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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. Just dV listed in contrast on fuel bar. I'll still use more mods. I what thinking that dV needed is listed for maneuvers but not for fuel supply. Not like they don't have plenty of example code. Cars have had range estimation built in for decades. Same what I have is that we must go into IVA for radar altimeter. Or swap to map mode to get PE/AP information instead of main. Real space programs have pork chop plots and pre-computed maneuvers and ops/engineers looking at data, supercomputers calculating information.
  2. Wanted to note to those using 1.2.2 dev version that MJ dev 694 seems like it fixes the premature node execution problem. https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/
  3. Mechjeb dev build 694 make maneuver nodes work right in RO/RP-0 1.2.2! So i tested it. And recovered more kerbs from Skylag err lab.
  4. @Zwaryczuk Have buildings needed for maneuver nodes? MJ will not circ if nodes are not available in career Working great. Needed just a bit of acrobatics to ullage my motors otherwise only one small hiccup burning several ignitions during a circ manuever. I'll drop a note in the golden RO/RP-0 Sheet
  5. Doh! How am I supposed to get data from orbital space over that tiny thing? I guess straight up. Here I was scansatting, wracking my brain.
  6. Launched Ham the Chimp, Laika and a New scientist in my GPP Career. Cleaned up most of the orbital science. Pretty hard to get some of the shores biomes in GPP, still haven't found the "Volcano" biome. First Design didn't take science well and re-entry speed was high, nearly pancaked instead of opening chutes because it was too streamlined. Longer pod for science collection, Orbital telescope and dust sampler. Had to tuck an extra small chute to reduce the velocity of landing. pod survived even without but I wanted something that will run unattended in Stage Recovery Mod. All the stages had <7m/s landing speeds and recovered easy, nearly 3k dV for orbital maneuvers.
  7. Pizza Delivery to Skylab. More G's Please. Hydrolox over the Bahamas SKYLAB ... need more RCS, like x10. Oh I thought we needed space for six, skylab has eight. Leave the extra Pizzas with those two guys they can hold out to the next mission. Why RCS must show fuzzies whole trip? Why Connected Livings Spaces Mod. Horrible pain in derriere. All crew transferred via spacewalk because no path even though mod turned off.
  8. Pictures! Assuming you meant SSTO Aircraft. Dry Center of Mass is usually going to move back and commonly a aircraft that isn't really hard to fly on take off becomes flippy after it uses its fuel. You can use a mod like RCS build aid to see the Dry CoM or you can empty the tanks. Alternately use airbrakes or deployed aero surfaces to move the CoL and CoDrag back.
  9. RCS Build Aid Mod. Keep Dry (Red) and Wet C.o.Mass. (Yellow) close together. Keep C.o.Lift. (Blue) slightly behind both CoM indicators. Put Rear Gear behind rear CoM but close. Put C.o.Thrust(Pink) in line with CoM. Set one control surface pair to Pitch only (Canards and or Rear Elevators), Set main wing control surfaces to Roll only, others on main wing to Roll/Pitch if needed, Set Rear Stabilizer to Yaw only. Lower most of the the control Authority to 30-50%. If you're stock, find out the Dry CoM by emptying the tanks. Make sure wheels are all aligned vertical and balance biaxially (side to side). Wheel level front to back will change how takoff and landing are, simple is keep them flat. Tricycle gear is easiest, others have various advantages.
  10. The 1.2.2 RO/RP-0 dev version works mostly. https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.10 if you have the right KJR release @Tomato29 Waiting the eternal "release version" time.
  11. MOON! Failed...but live kerbal so its all good. Moon II& III 'cause I forgot II was in flight.
  12. I've had many crashes with landing enabled with craft that were perfectly capable of landing at that site. Crash while in auto time warp. Crash because the ship is sideways from the landing maneuver even though seconds before it was nearly vertical at low side velocity. Burn every ounce of RCS even though none was needed. RCS stuck on until landing was disabled. To the point of a habitual save before enable. I assume that if i enable landing it will crash. Sometimes MJ can land on extreme slopes other times it fails on flat plains. If mechjeb fails a landing in my experience it is at a +30m/s or more vs the terrain. If it succeeds it's a nice gentle 0.5m/s. Load and let it run again it will succeed or maybe fail again possibly in a different way. In my experience the safest landing MJ does is if brought to near suicide burn time and active land somewhere with auto time warp off. Killing horizontal velocity will help reduce the flipping chance. Landing if it works right does a great job of soft landing almost anything. Its a great tool. The landing estimate is a life saver and time saver. It's made landings I wasn't sure were possible.
  13. She's gone from suck to blow!... Can you guess my luggage combination? Oh no my brain is overloading with space ball quotes.....
