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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Bornholio
use the [BBCode (message boards & forums)] link, and paste it in spiffy. @winged Gotta say that ship is sexy. Ive got past exploding tanks and on to my first real space missions, Needed a scansat up to get better data. I'll use it for baselining the lunar version. Took my Odin booster and added slight modification to Geri/Freki Boosters, adding the new Muninn/Huginn Boosters using paired smaller KeroLox engines. Will also use them on next manned missions. The F&G series boosters will get re-desined to be much longer. Probably taking my lunar surveys out. Being much easier to put into lower orbits i got a nice 497x480km Orbit with A50/NTO upper stage (integral with sat) Then launched a Makon series docking target. it had about 4600dv left in orbit to make emergency plane changes. first rendezvous went overly well I did not notice in the dark that I had arrived within 10m of the target ship....Boo! this left me with 1000 extra dV in the manned vessel and allowed me to try out sending the drone to the moon. Enough dV to put it in a mapping orbit with its radar active. Quadruple birds with one stone. Someone once said all docking must occur in the dark.....
Every ship left in orbit on land etc is adding up. dump anything that is actually done being used. Leave the comsats you need and maybe emergency ships. If your making a large part ship, use the welding mod to put together many of the parts, just maek sure you know what can't be welded without loosing function (things like RCS/wings...) structure/tanks and eye-candy weld great. Start a new career, play a new scale or RSS or Gale, play hard mode or SETI, set requirements on yourself to recover things (Stage recovery or FRMS). Play RO/RP-0. Lots of depth left. Oh and learn to play harderer mode, do all the things manually.
Got RO/RP-0 1.2.2 Install working and running ok, started with the basics getting sounding rockets up and working toward manned flight. This afternoon Jeb went out in the Cronus O1P to become the first Kerb in orbit for Cronus & Rhea Launch Systems. I was going to take pictures but it got hectic. First the boosters were a wee overpowered. Jeb is complaining of persistent groin pain from the high G forces on ascent. Then as he settled in for a battery of system tests having made orbit the Heat shield mounted between the service module (the one with the fuel to get home) shatters, evidently some kind of explosive gas formed in it on the ascent and after a few hours in zero-G it blew up.... The battery started developing faster and faster discharge rates, slightly overheating, this warmed up the RCS fuel tank, which thankfully had just been used to get the capsule into a low enough orbit for capture. The exploding RCS shocked Jeb into action and he got the Science bay doors closed. Amazingly the 771x335km orbit turn into a x90km capture and the science bay survived the re-entry shielding the rest of the capsule very well.
Depending on windows version you may either have full control pf permissions or just have generic admin/user permissions. i don't think its that because your logs are saying that the textures and other components are being written. When you run the game where do you run it from? Steam? KSP64.exe or shortcut. If steam, then it may have made a second copy in you original installation location. A shortcut may be pointing at a second install also, specifically Steams Icon/shortcut will point at wherever steam thinks the game currently is. If you copy/pasted or moved the install it still thinks its in the \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ location. I find using CKAN to mod and run KSP works very well. You can still mod it manually but it takes a lot of the hassle and upgrade problems away. With CKAN just press the launch KSP button. You can also modify the run command from the Settings-->KSP Command Line function. Note that CKAN will autodetect (AD) previous mods installed and ignore them. May need to manually remove them to have CKAN manage them unless you start with a fresh install.
On to silly problem and questions/answer time. If you have multiple installs, are you using a link to the correct one, if CKAN, is it looking at the correct install. Assuming Steam, are you using steam or a direct run link if not running via CKAN. If installing via CKAN are you sure that KSP is terminated (not running) when CKAN installs it.? If your manually installing it do you have Write permission on the folder? Does CKAN have write permission on folder. Is CKAN looking at the correct install? \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll <install in a normal steam tree. \Users\Jono\Desktop\Games\Kerbal Space Program\Kerbal Space Program 1.2.2\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll <--- Looks like a weird structure if you are saying steam.
