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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. Von-braun put fins on Saturn because he thought they looked cool, not that they needed them. /smirk
  2. Inspired by @RoboRay I made some glide bombs, i could not land them, well on to other things. Wings from
  3. Moar Science. I used my lunar science to drive to Nuclear rockets, Building Freya I the II then III Freya I, to much heat man, had to reinforce the tanks and improve power input. It was Difficult to use the science bay, so I de-orbited it and re-designed the main cruise stage. Freya II, on ascent it got solar power damaged and it cut my mission short. De-Orbited it found out it can only handle LEO speeds. heat shields don't seem to be working, at least the ablator wasn't used up. Orbital insertion before nose cap fell of taking one more solar panel off, lost 5 of 8. Freya III moved to fixed panels, improved cowling and fairing sep. More sample storage bays (which 1.3 is supposed to fix.) Fully recovered first stage, look at all that chute! It has two sets of three E-1's that I disable as the SLT passes 3.5, gives more fuel to the F-1 and its a good amount higher ISP so a few hundred more dV to orbit help. make a weird joggle to clear the nose cone when the ascent stage is dropped. Plenty of dv for moon and back.(orbit not landing). Capsule always animated RCS thrust even when disabled. Fun Video from Mobylette, they are doing an RSS/RO/RP-0 Career video series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mX5gze0yAo
  4. Make sure you are running 64bit and have enough memory. You may also have to force dx11 or opengl to reduce memory load.
  5. CKAN will not change something you have manually changed. If you ask it to you get an exception. press continue and select one update at a time to find the offender. it will also list what it got to in the status tab. Very common reason for this is manually adding something that includes Module manager, then CKAN adding something with that as a dependency. Please put the code in a spoiler <eye> block to make it easier to use.
  6. I vote Harry! You ran out of memory. Also you can reduce memory usage with either the "-force-d3d11" or "-force-opengl" switches. also You should at minimum place the log in a spoiler block <eye>. If you are running is from within steam or through a steam link you need to set the launch options to something like "G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" -single-instance -force-d3d11 if through a windows shortcut change the target to somethings like [ "G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" -single-instance -force-d3d11 ] If your using CKAN change the Settings-->KSP command line to [ KSP_x64.exe" -single-instance -force-d3d11]
  7. Likely ones are, Input locking (from mechjeb or other) when you have them hovered or selected (includes side toolbar). Plasma blackout (occlusion caused by hot atmosphere) since I'm assuming you have Com-net active. Battery depleted. Time acceleration isn't likely since your in atmosphere but is a common reason not to have responsiveness. Plasma blackout can be turned off. Input locking is solved by moving and selection of a blank are of screen. If its battery, hibernate until you get ready to re-enter to save power or if you want check unlimited electrical power in cheats menu. KER, KAC and MechJeb all use input locks so that seems very likely as does Plasma Blackout.
  8. Is this a Dev version of FAR or are you running 1.1.3 Chutes won't work on release FAR version running 1.2.2
  9. 64bit will allow it to use more than 3.4G of memory, the dx11 or opgl will reduce the memory load of most things. They aren't default because pre-unity 5 they didn't work perfectly. If you plan on add more than a few mods, you will need to go to either dx11 or opengl. I prefer dx11 as it seems more stable. If you get a lot of mods going you may want to run the mod memgraph. Though its a tiny bit of learning to understand how to use it (mod-*, Mod-end, mod+, Mod-) it reduces intermittent stuttering due to garbage collection. If you start making large part ships one of the biggest improvements is UbioZur welding mod, takes some work and needs thoughtful part selection. it can make ships with 300+ parts run like 100 part ships. Though it won't help a graphics limited computer.
  10. Starting to sound Bohemian comrade. Does the Kommisar need to visit us?
  11. Standard questions. Are you running 64bit exe? Are you using openGL or DX11 switches while running? How much memory do you have? Crash as in lock computer or terminate program or program locks up? if you have more than 4gig, try running "KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -force-d3d11" in the CKAN Settings--->KSP Command Line Mechjeb, are you playing sandbox or career? if Career you will not get certain functions until you research technologies, and nodes require upgraded buildings (Mission and Tracking). The functions are available from several places, a dropdown selection list[V MechJeb V] , or toolbar (have to be added manually from within the game). Mechjeb should also show up on the side bar [MJ].