  14. All I did is build a lightsaber for Triop's amusement.
  15. Yeah sideways or backwards probe cores for stages and for some reason it picks that one to control from. I have lost probes with docking ports active after refueling that gained control on separation. MJ is an incredible tool with or without flaws, and given I'm battering it with 100+ mod installs, it does a great job 80+% of the time. Just having suicide burn time is a Kerbal life saver alone. Had this happen any time I did not manually start ascent on my nine RSS manned Venus return launches. Enter 0 and get 180 or enter 75ish and get 105ish. Couple of very hard rescue missions. They were balloon drop launches at ~1atm. so I chalked it up to chaos of that event. Drop, Fire correction solids, Fire main ascent drives, toggle autopilot on as I cleared the ascending balloon. Had one mission ready to go down abort and retrieve the counter orbit lander from a roughly polar orbit and limp home. The one going for 75deg was caught by an unmanned test version of the lander/mothership combo and taken home. I have hopes and dreams of MJ able to handle maneuvers in the 1.2.2 RO/RP-0 system without early burn problems.
  16. I'd re-install MJ and flush your configs if you find no immediate solution. Things that can cause symptoms like this in my experience. Too much gimble & Thrust (offset thrust worse) Throttle response lag engines. Excessive RCS or Very Imbalanced RCS (Quick cure is turn it off) Terrain, Slopes and drop offs with the landing estimate bouncing around because of them It will be worse if you don't start from a good orbit and do land at target. Atmosphere can make it more difficult too. Drop staging during descent is very hard to account for as well. I found that using the "Land somewhere" and controlling the insertion profile is better. Have "Time to impact" and "Suicide Burn Time" along with altitude (True) on screen during the approach so you don't give it an impossible task. Few things that will really screw with MJ are controlling from a core/cockpit/port that is not forward facing relative to line of thrust.
  17. You mean vertical take off/landing aircraft SSTO? I do VTOL SSTO's but they look like rockets, great for fueling stuff in low orbit and orbital tourists early career. Only the cost of the fuel. Earth LEO/MEO Rescue pod ^ On Kerbin they can gain 1kish of dV by using airbreathers and good ascents. Pretty easy to do that with boosters too. They do a good job of biome hopping on Laythe/Eve/Kerbin if they are air breathers. They usually can be driven around some. Unlike most landers. They look cool. They are the only way to reliably get full return value in a re-usable space program. This becomes arguable if you use Stage Return and or FMRS mods.
  18. I finally felt like I've got aircraft design down today. Needed to do three RSS-RO/RP-0 X Plane contracts. 60km, 150km and mach 2 at 12km. Pretty easy made a plane like the last one i showed fixed its problems though. What makes me feel confident is that as I write it is gently gliding at 6m/s down and 180m/s forwards with no power on. It's pretty close to dry, a few hundred dV remain in the tanks. Packed chutes are ready. Dry and wet CoM are close to each other, wet a tad bit forward. CoL is just behind dry CoM. Airbrakes don't throw it around. It re-entered fine at 3500m/s and no heating bars. Took 12 tries to get it to load on the runway flat. Landing gear have a bit of slope upward to make it no stick take-off. so physics loading keeps throwing it around. Took it up to 155km and re-entered over the central Atlantic At 9500m I leveled it out and let it drift. at 4500 speed was down to 132m/s and vertical of 5m/s no inputs other than SAS on Messed with it to set a fixed 4deg pitch and clean up the roll to 0. Stable enough that I'm yawning watching it. Flared to 9deg pitch as it passed 50m Altitude and put on the airbrakes. I did not think that this plane could wet land when I started. Happy surprises. Chutes still packed, pilot still dry all 40 parts remain.
  19. Why are you hacking @Triop's computer, I'm sure its a potato. That's mean to hijack the poor fool's potato. Look at him struggle!
  20. I've had MJ configs corrupted before. Its pretty heavy handed with write access during gameplay. Fixing it in one of my careers involved deleting all the ship .cfg files. Another time I just deleted the whole MJ install and fresh installed it.
  21. SXT Has a nice modular set that has a snap together center float and outrigger. It has lots of parts but it is pretty lightweight texture wise. As @fourfa said you can even do it stock. Some people are doing a one way seaplane (landing only) but if take off is critical then make sure you have the surface contact bits mostly ahead of the CoM so you can take off without needing excessive forward velocity. Alternately Improved Aero surfaces like flaps or deployed control surfaces to change your effective AoA help.
  22. mods with seaplane floats (Rated ~100m/s). or improvised landing plates (high impact tolerance parts) Very good level control so you can trim out very low drop speed. high lift planes work better because if you can get below 60m/s in flat flight you should be able to land fine.
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