/WallofGripe -start This single issue is probably the reason why half or more people who try to get it running just give up and walk away. It is already a significant effort to get installed. A understand its in dev but if you want an extended group of people to enjoy the mod and test it needs these things pre-compiled. Many windows users have never used the command line never mind a programming utility. But one user could if they are so inclined upload a pre-compiled version into the Git and any less savy tester from that time on would not walk away in frustration. I know that I've walked away three times after having multi-hour installation effort result in non-functional result. These forums are not well designed and it takes a large amount of reading to even get to understand what it really takes and between broken links to old pages and cycling of people in and out ease of use helps everyone. And one of a hundred or so will be the next guy adding effort. /WallofGripe -end Anyway, I resolved my horrific lag with installing newer real plume and dependencies via ckan after 2 iterations of hand manipulation and about 6 hours of troubleshooting. KSP RO Debugging (AKA: The Golden Spreadsheet) Lists using RealplumeStockConfigs11.2 vs the 11.4 version for 1.2.2 on CKAN and smokescreen 2.7.1 vs the 2.7.4 so I'm not sure what I'm breaking but at least a rocket launches and has reasonable FPS
Note that Memgraph is a good solution for one specific case, that is garbage collection stutter. Who knows they might fix that issue in 1.3 /smirk. Anyway GC gets worse as time progresses, and more and larger ships are in service. This includes loaded and unloaded ships, though unloaded ship are less demanding they are some load (on-rails). Mod page, see how much you are using with it, red lines on the graph are the garbage collection that causes stutter. After finding a good amount of heap to use change the padheap.cfg last line to that larger amount. Too large is worse than too little since it will push it on the page file and thus to drives instead of RAM. Given you have 16gig i'd assume you should see that difference only at obnoxious amounts. Mod-KeypadMultiply toggles the display of the window. Mod-KeypadPlus increases the vertical scale of the graph. Mod-KeypadMinus decreases the vertical scale of the graph. Mod-KeypadDivide runs a bit of test code controlled by MemGraph\PluginData\test.cfg Mod-End pads the Mono heap with a configurable amount of headroom to reduce frequency of garbage collections.
Are you running [ KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -force-d3d11 ] ? If not you might try that or Opengl switch. How high are the part counts of the ships? if very high you might try using the welding mod UbioZurs Welding Lt.d Cont. Though this does take some extra time reloading the welded parts, also learn what should and shouldn't be welded. If the system is having regular stutters at intervals try out Mod MemGraph, though learn how to change the default heap settings. Potentially any of the eye candy mods can affect the rate heavily. EVE is currently on the "list for RO/RP0" as severe performance loss. I'm investigating a horrible frame rate in 1.2.2 RO/RP0 dev install I'm working on now, and think it might be Realplume/smokescreen. Gotta blame it on something... Good Luck, and remember to comment on a solution.
https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting "Q: the orbits of the moon and all planets are tilted. A: This is the only way the 23.44 degree deviation of the Earth's axis can be implemented. It's not a bug."
Went through installing 1.2.2 Dev version and almost all the spreadsheet marked items, seeing the same result. Everything is marked non-RP0 and seems like its missing items. Also found intolerable lag even with basic rockets. Not sure which mod it is but none of the "Other" page visual enhancement mods are installed. a 28 part tier 1 orbital rocket was giving me lag worse than my 250 part ships in RSS non-RO install i just finished career in. If i had to guess its realplume...
When will realism overhaul be 1.2 on CKAN?
Bornholio replied to njbrown09's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=523836116 This spreadsheet shows the current testing schedule and how far along they are. Getting pretty close. I'm looking to join testing by this weekend. -
I agree that trajectories is the more accurate for non-powered targeting. Either way they need deployed and correctly faced craft. Machine aided I find that splitting the descent into three phases for powered landings is the best way to handle regime changes. Use trajectories/MJ to plot a somewhat overshooting path for retro firing. As you begin your re-entry probably with fins and airbrakes stowed (deployed aero surfaces work too), make corrections to bring your overshoot to >10km, at this point Mechjebs landing prediction is more helpful. After peak heating deploy the brakes and wait to kill your overshoot as you get to 10km or so. Having a marker craft at KSC targeted is very helpful, one at each end of the runway can give you great night assist too. (I call mine *KSC East*, *KSC West* ). Final phase you have aimed, hit [land somewhere]. MJ crashes you into ground, reload and try again, voila landed. Or I have an easy manual method for powered LKO equitorial de-orbit. As you fly over the beach on the side opposite KSC, drop velocity to 1900, as you pass over the mountain range drop it to 1500, then halve the curve a few times. That is to say, reduce your overshoot to your current arc distance to KSC, do that 3 times and your right on top of KSC, light maneuvering, open chutes or powered land to at least 97% recovery.
