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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. SCANSat. DMagics Orbital Science, Comm.TechTree, Automated Science Sampler, RCS Build Aid, Stage Recovery, Tweakscale, Docking Port Alignment Indicator. The whole RSS/RO/RP-0 suite with a few things removed that I've played too much (RT, CLS, SatRW, TestFlight, PersRot, FilterExt&CCK, Vens SPP, KCT) to keep the weight low for more part packs like SXT/FASA/SSTU. @Spartwo Did you get Kronal working in 1.2.2? all i get is blackness.
  2. Having bad luck updating mods since 1.3. Is this new version 3.1.4 backwards compatible to 1.2.2?
  3. Replace Uranus with any proper noun and it is still funny. /pervertFilter_ON
  4. @The Raging SandwichLets make the topic more planetary.... since you are prepared I'm 5's today
  5. Testing fueling systems in orbit last night and having problems with them loosing hydrogen no matter what i did. Liked my first one the most. Less fuel but it was easy to get into orbit and very snappy maneuvering to dock. Dry CoM and Wet CoM both nearly overlapped and RCS balance was near perfect. Still it bled hydrogen too fast to be left in orbit or sent to other places. The Second one. Had 10k dV on its own, agile enough to dock easy. Still bled off too much. Designed a third and noticed as i was putting it up that a weird asteroid encounter was happening. A class E in a 76Mmx356km orbit nearly equitorial. So intercept time it was. Captured as it passed PE. Hi I'm a 195,000 ton 95% ore rock.... Welcome to my other 5% KRAKEN.
  6. Savage. All those struts holding up the Mun....Didn't know you liked walking. Going a little boaty in your old age. /stopPunFactory
  7. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=0
  8. Having done SCANsat so many times I noticed that I had Scansat missions available for Earth, the Moon and Venus. Venus was already happening so I sent up the apropriate scansats to Earth and moon polar orbits. My Earth SAR sat would not deploy its second panel. Lunar Radarsat (SAR/Biome done long ago) A Mars transit time was the next to open up. So how do you get 12 man years of life support and a full manned science ship into space. How about 4 large SRB, 20SSME's and 5 Advanced Hydrolox Vacuum engines. The nuclear drives tuned the orbit a little and circularized. Arrival Mars. Some Hydrogen remains for exit timing on the 220th day of the trip. In deep interplanetary space the nuclear drives are shed. Imagine the sheer mind numbing horror of leaving your main drives behind hundreds of days from any planet... After a large correction burn to get a few hundred days of transit time off the trip a few RCS squirts change the final target by millions of meters. Year 1 day 129. So Tired Of My Companions..... Could have been 6 people crammed in this ship. Who needs all this life support and science gear. Operating the "Patience Drive" the last of the fuel is used to enter a elliptical orbit and kill as much velocity as can safely be done. I thought that 67km PE would be just right.... Thankfully 40 days of life support means that next pass will be a drop in Hawaii
  9. My Last production Saturn on the pad. Hopefully everything else is a Hydrolox/Booster config. Since my missions from here on out should include re-fueling and nukes. Saturn VIII, F1A's F1B's on Boosters, 3xSSME second stage, 4xHydrolox Vacuum engines Third Stage, tiny pop to final 310km orbit and circ. Third Stage does TVI Venusian Injection burn, dropping PE to 220km during the 24 minute burn. Finished circ at Venus now in scanning mode in a year (or one venusian day more accurately) it will deploy its last fuel to bump up to 5k+ orbit to get the last science it can. Emergency Abort craft ready for manned venus missions fully fueled and waiting with deployable comsat.
  10. SimpleBoiloff.dll in cryotanks must be my problem then. /sigh @Phineas Freak Thankfully my testing the cryocoolers mod included both with and without. As you note they are OP and Starwasters mod uses a much more realistic amount of power. Hopefully the other things on his docket allow him to revisit the issue correctly inside RF.
  11. Too many parts... I'm pushing 6G in VAB now. Forgot to mention the TW drives are not long run drives like the NERVA's 6-8 minutes before nuclear fuel is spent.
  12. They are. Some people second guess them saying they are BS made up by the planners. This is unlikely however all the data is classified so unless it actually gets built and used the data will not be available until 2045 or later. The NASA studies for the RFNTR confirm that TWR's this high are possible. Though that never had any real development done only simulations. Either way you need to have Radiation shield mass in place to be realistic. The best solution for this is conic water tankage close to the drives. The NERVA's had a built in basic shield included. TW does not. They are also not power generating in any version. The Bi-modal NTR is the closest to NASA's study from 2012. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20120003776.pdf take a peek inside the BNTR_Config.cfg for more links. SXT, CMES & BD Constellation Essentials use the config.
  13. There is a cryogenic cooling mod but it is stymied by the thermal engine going into analytical mode (past x1000 TW) less speed than that is works well. Kerbal Atomics is supported by a NF electrics patch and works ok. Conceptually most of the real world mars studies for NASA are based on a PEWEE derived Bimodal NTR powering a set of Brayton cryocoolers to keep the hydrogen tankage chilled. Thats why I was happy to see Starwaster make his mode. Has lots of good formfactors (most of the standard and wraparound panels have a Cryo version in the mod. Porkjet does still work well. You need the patch from DRE.
