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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. And it defaults to.... /stupidSmileOn Autohide! This has always been the wrong answer and I suspect along with throttle at 50%-->100% is among the first changes anyone makes when setting up.
  2. What is this sorcery RO 11.5.0 on CKAN! 1.2.2 /smirk just in time.... KCT Dev version works reasonably well. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=1353744027
  3. I started my Apollo Program. First one was a flight test to figure out what i needed to set up on hotkeys. (Start oxygen/Air filters!) I'll Augment the fuel cells with some solar and RTG. Drop Tanks on the lander and CSM. Smaller robot missions may do polar areas and harder to reach landings except far basin... RCS on the CM is not very nice. balance is okay for rotation but translation sucks. Will also upgrade to F-1A's and J-2S engines. Wish the Top J-2 had one more ignition so it could be used near the moon. Pretty much a base FASA Saturn V with Apollo. Had 200+dV left after TLI but no ignitions. TLI finished, time to grab the LEM, mission was free return at this point. Sloppy ignition timing left me out farther than I wanted so I used up the remaining Stage 3 RCS motors fuel tuning as much as I could. Struggle Bus finished i yanked the LEM and Oriented for the lunar SOI correction burn. Reminder, turn on oxygen generation if you don't want to die. Moon orbit achieved. Three orbits in High over space (160km) then a few more at 74km. Should have put a probe core on LEM to de-orbit it. Will send a robot adapter to meet it later. Whole mission cleaned up the remaining space science available for 900 points. Still a few thousand from running my Mars Missions. Want to use a NIMF vertical lander with Methane nuke.
  4. Looks like something enabled 3d vision in nVidia
  5. Real Fuels + Community Resource Pack, + extract RO's engine configs and use any part pack they support. Most of the dependencies are not actually required if you want to leave them out. For instance Deadly reentry or FAR can be left out. You probably need Realplume though. The stock engines are effectively just overbuilt, electric pumped, Re-ignitable Aerozine50+NTO fueled engines. RCS is closest modeled after Hydrazine across heated catalyst. All that said realistic motors and tanks are overpowered for Kerbin and other x1 scale planets.
  6. Testing cryogenic cooling for long term missions. First test flight put this into orbit, had to use half the fuel on board so it was a failure of a fuel tug. So i sent it up via cheat for testing. Proper excessive mission got this behemoth up without using the onboard fuel. 395k units of liquid hydrogen! Tested it a various time warps. Analytic mode (more than x1000 Time warp) messes with it. otherwise they can keep the hydrogen from evaporating. Looks like i still need service module tanks for mars missions.
  7. Modified NERVAII_config.cfg adding [Methane, CH4] and [Water, H2O] engine configurations. Added some source material notes regarding lower min thrust value change. Also note that ISP of the original RO config is higher than historical testing (851) but inline with 5000MW test targets had they been able to run more Phoebus tests. Pewee with a smaller nozzle hit 901ISP in testing. I'll do PEWEE derived engine next. Feel free to submit these or ignore. I see a very sexy RO 11.5.0 version on CKAN. Am I hallucinating?
  8. @Starwaster Sounds like fun. If you push a new dev build of this /poke me and i'll try and test it more.
  9. My testing from early morning. Removed Cryo tanks mod to make sure it had no impact. Note that i'm using RO so my time slide hover is not right. x50 tool tip is actually x1000 since each increment in RO/RP-0 time warp is log10 except the highest. At x1, x10 and x100 result are pretty good. Coolers work as expected. Not sure if size has any function. temperature would rapidly head to 20k and then approach 4k as multiple passes into darkness happened. At x1000 the temps actually stopped showing the variation from going into the sun side at x10000 the system stopped being able to compensate and starts to oscillate above any reasonable chill temps, start loosing hydrogen. at x100000 the temps jump way up, hydrogen loss is very fast. at x600000 the hydrogen evaporates entirely except for the cygnus tankage which starts to go slowly. (Cygnus only has radiators not cryo coolers mounted) leaving for space center and returning next morning reset the temps to near 170K and chillers have to work to bring it down again. Cryocooler Testing Imgur Album Sorry imgur and image sorting are borked. Comment # is real order.