MARS! Rhea III missions got to mars as the Rhea II had to return due to a Large Grid Array (LAG) induction failure. Parts testing and integration on the Rhea II UbioZur's fine technicians worked out the integration difficulties and the final result was very low LAG compared to the two preceding ships. Mechjeb dynamic navigation computers aboard the Rhea failed and after three navigation errors compuonded the Rhea II needed 2 years of Hohman transfer to return to earth. Werner was fully vindicated for including a mission excessive dV and life support budget and limiting the potential 22 man crew to only 6. "Rhea III" and its Lander the "Hestia" are resounding successes, Heading to Mars currently over Aussieland. Saturn Robotic Explorer interupts mission Arrival at Mars 27deg Inclination, Polar landings may be cancelled First Martian landing of the Hestia Sample Prepr bay gets used and Val starts storing the first crates of martian regolith and air samples Crate is winched into place for the trip home. Mission Flag
Two likely reasons, First you have checked (o) Skip Circulation, Second you have not upgraded the facilities to have maneuver nodes. Alternate reasons, the ascent path information got changed to values that don't work. This is not the answer if you are making it to a safe AP. You can do the circ. burn yourself also you can set ascent path parameters that will get you into a not quite circular orbit without the additional burn. The no circ burn method involves lowering the curve % number and turn height, make sure turn altitude and desired AP match, limit your acceleration to 15-20m/s (can be forced in ascent screen).
[1.4.*] [2.5.3] (2018-04-06) UbioZur Welding Ltd. Continued
Bornholio replied to girka2k's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Amazed at the gains this mod gives me. /Thumbsup -
Advice taken, need to be careful what gets welded or access is lost to functions (two cargo bays lose open/close of one of the doors), but darn that worked great for lag killing. Broke it up into functional blocks and part count down to about 30. I'll probably end up with closer to 70 to maintain functions. one part did disappear ( a nuclear power plant)
Which mod part pack? Yes, I should weld the eye-candy together but other things have to be left alone because of function. It would also be easier if more parts had tweakscale enabled. My lithium tanks are one of the offenders.
Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread
Bornholio replied to magico13's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
<----- On sidelines cheering magico13 on. -
//Just a hip guy, chilling between two giant nuclear rockets.// Robert Hanrahan was a agency director in 2011. Not sure about now. How did he not die from radiation cancer! /shock He's touching those nuclear death cans! Ah yes Atomic age is in use on my build, but I like the things that exist in reality. Also this. Got my fix of on timberwind in the mid 90's and been a junkie since. Hard though given the huge amount of misinformation on the web. I especially like the <1 TWR bull crap for NERVA. Which is of course derived from the most conservative design of second stage nuclear Saturn. Stinking tank mass was obnoxious. There is only basic stats for a timberwind series on Wikipedia but they are within acceptable tolerance given that they are not classified data. Just note that design size includes tankage. Unfortunately the real reason SS-N was the Kiwi-B4 derived design is because the blew one up intentionally. Modifying it to go prompt critical. This was able to show exactly what it took to put in a worst case failure mode and showed that is was unrealistic to assume any chain of failures would "blow up". Phoebus and Pewee didn't have this test done because it caused USSR to claim we violated the nuclear test ban treaty. Just spent 2 hours looking for a video I know i had, and know exists of Kiwi-TNT exploding. /sigh They locked the reflectors in full position and added high speed actuator to the beryllium rods to rotated full on them in a few ms instead of the normal few degrees per second. Result. Less damage than a Saturn main stage going up in flames and the radius of lethal radiation dose was smaller than the radius of large debris impacts. Yup get sick at 2000', killed by shrapnel at 2700'. Lessons on why fractional orbit weapons (non-nuclear) are banned by the Regan era nuclear weapon treaties.
Like Nasa picks the crappiest version.... I cheer loudly from the sidelines any work on proper nukes. (Loud peanut gallery scream "make me a Timberwind model", knowing full well its still classified)