  14. Janitors closet mod.... RO is working great all CKAN until 1.3 versions of mods marked as ok for 1.3 or less when the are not ok for 1.2.2. So far firespitter has been the only one i've had to rollback. Apollp Missions four of them. 14 was my normal Saturn VI 15 was an orbital only, one man lab system. Apollo 16 & 17 was a boosted lander, my new system uses the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage as a return system and the larger long range version as a pusher. arrived at the moon and circularized with a full tank in the ICPS. This is mars dV without a lander. Running out of science at the moon. Returning home
  15. Next on KTP.... you need to convince some infernal robotics crew to make proper knuckles for you. Do you use the unlocked washer and a hinge?
  16. You need the patch from DRE. This all should be fixed in DRE 7.6.0
  17. Upgrading Firespitter & CRP crashing my 11.5 setup. Rolled back Firespitter manually to get it working. 7.6.0--->7.5.1
  18. Apollo 12 & 13 (Worse & Better) Apollo 12 started off with weather above me.... Lightning strike scared everyone but the mission didn't abort. Stage one motor drop at 2.5G resulted in catastrophic fairing seperation. something buckled as the motor shock hit the upper craft. The CM/Transit bus tie downs collapsed in the high dynamic pressure. Catherine Mitchell started the abort eject procedure rapidly (SMASH SPACE BAR!)... Eject LEM & Abort sustainer cascade failure in the Saturn downrange on radar... Happy splashdowns for crew. Apollo 13 went smooth Home safely, misssion control was performing de-orbit and debris tracking when the Apollo 8 LEM was recontacted. Somehow it had been ejected from earth SOI and now rested in an interplanetary 1y47d orbit. Still with trickle charging RTG to work with science was recovered from this region of space. Bonus! Looking for advice on how to Kronal Kraft Viewer to function....all i get is black. @CatastrophicFailure Then i have to dock an extra time.... bah. Safety last!
  19. You are seeing the same thing I do. You scaled up the small and the fairing won't scale up with it. Don't see a good solution if you want to scale them up. KW Rocketry has some good ones, otherwise use the open side ones. I almost always use the standard "FB Payload Fairing - Base [Procedural]" & "IB Interstage -w/ Decoupler [Procedural]". TLI burn alignment, Brayton cryocoolers working overtime to keep the ICP modules fuel down to temp. For transit the LEM and CM are linked with a crew tube and stack separator. Nearly 30kW of solar power to handle the Cryo at max workload. Arriving lunar orbit, circ burn at 100km to yield a 75km final orbit. Descending to lunar surface. Mechjeb almost terminated my kerbs. I manually descend until near the surface, tap land anywhere and MJ burns all my ignitions left on the descent motor. Very bouncy landing. On the Moon, Far side basin. "Aren't you a little short to be an astronaut?" Back to orbit with the goodies. I'd have made a biome hop if the MJ issue didn't happen. LEM crew module does not transfer science easy. Had to use a science box to withdraw and put in CM. Don't think the Apollo crew needed to do Space walks... Left Lunar orbit with 3883 dV left in the tanks. Circularized in two stages at 150km orbit. De-orbited with the last two ignitions. must have dropped too low (63km PE) since the peak drag was 7.9G 1200 science from basically one biome. Couple more and manned mars mission is on the burner.
  20. Force DX11. KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -force-d3d11, make sure EVE is configured right. Stop plate tectonics.
  21. @astroheiko Um why is the docking port on that "Figure" with the large headdress glowing so.
  22. @EpicSpaceTroll139 Not that I can think of. But...https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=0 "Using this DLL (3.20b2) https://www.dropbox.com/s/phujorrj357w3hk/ProceduralFairings.dll?dl=1 " Also using the noted pull request builds in the spreadsheet. One thing of note was some of the fairing textures in the past had weird 90deg shifts in illumination shadow. I'll take a peak at the part you're showing later today.
  23. I used everything at my current tech to upgrade my Saturn V to a Saturn VI. F1A's, almost went with M1 engines but it took more effort to get the dV up. Should still put decouplers on two engines that i shut down at 2.5G. Thought I was going to loose the ship when the fairings did not eject as far as expected. Barely cleared the fins. Stage 2 used 3 SSME's instead of the usual J-2's in eccentric orbit with them. Could have circularized if they could re-start. One benefit is that G-forces never peaked super high because they throttle a little bit. Stage three did a small circ and the TLI completely using a J-2S engine. I decoupled it to impact the moon instead of space junk. Interim Cryogenic propulsion stage in lunar orbit checks. Needs Brayton cryo coolers. Lost 1000+ dV to evaporation. Arrive back at earth, 60k PE works well. Much higher and I skip, lower the G force may kill the crew.
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