  10. Stage recovery has a system that grabs the values of parts being unloaded. My thought is that you could grab those values that matter (fuel value, internal temp) and reinject them assuming they pass a nominal temp<x test. This does sound like it should be in real fuels end. since its obviously a problem that exists regardless of the cryo coolers. Hmmm maybe i have that wrong. I'll look closer at what order things happen tomorrow. Maybe its just temp that needs to be passed back. just reloaded my tug after sitting in the KSC screen on x1 speed for while Core temp was 4K when i left the tug now its 157K. Cryo's are on and slowly cooling again. So just watching cooling rate, deg/sec kind, time warp x1-x10 seem to function normal, x50 seemed like it was x1 speed, then it seemed normal, same with x100, temp shot up then came down to a lower but oscillating value. I can get the oscillation values lower with more .... Just looked at my mod list again. Cryo tanks, has dll. I'll drop it next just in case its modified anything
  11. Is it possible to do the FMRS/Stage recovery trick of saving the value as it changes state to analytic and then set it back to that value on resumption of normal time? Assuming that the system is correct it will equilibrium at a reasonable value otherwise it will reach one of two other states. First state is power runs out and shutdown, second it oscillates at a non-useful arbitrary higher temp. The state of being in a useful but oscillatory condition is likely rare given the calculations involved. Your description actually makes it seem that as it works currently we should use a large whole craft heat sink to lower the overall craft heat so when it goes to Analytic mode it will average out to a lower value. Regardless I'll dig some more and give some more feedback. (like I had a set blow up when coming out of high warp..just like I lost a Jupiter probe to overheating fuel tanks that blew up for some reason../sigh)
  12. Finally got to test some. RO/RP-0 Dev build (DRE etc.) Feedback. Built a fuel tug and sent it to orbit. First note is (Can they list power consumption?) Multiple radiators only waste power unless in array. Very counter intuitive. They sink heat faster but once at equilibrium they are only a penalty. Can regular radiators help out? Up to x50 timewarp everything is good (including x4 Physics warp) At x100 time warp or higher the heat is not removed and core temps elevated. Note the hydrogen has started to bleed off. This was a short time at max timewarp in orbit They work great aside from that. Not sure if a good fix for the x100 time warp is available.
  13. Modified NERVA_Config.cfg adding [Methane, CH4] and [Water, H2O] engine configurations. Methane should be a multi-mode engine (Hydrogen/Methane) if i can figure out how to do that. It would need a lower thrust hydrogen mode since the nozzle design optimized for methane.
  14. I left out a few "Required" mods in favor of more eye candy. My Potato runs it fine in x64 -dx11 mode. 5 year old quad core and a 970nV. Current build 11.4.1 runs great but it takes a long time to install clean. Started a GPP x10 install and had problems. Set the scale back to normal GPP and launched, everything I build has three times the dV it needs. What do you mean 10k dV isn't needed for orbit? Using FASA for parts mainly now but I'm tempted to go SSTU. Not sure my potato can handle that addition. Oh I also wrote new NERVA configs today ...
  15. With the coldwar heating up. My first ABM interceptor design got its launch testing. Nuclear Methane version first. good for High shots and off inclination intercepts. FB-66XRN Hyperion Hydrolox version was much cheaper and made the response faster. Is extended periods of 8+G good for a pilot. /smirk FB-68XRH Prometheus
  16. OK. I'll look into the test flight mod deeper once I get my changes tested. They seem to have a hard time with MJ dV calculation and startup. The long ramp up also plays havoc with maneuvers. My recollection of Rover test videos was that the engine could throttle pretty fast. Kiwi only needed 1-2 seconds to throttle up. XE Tests had startup bootstraps of 11-12 seconds (casi.ntrs.nasa.gov doc 19920005899) Assuming this image is the 30 second windup source. (alternatewars is a common internet source) The modified Kiwi-TNT only needed ms to throttle. /smirk
  17. What do I need to do to add the engine modes for other fuels to the NERVA's. Can i just add a config block like this behind the existing LqdHydrogen one in Nerva_Config.cfg? https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19910012833.pdf see page 125 for a nice concise table of Mars atmospheric alternates.
