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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. Morning run into orbit trying again to reenter. The clouds are working now. Staying away from a few mods (Vens', CLS, Semi-Sat, Test Flight, Persistent, Filter Ext.) was a good choice. Game is running great even with FASA/NF/Cryo parts packs. High reflectivity parts in the FASA pack looked a bit weird with blue reflection from sky. Got the stage fuel near perfect and it circ'd before even hitting mid Atlantic. RV getting oriented for entry. Still burned up. Need more drag and a heavier heat shield. It was very close. The "Leroy Jenkins I" RV test system was mostly a success just as its namesake. Could take away about half the RCS fuel and 200dV from de-orbit fuel. Or keep the safety margin....nah.
  2. I don't have epilepsy. Why do i feel sick and why the rump snoggins do you have lights that bright on helo blades? Cleared out all my KSP installs and reloaded a fresh RO/RP-0 Dev build. Got frustrated with problems docking and other issues. Started New Career First to space. Made it to 152km on very basic hardware "Borf I" Little high Sounding rocket trying to get some samples back....352km burned up. Still good science came back. "Borf II" First orbital sat. Went into a 252x1250km orbit. Stuck there, no ignitions left. Going to try RCS de-orbit at AP. "Bingo Junk I" Failed first reentry, failed to notice i was past AP when circularizing, wobbled on entry and flamed out. "Probebnugen I & II" Still got good polar data and more science.
  3. Inverse plane in my experience. If I launch to a rend. it places me in a plane that is the negative across the equatorial plane. (Big Messy RO/RP-0 Dev Install)
  4. @qromodynmc Image? oh server blocked running scripts along with subscripts from mail.ru .... hmmm No thanks.
  5. Oh now you're wise.... /smirk What pack for the Apollo, looks different from mine.
  6. Jupiter survey started well got in barely to a optimal Biome scanner range and started SAR at that altitude. Pretty much polar so i should get a full scan. Radar scan lower in might not happen haven't calculated the dV i need to drop that low into the gravity well. But then.... Rear end of the craft blew up in a kraken induced time warp explosion. Got my Venus Comsats rolling out and to midcourse correction burns. The plasma drive is too weak, 12k dV is 6days burn time, the lower ISP plamsa RCS actually worked better. The third iteration actually got built with 24 single port plasma RCS units as its main drive. As i finished my corrections i got flagged with a lifes support warning on my station. One person with over two years of life support should have been fine for the 95 days he was ignored. switched over and he was displaying negative time and rapidly depleting a large supply. Rushed to get a emergency ship to him and switch the TACLS to hibernate on empty. Weirness on the fairing had to be ignored since i'm using KCT. Unfortunately he became a tourist and can't leave the station to the rescue ship. Turned off TAC for a bit. I'll have to design a supply ship and dock to the fueling port since the main port doesn't work. Docking port found a weird nested port inside it somehow.
  7. MAXIMUM LITHIUM! On to other news the cost of new cellphone batteries to triple this month....
  8. My RO/RP-0 Campaign Venus transfer window opens just as a Jupiter probe needs circularizing... So i prepped the Comsat/Test lander i'm sending this time. Next time will be un-manned return abort mission and robotic test manned lander. But that needs comsats of which i will put two in equatorial orbit reasonably high to give good north south coverage First test craft had a RUD during the hydrolox upper stage staging. so I tested the basic functioning of the lander pod on earth re-entry. Second Launch is much better.
  9. Narrow and balance the lifting/control surfaces. Snap the fairing to the sides of the aircraft fuselage and jettison it all at 50km. You are better off reducing the vertical stabilizer and centering it so the fairing can be smaller. You could get away with a lot less motor on the plane. Using a spark or even a terrier could leave you with a lot more dV than a monoprop engine. Or is that a mod engine with 320+ISP? Balance the drag on the upper with air brakes set to act as control surfaces on the lower bottom stage.
  10. Unfortunately it is that "Inline Chute" + docking port. I think its some flaw with the bumper extension module. Somewhere between Dev RO/RP-0 and Vens stock is a problem. Actually wish that they didn't module manage every part since it makes trouble shooting and loading so much longer. Even finding the offending part change is a difficult thing. They should just make their own part copies and and note the original parts as Non-RO compliant. Some of the parts are Module managed 6 times. RF, CLS, RO, RP-0, Vens... Really don't want to rebuild it a fourth time but its looking like i need to. /sarcasm ON What you can't spread misinformation like that! All plutonium and uranium can explode if it is slightly jostled. /sarcasm OFF SNAP-27 (70W) I'm guessing the models are based off of US space RTG's, so PU-238, specifically the 300W GPHS . Most terrestrial ones are Strontium (A cheaper fission waste product) but those are heavily shielded and lower efficiency. Soviets also used Polonium but that is only 138d half life and much harder to shield. Yes. Dang that engine is feeble. It has a nice combo of tankage power and control. Just add more engine or it takes an hour to de-orbit burn.
