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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. 6K is good for RO&Deadly. (pretty sure 11.4.1 RO came with that as config since I don't remember changing it) 7K for Stock RSS is probably reasonable. I tested a large number of RSS and RO/RP-0 re-entries. If you are not using "shielded" tanks the value is quite a bit less in RO/DRE. Also FAR has much more influence on true survival. If you are not including aero surfaces for re-entry attitude reduce the number also. I found a set of grid fins on the upper tank section made a large amount of difference in how well the stage came back. I found it a lot of fun just running stages back in to see how they do. FMRS would help also if you don't want to run separate testing. Lunar return speed is a whole other ball game. Angle makes so much more impact than LEO. Bad retro burning can actually make a re-entry worse even though the speed is lower. M13-ninja answered
  2. I tire of the whole "Shroud" problem. Come back to find various tank, heat shield and engine shrouds have moved. My most recent major kraken event involved snubotrons in RO/RP-0 that as they ran out of fuel and shut down some how shattered my vessel and threw most of the pieces out of the system at .03-.2C. Cleaning up the debris field was annoying too. Oh and universal storage outer shells that when opened acted as quantum anchors. Same vessel. Made sure to not use the snubs on the third attempt to launch.
  3. Okay, i've just about figured how to draw the diagram... ah farg it, good enough description. /smirk
  4. Several Gael Missions tonight. toursits for money Flyby Missions for Iota and Ceti (made with the same vessel) Second Radar mapping/Comsat to Ceti Ceti Manned Lander Missions
  5. Kerbol Eclipse. Once a day, every day.
  6. What did you do to that wolf? BANNED! Oh craving a bit o wolf were ya.
  7. You're at the point of modding a part yourself. Add the modules that you want, RCS and such are more complex but still do-able. Tweakscale is what you want for 28 to 4 engine reduction. if you change an engine from 100% to 126% you double the thrust and other values, 200% gets you eight times. Welding things is good as long as you follow the general rules in the OP. Your list of one "one engine, one thermometer, one solar panel" will work fine. Make sure you know about alternators rules from the OP list of known limitation. Welding generally can get a 30ish part probe down to 10-12. So this makes it useful of your clustering probes on a mothership.
  8. @StewcumberMake a tow hitch module and use the landing gear on the other side. Drop the tow hitch off with a set of legs and reuse it later. Claws are the best way since you can set them to pivot. Personally I like the flexible extension docking ports. [Flexible Docking] by DMagic I had kraken problems with a fuel tank. Floating away from launchpad. Going nowhere fast, eventually over-G and exploded while hovering. parts everywhere, crew survived 'cause parachutes. @dboi88 Its looking good.
  9. Two Missions this evening, "Broadside" my cannonball class stretched to get more missions in LEO. Second I launched my "Skylab I" rocket all 2800tons of it. Hydrolox Engines cascade staging, two outer motors drop out to keep G forces low. All this to get 4 kerbs to LEO 350x349km Orbit 2800tons of mostly kerolox, Ignoring the problems with the Russian N1 stage engines I'm using. 1 Ignition, throttles deep so it never goes past 3G. 5 J-2s in a Common mount burning Hydrolox, enough to get it to LEO or in this case boost it to a solid 1300km AP, 2 minutes burn time. 6.6m diameter Kkylab module with integral hypergolic service engine. Boosted to 1300x1275km above west Africa. Looks like the Skylab module needs some balancing on science return rate.
  10. Welding and change the drag boxes. or FAR. The dev version seems to be working okay. Either way welding...it would crush my potato without welding fo sho.
  11. This must be so hard for you. Loosing a Czech beer is always a tragedy. The keyboard goes in the dish washing machine on quick/rinse, small amount of mild dish washing detergent (like dawn), make sure drying cycle is off. If you want a light petroleum lubricant can be used in the actuator sockets of any keys that get cleaned too well (squeaky). I've cleaned dozens of keyboards this way. Coke is the worst, circuit board etching corrosive stuff. Beer gets real gummy if you wait though.
  12. "Cannon Ball" run. Had a LEO 3 crew mission to do should have just sent up a science mission explorer but they are expensive. Made a lighter duty 3p rocket pair of Hydrolox upper stages and a big Kero lower. Added a couple boosters since i didn't think i could cut the edge of LEO to fine with out running it a couple times in sim to get profile just right. Dropped fairings at 50km probably should have stayed on longer. 274km 5500m/s first stage drop. 350km 6900m/s second stage separation Flew easy. The LH2's allow for a tighter LEO insertion and the J2 gives it multiple ignitions to circularize. The Mitsubishi would allow for maneuvering and multiple ignitions but all it did was finalize the circ and de-orbit. 17 day mission design, limited by water mostly. Landed a lot slower than planned, chute should probably drop to a single.