  18. More RO/RP-0 Foolishness including troubleshooting exploding EVA kerbals. Exploding solved with new Deadly Reentry mod config from @Starwaster (Thanks!) Made a stretched version of my orbital lab ship. Got the remainder of the Near space science and explored my exploding kerb problem. The craft had a circular range of a few kkm. At 450ish km orbit it had 1100m/s and 2 ignitions remaining. A backup de-orbit solid in the Gemini mount plus plenty of RCS since the orbital but and RCS shared A50/NTO fuel. Pointy nose is hidding a science box and had could be ejected and separately chute down. 950 Science and scientist and engineer orbital rated. Monolith manned lunar orbiter is my first dual nuclear stage mission. All 4500t of the craft able to push the nuclear upper transit stages along with a cygnus supported Gemini Crew section. Science located aft of the cygnus had to be manually moved to the crew pod. TLI starts with the J-2 Hydrolox second stage. Nuclear TLI comes online. Circularize at 200km around moon. Lunar departure Lox/Hyd changing to pure Hydrogen nuclear. Last of the TEI burn finished with the Cygnus leaving both nuclear stages in lunar orbit. Each has a couple of ports on the so they can be re-used later. 3100 science and two more exprienced 'nauts.
  19. This .cfg fixes my exploding kerbal problem on a RO/RP-0 Dev build install. Troubleshooting Pics. Thanks for the fix. They mostly exploded. Various altitudes and conditions (Landed, flying, orbit, lunar SOI). The latest round was on way to the moon. Flaming in orbit, exploded after getting to Moon SOI. Time warp didn't seem to affect it.
  20. Right at the limits of moon landings with my RO Career restart. So Moon Orbiters! Leaving Earth Arriving Moon. Wont' get scanning or polar data yet. Arriving home. Detach over Australia. Going to have a fine for littering. Three Aero-braking loops later in central Atlantic. Big science haul let me get going on Saturn I systems. Stage 2 Science return and newly trained kerbonauts.
  21. Second @FungusForge's recommendation of flexible docking ports. If stock consider using airbrakes/control surfaces to lift things. They can have adjustable limits.
  22. Ran a high over earth space mission with an attempt at sample return. made a Titan Main stage with 5 Minuteman Solids under it. As it flew the first stage didn't clear cleanly and flipped the whole main rocket completely 180. Thankfully between decent gimble and enough control surfaces it made it back to on course after loosing 250m/s. Stacked a Orbital bus module to get the Hydrolox upper stage into orbit. Detached the sample return before circularizing and sent it on its way. got ready to circ. RCS to clear the sample box. Then proceeded to hit it as the burn started. Sample return is now in 36kx240km orbit. carefully drop the PE back down to 74km. Made two passes and burned up the first heat shield dropping to orbital velocity. got all the way down to flying low and jettisoned the heat shield remains. Then the sample box would not slow down and never fired the chutes. /sigh On to the Try number three. @PT Advanced tweakables option. Fuel flow priority settings can be set in flight and VAB. Makes tuning balance easier too.
  23. No but the historical timing of 2:10 works perfect, leaves you with several thousand dV and at orbit probably 500 or so remain on shutdown. Careful tuning of upper ascent profile is needed since its only one ignition. Make sure you don't change the fuel, and leave the 100% kero in the tanked LR105. Took a while to figure out what the plan was but it worked great. Impressive to say the least that a 1&1/2 stage rocket to orbit was the US first manned program. I have a hard time with 4 stage ones... if you do a full replica like this I'd also get rid of some De-Orbit fuel. The Attitude rockets on the lower sides are not needed but also don't hurt.
  24. Lunchtime. @CatastrophicFailure Yeah guess that there is some weird FASA plugin for that. I'll hunt it down if i care too much. @EpicSpaceTroll139 Look FASA! really is a well done part pack. Needed a little more science as always. Because runway has jagged wheel breaking lines in it. Turf Launch! De-Orbit my first sat using RCS. Sideways only since its just four DoF (no linear X translation/Rotation). At AP i took a die and a wrench and face radial out and used manual key press automation. K Key--> Die-->Wrench thrust to side. Didn't work perfect so i two fingered most of the burn. "LeroyJenkins II" also burned up on reentry. Sent my first Kerb into orbit. 374x141km cape Canaveral launched. "BillyBobJoe I&II" Test Launch and first manned reentry success. My Kerbs explode on EVA???? not sure why had to give up on that until i trouble shoot the problem. Four hundred science from a Agena based orbiter "BongoBeater I" First Unmanned Reentry success.
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