  11. You are using enough plutonium to make thirty nukes in that miner! 96 RTG's Nasa would cry.
  12. Initial use of my Fairy Class recovery shuttle. Lunar Lab with 8 scientist on board arrived from the Moon and 7 kerbs departed, leaving a lone scientist to attempt new FAI Record Crew duration. Return Docking the lab. To bad something doesn't work right with the docking port. Everyone EVA's over. /sigh RO/RP-0 docking ports all look similar so its probably that they are miss-matched, or its the stupid bumper option. Or the mod CLS i should never have installed...
  13. Freedom park, near Eppley Airport in north Omaha, Nebraska. Warship is a Mine/Antisubmarine ship named the "Hazard". Too good to be a pun. A small submarine "Marlin" and a display of naval weapons, aircraft, nameplates, anchors and props. It was badly flooded a few years ago and in need of repairs. Vandals have not helped... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Park_(Omaha,_Nebraska) The Talos is an amazing missile only hampered by its use of active guidance. This one is missing the rear fins and casing. It was a nuclear capable multi-role missile (anti-everything). Neat factoid is that it has parts made of magnesium -Thorium that have a near "0" co-efficient of thermal expansion. They allow the ramjet fuel system to operate at extreme temps without failing.http://www.okieboat.com/Talos history.html
  14. What I did in KSP...was reduce by needing inspiriation so i went and took pictures of my favorite rocket. Talos missile. Launcher for T series missiles. Flame box. Added image for "Knowledge"!
  15. Tried to upgrade my Fairy class transfer shuttle. Quantum Anchor somewhere in the Service Module area. Would not leave the pad. The upper crew section launched fine using the crew abort system. At least that validated. I'll fix it later when i need a longer range system. Started testing a mars return vessel, 4 person max, to be ready for the next planetary transfer window. Named it the Broadsword class. Intend on using it for Venus also. Will need a lot more testing for those landings. 6k dV outbound and Inbound. Made quad hall effect rcs units, pair front and back. Using extended RCS booms A50&NTO. The universal science modules will get tucked inside a 6S compartment. More thermal management than needed. @Kerbital Just tried right-mousing the pictures in my own reply....
  16. Tank mass fractions are more important. Try SMURFF. Also Cyro-engines gives you some good high ISP Hydrolox engines and also has a Liquid option. Also see @Nertea's Cryogenic Tanks along with this. (four mods total work together) There is a simple ISPx2 mod https://github.com/miki-g/M-ISPx2/releases More Engines.... Going even deeper towards realism As a part way option instead of going RO/RP-0 you could do
  17. Launched my "Fairy" class Lunar recovery shuttle Eleven Passengers with re-usable nuclear transit section to stay in orbit and be refueled. Small oops clearing the launch abort system. Thankfully only a few hundred dV remained in the tanks for that stage. Saving big .gifs to imgur is sucky they really get grainy
  18. Tweakscale or Realchute. In real life the shuttle SRB recovery chutes are some of the largest ever made and still only got the speed to ~20m/s
  19. Having a problem with CKAN installing updates to the Gamma textures. Not sure what is going on here. Only have Gamma and Essential installed from the Main Sailor mods
  20. I'm thinking maybe Tweakscale should be used..... holy tank straps batman! Lunar orbital lab sent out. Currently orbiting just above "near" space. It processes science points very fast but each 1000 science takes 20 minutes to transmit and for some reason time increase does not help.
  21. Using two different "Service Module" Tanks to carry Aerozine/NTO and life support + nice hidey space for solar and science gear. Among other things it is not an lander. More like Bump and run since I had 3600 dV left at circulization. Service Module has 3200 dV and 19 days Life suport. So I had plenty of margin if the bump did any damage. I was pleased with how the Coupler and heat shield shroud blend in to the capsule bay and service module. I think I'm going to make a few modded shrouds and couplers in charcoal next after fixing my no plume problem with my Timberwinds.
  22. Did it tear open your hull? Then well spotted. Excellent use of spoiler code. Wouldn't want to ruin the movie..... Repeated 4 times missions to get [Station Science]. Twice failing to orbit correctly. MJ magically ate some of my ignitions on the Hydrolox upper and transit stages. So attempt 4 used nukes! I had extra fuel in the TLI stage. Clean 89.9deg polar orbit finished 100% of space science around moon. So landing attempts made. Liquid methane Nuke got the ship mostly to orbit also, and even did a small crater hop once to help. Almost didn't transfer life support right, capsule was empty and service module almost full. Nearly lost a kerb.
  23. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME, EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN YOUR PART OF A TEAM! TEAM: Components (MEAT, ATE, EAT ME, i, MATE, AT, TEA, TiME) at tea time i ate meat, eat me mate.
  24. I really like using it. Put it right behind scansat for the additional play it adds to the game. Only complaint is in a game without a long science path it returns a too much science. Do the mission report if you want for yourself. i find that recording exploration information really got me understanding how to do things better. Plus it gives you a fall back notebook.
  25. Lunar orbital Science with Albert Carter (one of my orbital rated scientists) Trans-Lunar Injection Entering Lunar orbit Gather science around the moon and burn back to Earth. Return and Re-Entry. almost 7G... Return 2200 science, a few biomes left but mostly cleaned up on the moon. Jupiter survey next then probably Mars landers at 1957 launch window.
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