  12. This is usually because of input locking. Most likely your clicking through a mechjeb window or have something else grabbing your inputs. mod-F12 and pick input locks, click clear, go about your business. I had this happen when I floated a mechjeb vessel window over my kerb icons.
  13. I failed to get to a manned moon landing. No launch clamps needed, it really wasn't because I forgot them, I just didn't need them, really, um.... something weird going on with the nose of my fairing, all black was not the intended color. Getting to Orbit went great. use a Gimongous F-1 cause it had two ignitions. it was that of 24 breeze motors. Yes those are full on SRB's (candlewax) motors for ullage. Got to the moon and did all my manned and sample return science I could reach with a 27deg inclination. Separated from the Rhea I (3 man return pod), while I still had my transit module with 1400dV left. The Hades I de-orbited and dropped the transit module. Tried to light the lander stage....no pressure. Tried a few more things wasting precious seconds. Dumped it and went for orbit. Limped back to the return pod. For some reason I found my RCS not working (my fault, fuel for it left with the lander) so I transferred with EVA. Return with a large amount of picture of the surface for future successful missions to do planning with. Madagascar deserts are tropical....
  14. I did a run to the moon and failed...thought I'd summarize failures that did not involve me or things I'd like to point out involving parts. I'll scrub and re-install tonight and try again to make sure I didn't cause them. ( reversed the biological sample/photography bay comments), I'm also dumping a daily report into the
  15. I sent 5 SAR scansats to do the job of 2... poorly First launch, rolled out, pre-flight checked failed, control surfaces on SRB not on, SRB set to way too much thrust. Flaunch 2, intended to go to the moon, Main stage ignition failure, barely limped into a kinda polar earth orbit. Third launch, again SRB is heading out, second stage heading good into Polar orbit 7500km, notice that target zero angle altitude is 150km... after circularizing in atmosphere and squeezing out a 2300x145km Oribt, yeah mapping sucks. Fourth, second try for the moon went good, Nice 88deg Polar orbit at correct altitude. Fifth, finally everything right on my ICBM SARSAT. Reinstalled RO/RP-0 Dev with updates, getting weird shadow on some fairings
  16. yeah, RCS build aid is on a lot of should be stock lists. Correct CoL may be more what you want if its aero design focus. It provides useful graphs of things like AoA and Pitch Static stability. RCS build aid is however critical if you're building large ships that need to dock as it shows torques and thrust effects and how off center they are by axis. Also I find all i need is the Wet/Dry CoM indicators to get a "good enough".
  17. It is a bit dismissive of a large number of people to assume that a knowledge of command line (however simple it is, I've been using it since '89.) You're right those people may be less likely to be helpful in testing. That said, good change on the notes in the golden spreadsheet. Was it okay for me to make anon update notes in it?
  18. One well known piece of matter has been detected with the "seconds' to cross the galaxy. A proton hit the upper atmosphere and was detected by the Chicago air shower array called the "oh my god particle". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh-My-God_particle Its energy was equivalent to a 94mph fastball. In one proton. Your calculator does not have enough digits to display the number of 9's behind .9c at the time there was no known emitter within the range needed (at that speed the background microwaves slow you down like water on a ship hull). It lead directly to discovering that the center of our galaxy hid a super-massive black hole. Its estimated that it needed to ride several explosive shock-waves generated by the black hole. A proton has 938MeV or 9.4x10^12, this proton had 3x10^20eV in kinetic energy and exploded into a cone of millions of secondary particles like muons and electrons. All this demonstrates the extreme top end of RE. at a significant fraction of light speed you posses more kinetic energy than mass energy. Your interaction with matter moving at normal speeds is more energetic and lethal than a spray of antimatter. And it gets worse as your speed goes up. At speeds needed to be useful for time dilation stray electrons and protons in the solar wind would gamma-ray cook your ship as you come in contact. Avoiding this would require diverting them and be a huge drag force. Also imagine Saturn rockets except instead of Kerosene and Oxygen, fueled with antimatter and matter. They still don't get you to that "really useful" range of dilation. The Enterprise can't possibly carry enough antimatter to get to 0.5c never mind meaningful dilation.
  19. Because someone on the dev team has a dog with that name, so the account is taken. If i put my left shoe on my right foot and my right shoe on my left, do I still look stupid walking down the catwalk.
