch from the DRE thread for EVA kerbals. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/master/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry-KerbalEVA.cfg if you want to continue to use 7.5.0 @NSEP Yes and no, tweakscale can cause interactions with Realfuels, mostly tanks, that will have negative or zero mass. This will make the craft hang in the air or have a fixed velocity. I use TS for structural parts and fins. It also may have problems with lifting surfaces/control surfaces and FAR. I've heard that IR has a working dev version but never had much luck getting 1.2.2 to work with IR. @LordOfMinecraft99 Is one of those snubotrons blasting into a tank? asymetric thrust can ruin your day.
  9. I went to SAC museum, in Omaha NE, (Ashland actually). Alas, Thor, Blue Scout, X-38, Apollo Crew Module, Vela Satellite, ERCS Satellite, and a STS crew trainer for pictures. I've more but I'm picking through rejecting the fuzzy ones. SAC Museum is very nice with a great kids area. Currently they have an interactive "Black Hole" science exhibit. My plane, the B52, is on display includes all the crew training stations.
  10. As they should, that thing needs big nuclear power, solars not gonna cut it and even then they are cheaty. not that cheaty is bad.
  11. It will work. The engines and tank will be overly efficient, not that big of an issue. A vessel for RO/RSS that will barely get to orbit in full scale will make it to Lunar orbit in Half. Some of the contract may be higher than expected orbits.
  12. @Kerbital Where is pictures, they are lost! Gigantic stations have been abducted. I continued to test DRE specifically the HIAD (Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator) | NASA Made a 2016/2017 NASA study based mars lander/ascent vehicle using it. The DRE HIAD is currently 15m and not deflatable (yet). So 70tons slamming into Martian atmosphere with a little retro thrust to get drogues to open. A bit more to open main parachutes, and yet a bit more to land the thing after cutting all the blasted chutes. Bunch of parts come from a RO submod called RealISRU that tries to replicate more accurately the envisioned fuel making process on mars. The liquid methane NTR that delivered it had around 4kdV for mars minimal transfer and a small correction midcourse then PE adjustment entering Mars SOI. Coming into Mars interface. Entry Descent and Landing (EDL) Refueled and ready to meet the incoming transfer vessel. Back in mars orbit 140km Album
  13. Then there is an extremely simple answer to the whole argument. Don't use it if the connection is unavailable. people who think that is unreasonable like me will continue to use it. Or like Sarbian suggested, fork it and put in functions like RT adds.
  14. All early probes went to planets without Comsats. Control for Curiosity's landing was done before it left and slightly updated days before. The figurative Mechjeb picked when to land and needed no communications to execute. Given that the delay is minutes to hours for most space craft outside earth SOI everything is effectively done without communications. Just because NASA can plan pre-sending these commands ahead of time doesn't mean that its fun or practical for the game. But if you want its all there in other mods. Mechjeb is automation that simulates, very well, all the planning and effort that goes in behind the scenes at a space program. Take away its functions because of lack of communication is like saying to the soviets in 1959 you can't take pictures on the far side of the moon. You aren't allowed to push that button.
  15. It is a tradeoff, you have no planning staff simulating the whole plan before hand and submitting a flight plan. So you are allowed to control it in flight otherwise the game would honestly suck for most people. for those it would not, there is KOS and KRPC. Its like the flight control stick in a pod. It doesn't do anything. Realisticly i would have no control the vast majority of flight. A change would require three days in an ofice with a planning team.
  16. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=0 Use the spreadsheet and if using CKAN be cautious of 1.3 mods (most do work). You can manually install the lower versions using command line or delete and use their repository versions manually. Takes me about an hour to set everything up. Good luck though.
  17. I'm not afraid. Yoda: You will be. You... will... be. Me later that day, why the fudge did the third stage not ignite? oh crap all I need it 600m/s for orbit! I've already spent 9200m/s. (Attempt #7) I plan on loading it for the fifth time today. New 11.5.1 RO Release and new RP-0 yeah! Make sure you are either using DRE 7.6.0+ or if 7.5.0 using the EVA config or you may have burning kerbals on EVA. Other than extensive DRE testing of heat shields on mars I launch some of my last RO 11.5 tests, Launch! Promptly found it had a thrust imbalance, was right on the edge of getting the payload to orbit, try two. No gimbal on the motor, not enough rcs in back to stop oscillations. New Orbital Insertion stage. Aerozine and NTO are my friend. Yeah Orbit. ( It can putter about on RCS and then De-Orbit, or the third stage can use two ignitions and its last fuel for bigger maneuvers up to 1450km. It got all the remaining space science at its tech level (T3 Mostly). Why are my likes depleted? Ah holy Kod Almighty Why!