  13. 1.2.2 (v11.4.0&11.4.1) in RealismOverhaul_Global_Config.cfg @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelDeployment]]:FOR[zzzRealismOverhaul] { @MODULE[ModuleWheelDeployment] { %shieldedCanDeploy = True } } 1.1.3 (v11.3.2) in RealismOverhaul_Global_Config.cfg @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelDeployment]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleWheelDeployment] { %shieldedCanDeploy = True } } As far as I can see this is the only wheel reference and the small steerable LY-05 wheel does not use the module {ModuleWheelDeployment} Made this in v11.4.0 that worked fine, deployed and steerable, tracks straight. (bit tippy)
  14. Those jerks. I fought them a few times. They usually mess with my shrouds when I'm not looking.
  15. What? You can't launch rockets in KSP! Do boat hulls handle re-entry well?
  16. Hmmm. maybe Ven's Revamp (lots of the visual changes are because of that), or SETI.
  17. @spacegenius Skidding is usually caused by gear not in alignment. Can you place a picture of it. What is blocking the gear is hard to say. personally never seen that happen unless they poke into a container (Open-able bay that has proper modules to protect interior. X-1 Mission (Winged) The 1.2.2 update is in Dev currently. Its fully working in 1.1.3. many dependencies make it a slow process
  18. Correct Sir. @CatastrophicFailure 0.625 fit at top and 1.25ish at the bottom. no integral heat shield. other Stockalike Soyuz/mir parts in the mod. Careful to add life support, not all the command modules have USI life support function if thats your LS mod. went to Iota twice. failed science mission, cause of not enough comms. Remind self "Comms First". Send second mission with massive local omni. Second Mission. Few hundred dV in boosters already gone coasting to circulation. Recoverable lower stages Three piece Science orbiter, plus return mission built into transit bus. Dropped don'tstayputnik impactor and set a 150km PE, coasting to Circ. Back with the science. Main orbiter still at iota, dropped mapping and used material/dust samplers
  19. Gael campaign, launched my "Albatross" LGO abort station and tested a "Seagull" docking target on it. Then sent up Tito and Jeb in a Kite Orbital, forgot to send sandwiches they got hungry. First Albatross forgot to put on Docking Port. Second with port, attached docking target Seagull launched a day later. Tito and Jeb had a good view but no supplies (USI Life Support but no supplies in the pod.) As usual the dV available was excessive. Could have not had a second stage for the mission.
  20. My six year old son wishes to inform you that you need rockets to get to space not floppy noodles.
  21. Chinese Taikonaut with his bamboo rocket assist pole?
  22. You're correct. the mod doesn't update the values until you change something. . . KER shows correct number. But value in tank does not update until you change something significant. (Tank type, move it, deselect/reselect) but not when you change the texture.
  23. Try out B9 Aero.Procedural wings or Procedural Wing. both allow for some very nice looking wing geometries. And Retractable lifting surfaces and and and...
  24. Most here use imgur for pics. Gives you an easy copy paste bbc code link to put into your forum comments. Drop box if you want to share craft files. This is less common since most people are running various levels of mods. You can achieve many things even with the humble cubic octagonal strut. It lets you surface mount things that are node mounted. the comments above using structural elements work well in combination with a drogue chute. However in all honesty a small plane can parachute land a lot of places and with a scientist and engineer aboard you can re-launch and load all the science from several biomes without needing remote pods just by re-packing chutes. Do what is fun not efficient. make boats, subs, trucks, trains, base stations. And air drop them all. /smirk
  25. FMRS is def. the safest way. I've done it bomber style though. Need to retro the pod and chute it and it has to be low enough to land before you hit 22.5km distance or it will unload. None of that was to difficult. I didn't think it was worth the hassle though. Real chute would make getting the chutes out in the right time and maybe eliminate the need for retros since you could pre-deploy by altitude. Speed 330m/s used a "Candlewax" srb with half fuel, sepatron would work fine also (probably better) Service bays are tough and service bay doors even tougher...I hot keyed the doors to open as it launched/primed-chutes/decoupled. Higher drag from open doors also.
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