  20. RCS Build aid....red dry center of mass, yellow wet center of mass, blue center of lift adn line of action. red center of thrust and line of action. Red and yellow as close as possible. Blue slightly behind and in line with COM's, red perfectly in line with COM's. Read landing gear somewhat behind COM's. Front landing gear reasonably far in front of COM's. One set control surfaces set pitch only, authority limiter set 30-50%, main wing control surface, set pitch&roll low authority, outer wing surface control surface set roll only low%CA, vertical stabilizer set Yaw only, 30-50% CA. Take your airbreather at sub 300m/s, keep your drag low up to the point thrust starts to drop below 70%. hammer it. just below cutout bring it in to a shallow dive. Getting velocity up to near its max. as it nears its thermal max speed at about 80-90% max thrust altitude, pull back up and in the transition to flame out power up the non-airbreather. This is the beginning of a normal but flat rocket profile. 45deg, then gravity turn. The trip back down is worse... if you aren't correctly balanced dry you just flop about and crash. have a chute I suck at it but i can fly them, The combo of panthers and nukes is good for stock. Also adding drop tanks and drop SRB's can really get a lower tech craft up to orbit well. You can make an orbiter with 13 or so part count. or 300+
  21. Four Launches, First one was probably my last Kourou until i need longer ranged comsats. (Earth, RO/RP-0 1.2.2 Dev) CISL Cislunar Integrated Science Lab(Too Much Thrust!...Getting rid of TMT....Shedding Skins). I had a weird problem with my little tiny ullage motors on the orbital stage. When they ran out of fuel their TWR went infinite and the assembly disassembled. I let myself re-run the launch and removed the motors from staging, using a butt shake method for ullage. Thankfully I had some SAS, tiny bit of RCS to waggle the sat and allow the fuel to settle. [Odin main stage, Stretch Freki/Geri boosters, Cecil orbital vehicle and Mite sample RV.] CISL return pod ready to detach, then the main module goes into gravity mapping mode in High Polar orbit. Earth Space Science done....until i get more things to do. Then I sent peoples in space, Cronus HO2P heading to High orbit to get that crew report. 12 days in space. All my 'nauts are orbital rated now. Last science needed to get my first HydroLox engine. [Dwarf re-usable SRB's, Thor Main stage (two side engines shutdown at 4G), Hammer orbital insertion stage, Cronus III (2 man High Orbit Booster, 30d Life support)] Launching the I'll fated Luna 1, booster sep not so good...Luna two was better! Mechjeb had a real hard time with Delta-Vee calculation. The final stage had 3500 but showed 953 until is separated. [Elf re-usable boosters, uprated Thor main stage, Valkyrie orbital insertion stage (HydroLox), Javelin translunar module, Luna 1&2, Shotput Impactor.] Yeah for HydroLox! If it had re-ignition I'd be happier took a lot of ascent management to burn all the fuel, pushed my parking orbit up to 950km from the planned 500km because i could not re-light for circulization. Engines do not throttle... uh how do i land this thing, Using springy antena landing feet. I had 2 ignitions left when the engines safely Litho-Broke my landing.
  22. Put up a 4xGeo Remote tech network over Earth'' . [RO/RP-0 Dev 1.2.2] with no eye candy mods except Realplume. Take off from Kourou, over Atlantic, slight dogleg to lower inclination from 5deg to ~3deg, circularize at 1200km, inclination change to 0, set maneuver node to lead the target point about 6 hours. burn up to 35.7Mm, Circ, tweak, tweak and tweak. Only had 26 total ignitions on the engine so I was conservative. A1 had 0dv , others had 200-400 dv left. I'd put some RCS on it next time Clarke A1 (Pacific), Clarke B2 (Indian) , Clarke C3 (Americas), Clarke D4 (Atlantic) Tiny bit sloppy, Got the SMA's pretty tight on 3 so they won't be wandering but the first one mechjeb'd the heck out of that one and only had 2m/s orbital velocity left but no fuel to correct it. Mechjeb is currently having a problem in RO/RP-0 Dev for 1.2.2 that it immediately executes maneuver nodes instead of waiting, somehow the circulization burn node works fine though. Also when you have 13 antenna to activate put them on a hotkey. Now i can de-orbit my improvised satcoms in LEO
  23. Think it was tweak scaled 200%, they won't survive full on hard dive into Jupiter. The final ones i used were ~300%, The front I could heavily cool with radiators but the AB's mounted out in Aero-shell land. They got blown off by the fairing being ejected.
  24. Between Procedural Tanks/Fairings and RO/RP-0 it makes it easy to have a nice looking machine. Kerbal stock is neat in its own way but I'm a big fan of clean lines.
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