  18. Why do flight computers stop working because they are not receiving communication. Landing would be impossible on Mars if so. at best 8 minutes delay. Mechjeb represents using automatic flight controls. Rockets are not flown from a station in the control room, they a programmed ahead of time. Mid course corrections are uploaded days or weeks ahead. Landing parameters loaded before launch. If this thought is because of using remote tech with its flight computer, is that different. Or kOS? Even "piloted" craft don't actually have pilots giving Input controls in most cases. And even then for burns they are input into a flight computer and set to execute at the proper time. Want no control when signal is lost, then simple. don't use it. It isn't broken or a bug that needs to be fixed. /gripe_OFF
  19. @Starwaster 150M of screenshots doubtful you want to go through but I'm tossing them up https://www.dropbox.com/s/jaxw98x3w2acwl5/Mars HIAD and IRVE3 Pics.zip?dl=1 Mars HIAD 16m shield is easily good for a 7000m/s direct Mars Landing with a 45ton lander. All tests aimed at equator approach from 0 inclination, started at SOI boundary with 5450m/s Velocity, dropped PE into listed value. Run Three, -1000km PE, 7km/s, Direct (Pancake) peak heating 12.8w/cm2@60km, peak temp 1673K@27km Resulted in Heatshield Internal temp over 1731K/1073K, G Force kill, Aero Failure, Collisions Run Four, -38km PE, 7km/s, Direct peak heating 12.64w/cm2@82km, peak temp 1673K@27km Resulted in Collision with ground 490m/s Run One, 40km PE, 7km/s, Direct peak heating 12.6w/cm2@83km, peak temp 1276K@47km Resulted in Collision with ground 500+m/s Run Five, 45km PE, 7km/s, Direct (Aeroskip, minor @44km up to 45km) peak heating 12.55w/cm2@84km, peak temp 1241K@53km Resulted in Collision with ground 500+m/s Run Six, 47.5km PE, 7km/s, Direct (Aeroskip, @46km up to 72km) peak heating 12.55w/cm2@84km, peak temp 1230K@62km Resulted in released aero at 72km skip, 2800m/s Run Seven, 49km PE, 7km/s, Aerocapture peak heating 12.53w/cm2@84km, peak temp 1236K@56km Resulted in 2169x34km orbit, 3600m/s at interface Run two, 50km PE, 7km/s, Aerocapture Peak heating at 12.55@84km, Peak temp 1359K@36km Resulted in 7960x35km orbit Second descent 3.32W/cm2 peak heating, 704K Peak Temp @45km
  20. I'm seeing it in my 1.2.2 version. Log looks like it is loading it. [LOG 19:23:40.454] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DRToolbar' from assembly 'DeadlyReentry' should be toolbar loading. [LOG 19:23:40.210] [DeadlyReentry.DRToolBar] OnDestroy() called - destroying button and unloading it correctly. You may want to delete the DRE folder and reinstall from Github. https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/tag/v7.6.0 Make sure you don't what I did and have DRE configs in the wrong places. /smirk Oh are you installing v7.6.0 then adding the v7.6.0 KSP1.3.0 .dll to it?
  21. IRVE Testing: @Starwaster Terminal Velocity at impact was ~60m/s, Shield does not work very well as a bouncy house :P. RV Package 280kg used water tank for ballast, Mechjeb case with SAS to align it in space, used Smart A.S.S to align 5deg angle on reentry. Peaks, 20.4G, 3.3w/cm2, 797K skin
  22. My universal question. My KSP has been spent testing nuclear rockets and doing research for heat shields and aerocapture for mars. I found a lost kerb.
  23. If you don't feel its cheating put the fins on and move tool them inside the lower part of the rocket, unless you are using FAR they will still work correctly. One possibility if you are using an older mod part pack for the fairing is it may not have the proper contents protection module to eliminate the drag of its interior. If so the drag may be insurmountable without using an extreme launch profile. (issue doesn't apply to FAR) The rocket honestly looks like something I would not add fins sas or rcs to and if it had some gimbal to the main engine it would launch fine stock or far. (assuming not too extreme MJ or flight control input)
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